A UFO Love Story 2, The Adventure Continues by Erik Neilsen - HTML preview

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Chapter Seventeen

 Going Out To Dinner

 Sue fished around in her purse. Retrieving her keys, she found the right key and locked the door. Then Sue put the keys back into her purse and smiled at me. I was already smiling at Sue. Then Sue put her arm around mine and we started to head toward the stairs that went down to the parking lot. As we went, I said, “I suppose you know a good place to go.” Sue said, “I know a few places. Though one of them we can’t go to.” I said, “Why not.” Sue said, “One of the places is where Becky and I work at. The manager may be a little mad at me. Though after missing so much work, I don’t think my quitting will be much of a surprise to him. But even if he is upset a bit, it doesn’t matter. Because my dad is friends with the owner.” By this point, we had reached the parking area. I pointed over to my car and said to Sue, “That’s my car there.” As we walked over to it, Sue said, “It looks very nice.” I said, “It’s just my luck. Now that I have something nice enough to live in, I don’t have to anymore.” As we walked in the direction of the passenger side, Sue said with a solemn look on her face, “I still can’t picture you homeless. I’m so sorry.”

 As I unlocked the doors and opened the door for Sue, I said, “Well that’s all in the past now.” Sue smiled sweetly at me as she got into the car. I closed the door after Sue got in. As I made my way to the driver side, I could have started the car with my remote. But I didn’t want to seem like a showoff. I got in and Sue and I smiled at each other. Sue was already buckled up. I buckled up too and started the car. Then I looked at Sue again afterwards. We were both smiling at each other. I said, “Where should we go.” Sue started to give me directions. I pulled out and followed Sue’s directions. In between directions, we talked more about the incredible circumstances that brought us together. After driving and talking for a few minutes, Sue’s phone rang again. Sue reached into her purse and retrieved the cell phone. Sue looked at it and looked at me with a smile and said, “It’s mom.” Sue answered the phone and said, “Hi mom.” Sue listened a little and said, “I know. I’m sorry. I should have called. But I was busy.” Apparently, Sue had also been avoiding talking to her mom.

 After listening a little more, Sue said with a bit more of an emphatic voice, “I know. I’m sorry. Can we talk about this later? I’m on my way to dinner and have to give my new fella directions.” Sue gave me a bit of a look like she new she was telling a fib. But by this time, it wasn’t all that big of a fib. Then Sue turned her attention back to the phone and grinned. In response to another question, Sue said, “His name is Erik. Erik Neilsen.” Then in response to another question, Sue turned to me and smiled. I briefly smiled at Sue as I drove. Sue said, “Yes. He’s very nice. He’s both blond and handsome.” This made me grin. Which made Sue grin. Sue then turned her attention back to the phone as I drove on with a beaming grin across my face. Sue said, “Mom! I can’t talk right now! Let me call you later.... Ok.... Ok! I’ll talk to you later. By.” Sue lowered the phone and hung it up. Sue looked over at me with a bit of an embarrassed look and said, “My mom is dying with curiosity. Can I take your picture?” I grinned at Sue and said, “Sure.” I pulled the car over and turned toward Sue. Sue was grinning at this point too as she messed with her phone. Sue said, “Ok. Ready.”

 I turned my grin to the phone. A moment later, it flashed. Sue then lowered the phone and said, “Thank you.” Then Sue pointed down the road and said, “Just keep going in that direction.” After making sure there wasn’t any traffic, I pulled away. Sue was making a text. After sending it, Sue put her phone down. I briefly smiled at Sue and said, “I imagine your mom is very protective of you.” Sue rolled her eyes a little and made one of those “you wouldn’t believe it” expressions and said, “You have no idea.” We both chuckled a bit about it. I then said, “Well as long as you’re with me, you’re about as safe as you can be.” This caused a bit of a sentimental expression to accompany Sue’s smile. Noticing where we were, Sue’s said, “Turn right up at that corner.” As we approached the corner, Sue’s phone rang again. Then Sue answered it and read a text message. This made Sue giggle. Which made me grin. I turned at the corner as Sue typed in another text. Then I briefly turned my grin to Sue. It didn’t take long for Sue to send her text. Then Sue put her phone back into her purse. Splitting my attention between Sue and driving, I said, “Was that your mom again?” Sue said, “Yes it was.” I said, “Did you send her my picture?”

