A UFO Love Story 2, The Adventure Continues by Erik Neilsen - HTML preview

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Chapter Sixteen

 A New Day

 I started to wake up. Somehow, I didn’t feel as bad as this cardboard usually made me feel. (When the time came for Zem and Bev to reveal themselves again. I was astonished at how completely they made me temporarily forget what happened to me) Opening my eyes, I saw that the sun was getting ready to rise. I didn’t see any clouds in the sky. Which meant that today was probably going to be as hot as yesterday was. If not hotter. I thought to myself, “Fuck!” Looking around, I saw a really nasty, hairy spider on the ground diagonally about a foot and a half from my head. I threw my blanket off of me and sat up. Swinging my feet around, I smashed it with my left heel. My foot made a bit of noise as it kicked into the ground. I said in a fairly normal voice, “Fucker.” I could hear Stevo and Swarm rustle a little from the noise I made. Then I looked over at them. There was nothing out of the ordinary. They were in the spots they normally slept. Stevo had an empty bottle of wine near him. I went back to looking at the depression I made on the ground.

 Now that I was fully awake, I scratched my cheek. Feeling the usual stubble. But somehow, my clothes felt slightly different. Looking at them, they looked the same. But somehow, they just felt different. Somehow cleaner. Though I still smelled pretty bad. I felt an unfamiliar bulge in my right pant’s pocket. So I reached in and felt something unusual as a surprised and puzzled expression came over my face. Pulling it out, an open mouthed look of shocked surprise came over my face. It was a stack of crisp hundred dollar bills! There was a band on it that said, “$10,000!” I said, “What the fuck!” I ripped off the paper binding band and flipped the bills over to see if they all looked as real on the back as they did on the front. I fanned them out a little to see if all the backs and fronts were the same. At that moment, I heard a bottle breaking over in the area away from beneath the overpass. I looked in that direction to see what was going on. At the same time I could barely hear a little movement behind me. I started to look back in time to see Stevo swinging his hefty stick that he kept near his bed down onto my head.

 I could feel my head jar a bit and the loud crack of the stick hitting me. Then it was lights out for me. (It was only later when I was researching things that I found out precisely what happened next) Unknown to either Stevo, Swarm or myself, Pim was near the underside of the overpass and invisible. Swarm looked over and saw me slumping over after Stevo hit me. The bills I was holding fell from my hands and scattered a little. Swarm said, “What the fuck!” as Stevo started picking up the bills. Swarm shot up. Grabbing what he liked to call his nigger beater, he rushed over to us. Seeing the money, Swarm raised his hefty stick in a menacing manner to Stevo and said quickly, “I hope you know we’re splitting that!” No doubt both of them had visions of whisky and beer bottles floating around in their heads. At that moment, Zem appeared about six feet from them with an angry look on his face. Pim became visible and swooped down near him. Zem was wearing a hoodie like he had when I first seen him.

Stevo and Swarm looked at him in open mouthed shock and disbelief. Then Stevo dropped the money and his club as if his hands received a shock. Which no doubt they did.

 Swarm must have received a shock too. Because his hand recoiled in pain as he dropped his hefty stick. Zem said angrily to both of them, “You’ve just fucked with the wrong person. But I’m a sporting alien. I’ll give you a chance to run for your lives.” They both were too stunned and astonished to move. Pim gave both Stevo and Swarm another painful shock that seemed to effect their whole bodies. Zem expression became even more angry and he yelled, “Now!” Stevo and Swarm turned and took off running in the other direction as fast as they could go. Pim split up into fourteen small, round spheres near me and moved them into two parallel rows of spheres. Seven on one side and seven on the other. Forming a square pattern about ten foot per side. From these, I found out later that the Pim spheres formed a microscopic latticework of vertical and diagonal invisible energy beams between the two rows of Pim spheres. The Pim spheres shot so fast to the other side of Stevo and Swarm that, looking at it, it appeared that they just blinked out of existence in one spot and reappeared just as abruptly about ten feet in front of them.

 Stevo and Swarm fell to the ground in pieces. Their momentum causing their pieces to scatter in the direction they had been running when they hit the ground. The Pim spheres started to go over the chunks and blood. Making them disappear. At the same time as the Pim spheres were cleaning up the mess, Zem walked over to me, knelt down and smiled. Bev thought to Zem and said, “Is Erik all right?” Zem thought back and said, “For now. But he isn’t going to like the lump I’m going to have to give him.” (As it turned out, Pim had only allowed Stevo’s club to hit me hard enough to make me believe that I had been knocked out. It was Pim who made me go unconscious like I had been hit) Zem thought back to Bev and said, “How’s Sue doing.” Bev said, “So far so good. I’ll talk to you later. By.” Zem gave me a slight smile and said, “Sorry about this, but it’s better me than a club.” Then Zem started making circles with his finger on the slight abrasion I had on my scalp. The area underneath became inflamed. Then a small cut appeared on top of it. Even though I of course still couldn’t hear Zem, he said, “Don’t worry. It will heal in no time. But I think you’ll be a little more careful from now on.”

 While this was going on, the Pim spheres reformed into Pim’s normal shape and he moved back over near Zem and I. Pim caused the bills to reform into a stack. Then Pim levitated the stack over to Zem. Zem took it and said, “Thank you.” Then Zem folded the money in half and stuck it back into my pocket. Zem then patted me on the shoulder a couple of times and said with a grin, “Are you going to have an interesting story to tell.” Then Zem stood up and looked around a bit as his grin faded to a smile. Zem then turned his smile to me and disappeared. Pim became invisible and rose up back to where he had been. About five seconds later, I started to come too. I was dazed and didn’t really know what happened as I sat up. (It was Pim causing this dazed feeling too)

After a few seconds, the realization came to me that I Stevo hit me. I abruptly looked around, but there was nobody there. The realization then came to me that I had been holding a lot of money. I looked down and saw the paper binding that had been holding the bills together. Then I quickly looked around, but the money was gone! Though I did feel something in my pocket.

 I reached in and felt what felt like a folded stack of bills. This got my hopes up as I pulled it out. It was the money! I felt such relief. But how did it get back into my pocket! Stevo’s reason for hitting me must have been to take it! I shot up and looked around. Though I still didn’t see anybody. I stuck the money quickly back into my pocket. Then I reached down for my hefty stick. As I picked it up, I noticed both Stevo’s and Swarm’s weapons nearby. This struck me as odd. But right now I was concerned with preventing myself from getting attacked again. I held up my weapon in a ready to strike position and carefully surveyed the area. Then I looked on the other side of the low wall that formed the footing to the pillars that held up this end of the overpass. There was nobody around. My senses continued to come back to me more fully. And my head ached. I touched the top of my head and felt a painful lump there. Taking my hand away, there was a little blood on it. I walked back around to the other side of the low wall. Still seeing nobody, I touched my pocket again to make sure I wasn’t dreaming or something. I could still feel the wad of bills in my pocket. Safe and sound.

 Then I looked again at Stevo’s and Swarm’s hefty sticks laying on the ground with a puzzled look on my face. Apparently whoever gave me the money to begin with had retrieved it and put it back into my pocket. I knew Swarm would have taken the money too. Not put it back into my pocket. Whoever gave me the money also apparently chased Stevo and Swarm off. Maybe it was just a good samaritan who wasn’t interested in the money. But if so, where was he. Or if it was who gave me the money to begin with, maybe they had been watching me to make sure something like what happened, didn’t. It could also mean that they were still watching me. I looked around carefully. But I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. I didn’t see any cameras. Though I knew that they could conceal them so well that you could be right next to one and not see it unless you were looking for it. If there were any camouflaged people in the grassy areas or near any bushes, I couldn’t see them. But if they were there and wanted to be hidden, I wasn’t about to go looking for them. Besides, as the old saying went, I wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. But it just didn’t make any sense.

 The thought occurred to me that I would have liked to see Stevo and Swarm again. Even without my hefty stick and they with theirs, I could disarm them and beat the both of them to a pulp. And they deserved some payback. I picked up my backpack. But something didn’t feel right about it. I opened the zipper and looked inside. An open mouthed look of shocked astonishment came over my face. There was more money inside! I dug around in my backpack and counted seven more packets of then thousand dollars! Then I dug around through my other things in that compartment. But there was no more money. I just couldn’t believe it! Then I looked around the area some more with an astonished look on my face. Whoever gave me the money still had to be watching! I scrutinized the area all around. Looking for any little thing that might seem out of place. Here and there in the distance, there were a couple parked trucks and a few cars near some buildings. But I didn’t see people or anything that looked like cameras in them. Neither did I see anybody hiding and observing me. Then I closed my backpack and slung the straps over my left shoulder.