 I then turned to Sue. Sue pursed her lips together with a smile at the edge of them. With her eyebrows slightly raised, then Sue slightly nodded her head in the affirmative a couple of times and hummed in the affirmative, “Um hum!” This made me laugh a little as I turned back toward the road. Then Sue said with a grin, “What is it.” I briefly grinned at Sue and said, “Do you know how adorable it looks when you do that?” This gave Sue a beaming grin. Sue said, “Does it really?” I looked at Sue and did the same thing she had. This made Sue chuckle. Which I quickly joined in on as I went back to looking at the road. I said, “What did your mom text about my picture.” Sue said, “Oh, just girl stuff.” Somehow, I got the feeling that Sue was hiding something. But I didn’t mind. Sue then pointed up to a restaurant up the road and said, “That’s the place.” It looked pretty nice. There were tables near the front of the restaurant for people to eat outside if they wished to. These were under a large, decorative awning. I said, “It looks like a nice choice.” Sue said, “I think you’ll like it.”

 We went up a ways and I pulled into the parking lot. Both of us had smiles on our faces. I pulled into a parking spot and turned the car off. Then I turned to Sue and said as we undid our seatbelts, “Are you the type of girl who likes to have a guy help you out of the car?” Sue was grinning by the time I finished speaking. I grinned too. Sue said with a sweet voice, “Whatever you like to do.” I said, “Just stay there.” This made Sue’s grin widen a bit. I got out of the car and made my way to the other side. We smiled widely at each other as I went. I also slipped the keys into my pocket. When I got to the passenger door, I opened it and held my hand out to Sue. This brought grins to our faces again as I said, “Me lady?” Sue took my hand and I helped her out of the car. When Sue was standing, she stepped away from the door. I closed the door and said to Sue, “This is the first time I’ve ever helped a girl out of a car.” Sue gave me a sentimental smile as she held her purse in one hand. I smiled too. Then Sue took hold of my arm with her free arm. Sue then said with the sweetest, gentle voice, “How did you like it.”

 Sue’s response melted me. It was difficult to keep from showing the love I was feeling. I said, “I could get used to it.” This made Sue grin. Which of course made me grin too. We then headed toward the restaurant as we continued to grin at each other. There weren’t many people around. But what few guys were around did look at Sue. The ones that weren’t with girls were agog. Sue was so beautiful. When we reached a table out front, I said, “Is this good Ms. Richards?” Sue released me and said, “Just fine Mr. Neilsen.” The tables were round with four chairs around them. They had nice white table cloths on them with a decorative candle-centerpiece combination in the middle. I pulled out a chair for Sue to sit down. As Sue turned to do so, I just couldn’t get over how incredibly round and fit looking her butt was. As Sue sat down and sat her purse next to one of the table legs, I said, “I don’t know if I should bore you with all of the things I’ve never done before.” Sue and I grinned at each other as I made my way to the seat opposite from hers. As I did so, Sue said, “Let me guess. You’ve never held the seat for a girl before.”

 As I sat down, I said, “No. I haven’t.” Sue said, “Anytime you do something for the first time, feel free to tell me. I would like to know.” I said, “Given the life I’ve led, there might be quite a few of those.” Somebody wearing a suit started heading for Sue and I. There was a waiter not far behind him carrying a couple of menus. In response to what I said, Sue said, “Oh, goodie!” This made us both laugh a bit. The person with the suit walked up to the table wearing a big grin. The waiter hung back a little. He said to Sue and I in a gracious manner, “Welcome to our little café.” I took this person to be something like a head waiter. He said, “I hate to be an imposition. But you are a very attractive couple.” This made Sue and I beam grins. The head waiter continued on, saying, “At times, we advertise our establishment both through the mail and on the internet. If you would allow me to take a picture of you enjoying our establishment, you can have half off anything you order.” Sue and I turned our beaming grins to each other. Then Sue gave me a slight nod. Then we turned our beaming grins back to the head waiter. I said, “That would be fine.”