 As I continued to look around, I placed my hefty stick under my left armpit. Then I pulled the money out of my pocket. Holding it close to me and trying to conceal it as good as I could, I looked at the money again. It certainly looked real. Once I was satisfied with that, I folded it over again and put it back into my pocket as I continued to look around. Then I took my hefty stick in my right hand and started to walk in the general direction of the city. I still had some amazement written on my face. The sun was just starting to rise behind me. It caused me to cast a long shadow down the tracks. As I walked, I kept looking around. Looking for anything that could be a threat or anybody who could be watching me. But I still didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. I wondered more to myself about who had given me the money. Eighty thousand dollars was quite a chunk of change! All types of scenarios ran through my head as to where this money could have possibly come from. And why they would they have given it to me! Maybe I had a guardian angel.

 My butt hole felt perfectly fine. So it wasn’t as if some rich homo slipped me a “roofie” and had his way with me. Leaving me a wad of cash for payment as gratitude for being able to tap such a fine virgin man butt. Besides, the last thing I remembered was going to sleep. About a half mile away or so, I could see the arches of a McDonalds. I could give this money the spend test. If that worked, I could get something to eat and see if I could sort this whole thing out. As I walked in that direction, I kept thinking of reasons why somebody would give me this money. And how they did it. If somebody had tried to give me the money while I was asleep, it probably would have woken me up. Unless they silently sprayed me with a gas to knock me out further. Though they would have had to do that to Stevo and Swarm too. Just in case. But why would they give me money and not them. Maybe Stevo and Swarm weren’t chased off, but were paid to leave. But that didn’t make any sense either. Why would some rich person give some homeless people a lot of money. Also, anybody with that kind of money probably had the means to just force them to leave with a gun. Or if we all received money as some sort of new reality show, why make them leave.

 The reality show scenario didn’t make any sense either. Though just in case, I again tried to spot some evidence of my being followed on camera. I still didn’t see anything. If there were cameras out there, they were well hidden. Then I looked around up in the sky. Maybe there was a distant helicopter, plane or some sort of drone observing me. But all I saw were a few birds and a jet flying way too high up and distant to be watching me. Even though my head was feeling much better, trying to come up with reasons for the money was giving me a headache. I started heading more off to the right to leave the rail yard. After walking about another seventy feet or so, I started to walk past a building.

When I passed it, I started to approach a road. So I decided to drop my stick. I didn’t want any cops seeing me carrying it as I walked down the road. They could stop to question me. And if they found the money, they probably wouldn’t believe me as to how I came to have it. I wouldn’t have believed me either. As I walked down the street, I again thought of how the money could have gotten into my pocket without my knowing.

 Maybe I had been abducted by aliens and they put it there. But why would aliens have done such a thing. Besides, I had heard stories about various alien abductions. But I had never heard of anybody receiving anything from them but amnesia or maybe an implant. Though just in case, silly as the idea was, I did look around in the sky. But I still didn’t see anything. My guardian angel theory seemed to be as good as any. But there had to be an actual reason! As I walked, I tried to come up with other various scenarios. But nothing made any sense. After about five minutes of walking deep in thought and still looking around a bit, I started to near the McDonalds. I would find out pretty soon if this money was real and not just counterfeit. If it did turn out to be counterfeit, I probably wouldn’t be sleeping on cardboard tonight. Then I went up to the McDonalds. (Though I didn’t know it at the time, it was at this point that the invisible Pim shot upwards toward space) When I got inside, I made my way toward the bathroom. What I took to be the manager behind the counter gave me a bit of an unpleasant look. Whether or not if I bought something, he probably didn’t like people like me using their bathrooms.