 The head waiter bowed a bit to Sue and I as he said, “Thank you! Thank you! If you need anything, my name is Philip.” I said, “My name is Erik Neilsen.” Sue said, “My name is Sue Richards.” The head waiter said, “Wonderful! Let me get this out of the way and you can view our menu.” The head waiter waived the other waiter off to the side as he made his way to the other side of the table and back a bit. Sue and I beamed grins at each other. The head waiter had a smart phone in his pocket that he pulled out. After looking at the display a little, he said, “Mr. Neilsen. Could you move your left hand forward and take hold of Ms. Richard’s right hand?” I moved my hand forward. Sue moved her hand forward as we grinned at each other. The camera flashed. Sue and I turned our grins to him. He said, “One more please. And this time, just smile at each other.” Sue and I did as he asked. The camera flashed again. Then he stood fully erect and said, “Thank you!” Sue and I turned our smiles to him. He waved the other waiter over and came up to our table. He said as he put his phone back into his pocket, “If you would like copies of these pictures sent to you, call anytime and ask for Philip. And thank you again.”

 Philip then nodded to the other waiter and backed away from the table. He then made his way to one of the other patrons at another table. Probably to inquire if everything was going well. At the same time, the waiter handed Sue a menu. Then handed one to me. He said, “Is there anything I can get you while you decide what to order?” I said, “Some water would be fine.” Sue said, “I’ll have the same. With plenty of ice.” The waiter said, “Very good. I’ll be back in a moment with your water.” Sue and I made some idol chit chat about what to order. The waiter brought our water. Though Sue and I hadn’t quite decided what to order yet. So the waiter left us to decide. We eventually ordered something and had more pleasant conversation as we waited for our food. Sue and I both talked about many things. One of the things I asked Sue was why she never did the super model thing. Sue said that she had been asked. But she didn’t really need the money and she wasn’t interested in fame. We continued to talk about this and that. Eventually, our food came and we ate. Sue even looked beautiful when she ate. The food was very good.

 There was of course some mutually enjoyable conversation here and there as we ate. And there was more mutually enjoyable conversation afterward. All in all, it was a very enjoyable experience. A little while after we ate, it was time to leave. We were both smiling of course as I said to Sue, “What should we do now.” Sue said, “I know of a nice waterfront park with some nice walking paths.” I said, “That sounds like fun.” I called Philip, the head waiter, over and settled up our bill. Though everything was half off, I paid for the deducted portion with the tip. Since I also added a good tip beside, I told Philip, “Make sure the waiter gets fifty of that.” Philip said, “Oh, yes sir! And thank you! Please come again.” He gave us a bit of a bow as he backed away. I got up and went over to Sue. Then I pulled out Sue’s seat for her. Sue reached down for her purse, then stood up. I said, “I’ve never helped a girl out of her seat either.” Sue said with a beaming grin, “You’re such a gentleman. And I just love being your first.” We were both grinning as I said, “Me too.”

 Sue and I went back over to our car. We exchanged some happy, idol chit chat about Sue helping me with any lapses in etiquette as we went. When we got to the car, I opened the door for Sue. Sue got in and I closed the door. Then I went over to the other side and got in. Sue was already buckled up. We smiled at each other as I buckled up too. Then I pulled out my keys. For some kidding around fun, I said, “Seeing how I opened the door for you, would you be a gentlelady and start the car for me? It’s the green button.” We both grinned as Sue took the keys with the car remote on the keychain. Sue then said, “sure” and started the car. Then Sue handed the keychain back to me. I said, “Thank you. Which way do we need to go.” As I put the key in the ignition, Sue pointed and gave me directions. I pulled out and started going in the direction Sue indicated. As we went, Sue told me about what things there were around Branson. For a tourist town, it was pretty much like I would have expected. No doubt we would have to do some more exploring as time went on.