 I also needed to do something with the money I had. Because I couldn’t walk up to the counter and pull out a thick wad of hundreds. That would really raise suspicions. It would be hard enough for someone like me to try to cash a hundred. When I got into the bathroom, I took off my backpack. Then I looked at myself in the mirror. I didn’t look too bad. Then I examined the lump on my head. It was pretty painful and I could see a little dried blood. I looked around for some paper towels. But all they had was one of those fucking blow dry machines on the wall. The thought entered my mind, as it had many times before, that whoever invented those things can blow me. I went over to the toilet stall and grabbed a bunch of toilet paper. Then I went back to the sink and tried to clean myself up as well as I could. After I was through with that, I grabbed my backpack and went into the stall and closed the door. Then I sat my backpack on the floor and pulled the money out of my pocket. I then started taking hundreds and sticking them into various pockets. Then I pulled out my wallet and put some in there.

 After putting my wallet back in my pocket, I sat down on the toilet and opened my backpack again. I looked at the money inside with bewilderment and astonishment on my face. Then I wondered if there were any clues elsewhere in my backpack. There was a zipper on the back that opened to a smaller, thin pocket. I opened it. A surprised look came over my face as I saw a folded over piece of paper. I knew that I hadn’t put it there! I eagerly pulled the paper out. There was something inside the paper that was held with a paperclip. I unfolded the paper and looked at it. The paperclip held a photograph to the paper. I looked at it with astonishment and thought, “No fucking way!” If I thought I had a mystery before, the photograph only made it worse! The photograph showed me and an extremely attractive girl standing amongst some woods. The girl was wearing camouflage patterned clothing and had on a camouflage patterned cap. I was wearing the same kind of clothing. We were both holding rifles of a design I hadn’t seen before. Though I knew that there were all different types of them out there. I looked at the picture in astonishment for about twenty seconds.

 Though what struck me as much as anything else was how beautiful the girl was. It also caused me feelings of desire. Ignoring for the moment what was written on the paper, I lifted the bottom of the picture and saw that there was writing on the back. So I removed the picture from the paperclip and flipped it over. On the back, somebody had written the name, Susan Richards. Below it was an address in Branson Missouri and a phone number below that. I was already in St. Louis. So it couldn’t be that far away. Then I moved the picture behind the paper and read it. There was a type written message on it. It said, “Mr. Neilsen, You will have no memory of this photograph. And I am breaking all sorts of rules in telling you this. So you must destroy this letter when you are through reading it and speak of it to no one. Except to the woman in the photograph. No doubt you know the value of money and how hard it is to come by. So if you wish to help earn the money you now have, you will do as I say. You have been on a secret government mission. You may not believe that we have the ability to erase certain parts of people’s memories. But believe it.

 “You and this woman were randomly selected for a secret government mission. About that, I can’t tell you any more. Except to say that you have earned part of the money you now have. I felt guilty for putting Ms. Richards in danger. But it was pretty much the luck of the draw. For obvious reasons, I would have felt extremely guilty if anything had happened to her. Which is the reason for this letter and the money. You two seem to have made a connection in the brief time that you spent together. So I have given you her name, address and phone number. Ms. Richards has no knowledge of this time either. But like you, she too has been made aware of it. I would advise you not to seek out the answers. Or you may lose everything. But you and she can at least share in this mystery together. Good luck.” I read the letter over again a few more times. Taking a little time in between each reading to look at the picture and take it all in. As the letter said, I did indeed know the value of money and how hard it is to come by. And I was extremely glad to have it. To say the least. So I did as the letter said. First, I sat the picture on my backpack, then I tore up the letter and tossed it in the toilet. I then picked up the picture and looked at it again. It was just incredible how beautiful she was! I kept trying to recall her. But I came up with nothing. I had heard about the government experimenting with things like mind control back in the fifties and sixties. Unbelievable as it was, apparently they had learned more than what was revealed. And had probably learned a few things more since then. I had no idea I was so clueless as to what our technology was capable of. The only reason I could think of for the government to go through such pains was that if we had been captured, the government could deny our government’s involvement. I took one last good look at the girl, Susan. Though I still couldn’t remember her. But now that I was no longer a bum, there was no doubt that there was going to be a reacquaintance. It was also reassuring that there was no ring on her finger.