 After a bit, we talked some about our likes and dislikes. It seemed that Sue and I had quite a bit in common. We soon pulled up to the place Sue wanted us to go. Once we were parked, Sue said, “I can get out myself.” I said, “Ok. Let’s put your purse in back.” Sue said, “Ok.” We got out of the car and went around the back. I opened the back and lifted up a back panel. Sue put her purse inside. Then I closed everything up and locked the car. Then Sue took hold of my left arm and we headed toward the walkway by the water. I pulled out my smart phone and said, “You have one like this. Would you show me more of how it works?” We were both grinning as Sue let go of my arm and said, “Ok.” Sue took the phone, held it up a little for us both to look at and started explaining the functions. We leaned together a little as Sue did so. It was so pleasant having Sue next to me. As she explained the things, we stopped over by a railing near the water. We both turned around and leaned a little against it. Both of us stayed close as Sue explained more of the functions. It was enjoyable for the both of us.

 While we were so engaged, there was a middle aged couple nearby and heading kind of in our direction. The woman was holding onto the man’s arm with both of her hands. Both of them were fairly well dressed. When they got nearer, I said to Sue, “Hold on.” We both of course were smiling at each other as I took the phone. I then looked at the middle aged couple and said, “Excuse me. Would you take our picture?” We all grinned as the woman let go of her beau. The woman said, “Sure.” I set the phone to take a picture and stepped over to them. I said, “Thank you” and told the woman which button to press. As they stepped back, I stepped back over to Sue. Sue took my arm with both of her hands as we grinned at the phone. Then it flashed. The woman then lowered the phone and said, “You’re such a cute couple. Can I take one of you two kissing?” Sue and I’s grins widen a bit. I said, “I’m afraid we haven’t got to the first kiss stage yet.” The woman took on an open mouthed look of sentimental surprise. Then she turned to her guy and said in a drawn out, sentimental way, “Oh!”

 They both turned back to Sue and I with grins and a hint of sentimentality their faces. The woman said, “A first kiss picture! I would be so honored! Please!” Sue and I turned our grins to each other. With a hint of bashfulness on our faces. If only Sue knew how badly, how desperately, I wanted to kiss her. But I knew that I had to play it cool. I said, “Do you mind?” Sue said with a gentle, sweet voice, “I don’t mind.” Sue and I turned to face each other and held each other in a loose embrace. We brought our lips together and kissed each other gently. It was like an electric shock went through my body. Sue’s lips were so soft and wonderful. The woman had time to take a couple of photographs. After a few extended moments, Sue and I parted our kiss and smiled at each other affectionately. As we did so, the phone flashed again. Then Sue and I released each other and smiled at the other couple. Then we all started to grin again as the woman said, “Just beautiful!” The couple came over to us and the woman handed me the phone back.

 Then the woman said, “Thank you. By the way, my name’s Connie and this is Roger.” Sue shook Connie’s hand and said, “My name’s Sue. Nice to meet you.” At about the same time, I shook Roger’s hand and said, “And my name’s Erik. Nice to meet you too.” Roger said, “Pleased to meet you.” Connie said, “That goes for me too.” Then Connie started fishing around in her purse. She said to Sue and I, “I’m going to give you my email address. Would you please send us the photos. They will make for wonderful vacation photographs.” Sue said, “Sure. I’d love too.” The woman found a scrap of paper and a pen. Then she started to write down her email address. As she did so, I said to Roger, “Have you guys been here long?” Roger said, “We’ve been here for nearly two weeks. It’s been very enjoyable.” Connie handed Sue the piece of paper. As she did so, she said, “Here ya go. Don’t forget.” Sue said, “I won’t. And thank you.” Connie said, “Thank you.” Roger said, “You both enjoy yourselves now.” Sue took my arm and said, “We will.”