 I put the picture back into the smaller backpack pouch and closed the zipper. Then I zipped up the main compartment of the backpack and stood up. I then turned to flush the toilet. Watching to make sure all the scraps of paper went down. Then I made my way back out of the bathroom. After leaving the bathroom, I went over to the counter and ordered a burger, shake and fries. I pulled out a hundred and handed it to the cashier. The cashier used one of those markers they use to check the authenticity of money. It passed the test. Which was a relief to me. Then the cashier started to make change. After I took the change, I asked the cashier what the date was. From what she told me, apparently I was missing three days. I had to suppress the urge to look surprised. Then I said, “Ok. Thanks.” After I got my food, I went over to a secluded table and ate. Afterwards, I put my backpack on my lap and unzipped the top a little to look inside. The sight of the money inside reassured me. Then I closed that section and opened the smaller pouch.

 I took out the picture again and looked at it. It made me wonder where it was taken. Then I looked again at the rifles we were holding. I thought I pretty much knew all the different types of assault rifles there were. But apparently I didn’t. Unless these were some sort of custom jobs. Then I looked at Susan again. I knew what the person who wrote the letter was talking about. It would have been an epic tragedy if anything had happened to her. It made me wonder why they just didn’t get some worthless nigger or spick. I guess it was just as the letter said. The luck of the draw. Another thought came into my mind. I wondered how many of those people claiming to have been abducted by aliens were actually recalling implanted memories. Put there to sew doubt in the minds of possible enemies. Though I had seen UFO’s before. So I knew they existed. But for the government to have done such a thing was still a possibility. Though whatever the case, I had time to think about it later. Right now, I had things to do. I looked at the back of the photograph. Seeing the girl’s name, address and phone number. I couldn’t wait to meet her.

 Then I put the photo back into my backpack and carefully zipped it up. I then got up and went to dispose of the refuse. Keeping a good grip on my backpack as I did so. I then went back up to the counter and asked them if they had a telephone and a phonebook I could use. They gave them to me and I used them to call a cab. I kept the loops of my backpack over my arm. When I was through, I put the phonebook and phone back on the counter. Then I thanked the person who gave them to me. Afterwards, I went outside to wait for the cab. It only took about five minutes. I gave the driver a slight wave as he pulled up. Then I walked over to it and went in the back. The driver looked into the rear view mirror and said, “Where ya gowin.” I said, “Take me to the nearest mall.” The driver said, “Ok.” We then drove off. After about a block, the driver tried to initiate some idol chit chat. Trying to be polite, I gave short, curt answers. The way that somebody does to give someone else the idea that they didn’t really want to talk. The driver took the hint.

 In about five minutes, we pulled into a parking lot and up to the front entrance. The driver told me what I owed. I gave the driver some money. There was only about a couple bucks difference. So I told him, “Keep the change.” The driver said, “Thanks. Have a good day.” I got out and went into the mall. It was time to do some shopping. The first thing I did was go up to the sign that gave directions. After that, I headed into the mall. I went and got a decent cell phone with all of the top accessories. They helped me get it set up. After doing all that, I found a clothing store. Susan was really hot. I intended to be well dressed. So I asked one of the employees to help me pick out some good clothing. He told me that I looked like I could use them. I just told him that I had a relative leave me a bit of money. Along with making a comment about my good fortune, we chatted a bit as I picked out some clothes. I got two casual dress suits. One dark blue and the other more of a dark grey color. I also got a couple shirts, etc. When I was through there, I made my way to one of the large chain stores. I got some underwear and socks.

 Then I went to get another pair of shoes. The most attractive I could find. The ones at the clothing store seemed a little too pricy. After that, I got a belt. I then went looking around and found a suitcase. Then I went over to the pharmacy and got some toiletries. After that, I made my way over to the checkout lane and purchased my things. Then I went over to their customer service desk and asked for a phonebook. Using my fancy new smart phone, I then called a cab from a different cab company. Just in case I called the same one and got the same driver. I didn’t want to raise any suspicions. After I went somewhere to get cleaned up, the need to call a cab was another inconvenience I was going to dispense with. I pushed my cart outside and waited for a cab. While I waited, I put the things I bought into the suitcase. I kept a good hold on my backpack as I went over to a trash can and disposed of the bags and the box the shoes came in. It took about ten minutes for the cab to get there. I had the driver take me to the nearest decent motel. Along the way, the driver tried the usual chit chat. I again gave a polite response, but gave the impression that I wasn’t really interested in talking.

 It only took about five minutes for us to get to a motel. After paying the driver, I got out and went to get a room. Having done that, I went to my room and made sure the door was locked. I then cranked up the air conditioning all the way. After that, I put the suitcase on the bed. Then I checked the money in my backpack again. It was safe and sound. Then I opened the suitcase and removed the clothes and other things I bought. I then removed the money from my backpack and put it in my suitcase. Taking out a little time to fondle it a little. However I came about having this money, I was of course still glad to have it! A few of the bundles of money I put into the back pouch on the inside. Then I took out the photograph and looked at it again for a few extended moments. It was still unbelievable. Then I sat it on the bed. Taking the clothes I didn’t intend to wear, I folded them neatly and used them to cover up the money. After doing that, I then took the money I had on me and put most of it into the suitcase too. Some of the change and bills I just put on the bed. My smart phone I put into the back pouch of the suitcase. Then I closed the suitcase.

 I picked up the photograph again. It made me wish I could at least remember Susan. Maybe it was just because that she was beautiful, but the realization came over me that I loved her. The letter said that we seemed to have made a connection. I wondered how much of a connection it was. Even though I knew that I was easily attractive enough to be with such a girl, I couldn’t dare to hope that she felt the same way. Then I carefully sat the photograph on the bed as I continued to look at her image. I then picked up the toiletries and brought them into the bathroom. Then I came back out, took my backpack and tossed it over on the floor on the other side of the bed. I did have a few extra items of clothing in there. But I wasn’t going to be needing those any more. I then started to undress. Tossing my clothing over to the backpack. Room service could dispose of that lot. Near the front window, there was a small table with a couple table types of chairs. I picked up the suitcase and went over to take one of the chairs. I picked it up and brought into the bathroom with me.

 Closing and locking the door, I placed the chair under the doorknob with the suitcase balanced on the seat. So that if the chair became level, the suitcase would tip off. Its hitting the floor would alert me. This may have been being a little too careful. But now that I had the money, I didn’t plan on giving anybody another chance to steal it. Then I went over to the sink and started opening up the toiletries I bought. I was glad that buying the shampoo reminded me to get a comb too. The first thing I did was brush my teeth. When I was through with that, I shaved. After doing that, I used the toilet. When I was through, I grabbed my soap and shampoo. Then I went over to the shower, placed the things in there and turned on the shower. While showering, I had to be careful of the painful lump on my head. When I was through showering, I also had to be careful of it when I dried off and combed out my hair. After I was through, I wrapped up the toiletries I decided to keep in a hand towel and removed my precautions from the door. Then I carried the chair and my suitcase back into the bedroom. I put the chair back at the table. Then I went over to the bed and placed my suitcase on it.

 I opened the package of underwear and started to get dressed. The shirts I got were white and stylish long sleeve button up shirts. There were two pockets on the chest that had flaps of fabric over the top with buttons. I had gotten a couple different ties. They were pretty expensive. I intended to make this money last as long as possible. But I wanted to look nice. Picking up a tie, I went back into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror as I put it on. I had asked the guy in the clothing store to show me how to tie one. When I was through tying my tie, I went back into the bedroom and finished getting dressed. I decided to put on the dark blue suit. Afterwards, I opened the suitcase again and took out a couple bundles of ten thousand. One I placed in my right jacket pocket. The other I placed in my front left pant’s pocket. I didn’t know what kind of car I would buy. But I didn’t plan on spending any more than that. Then I took out my phone and sat it on the bed. After redistributing the money a little in the suitcase, I used my spare underwear to cover what was in the back, inside pouch. I placed my wrapped up toiletries in the back compartment too and closed the suitcase.

 Then I picked up the picture of Susan and I and looked at it again. I then placed it into the inside pocket of my jacket. In the bottom compartment of the night stand, I found a phonebook. I sat on the bed with it and looked up the number for different local cab company. Then I picked up my smart phone and called them. After I was finished with that, I put the phone in my left jacket pocket and took the phonebook back over to the night stand. After putting it back in, I pulled some money out of my pocket. I then placed a twenty dollar bill on the night stand and put the rest of the money back into my pocket. It sure felt strange to have money again. Especially this much! Then I went over to the window and opened the curtain. I then sat at the table to look out the window and watch for the cab. As I did so, I thought about what kind of car I should buy. I planned to drive to Branson right away. But I didn’t want to get pulled over. And I knew that all I would have is a dealer tag. I tried to think of what kind of inexpensive car would b