 Roger and Connie put an arm around each other’s lower backs and started to walk away. The sight of the happy couple caused Sue and I to smile sentimentally at each other. Then I said, “I’ll take those.” Sue handed me the phone and the paper. I slipped them into my pocket. We both then turned around to look at the scenery. Though we smiled at each other and commented on what a nice couple they were. Then we started talking more. After about five minutes, I said, “Shall we go for a walk?” Sue said, “Sure.” Sue took hold of my arm and we started walking as we talked more. One of the things Sue told me about was an incident that happened when she was a child. She said that her family were on vacation and had pulled over to look at some buffalo. Sue said that she fed one some french fries through a partially opened window. Its tongue scared her so bad that it made her cry. This made me laugh. Which Sue quickly joined in on. I told Sue a story an animal story from my childhood that was quite unpleasant. It was about a mean German Shepherd that ran at me from across the street with the intent of attacking me. But my dog attacked it and they fought until my mom came outside and chased the dog off with a broom. Sue was suitably horrified. Then we talked about more things. Sue told me about a car accident she was in once. This of course caused me concern. Even though Sue wasn’t hurt bad. I told Sue about a UFO sighting I had once. It was a pretty amazing sighting. Sue showed her amazement as I told the story. We had both talked earlier a little about the whole alien abduction thing. After I finished my story, Sue said, “That is pretty amazing. It’s almost easier to believe that we were abducted by aliens rather than what happened.” We then went on to talk more about everything and anything. To a point that is. There were things about my views that Sue probably wouldn’t like. Things that she would probably find to be shocking. Sue had already told me that her father was a doctor. No doubt she led quite a sheltered life. I knew what kind of brainwashing our government has subjected her to. Some of the things I would eventually have to tell Sue, she probably prefer not having known. These I figured could wait until Sue got to know what kind of person I actually was in other respects. As we talked, we of course got to know each other even better. I continued to like everything Sue had to tell me about herself. Sue seemed to equally like the things I had to say. Though both of us stayed away from the topic of past relationships. We continued to find that we had much in common. As we talked, my love for Sue deepened. But as usual, I had to try not to let it show. After all, as far as we knew, we had only first met earlier in the day. And I didn’t want to do anything that might frighten her away. I enjoyed myself immensely as we walked and talked. In fact, apart from feeling the way I did, I have never enjoyed myself so much in the company of any girl. Sue also seemed to really be enjoying herself too. Which made me extremely happy. We walked and talked until the sun began to set. Then I suggested that we head back. I wanted to wake up early and get to a bank as soon as possible. Because the sooner Sue and I could get ourselves some safety deposit boxes, the better I would feel. At this point, I would have been perfectly happy sharing a safety deposit box with Sue. But suggesting that might seem a little too forward. Though even if we did and for some reason Sue did take my money, it wouldn’t have done me any more harm. Because my heart would have already been ripped out of my body.

 We slowly walked back toward the car. Both of us kept talking and enjoying each other’s company as we went. We made it back to the car and drove around a little. Sue pointed out various things. I had of course already found out that Sue wasn’t from here. But Sue still seemed to know quite a bit. After a while, we drove back to Sue’s apartment. We continued to chat about this and that as we went. Still, there wasn’t anything that Sue had to say that I wasn’t extremely interested in hearing. And Sue still seemed to be equally interested in hearing whatever I had to say. Every now and then, it seemed as though Sue had to struggle a little to keep certain emotions from showing on her face. I wondered if Sue was having the same kind of struggles I was. We got to Sue’s apartment building and parked. As we walked toward Sue’s apartment, I said, “Do you know where a good hotel is nearby.” Sue grinned at me and said, “Don’t you trust me?” This made me laugh. Which Sue quickly joined in on. Afterwards, I said, “After all, as far as we know, we’ve just met.” Sue looked at me with a solemn look. I looked at Sue in the same manner. Sue said, “After everything that’s happened, I think I would feel better if you stayed here. You can sleep on the couch.”

 Then I said, “If it will make you feel safer, ok. It’s been a while sense I’ve slept in a bed.” This made Sue look at me with a slightly sad, compassionate look as I added, “I can wait a while longer.” We approached Sue’s apartment door as she said with a compassionate voice, “It must have been rough.” I said, “It wasn’t a lot of fun.” Sue fished around in her purse again and retrieved her keys. Then Sue opened the door. We stepped inside and Sue turned on the light. I closed the door and locked it. Sue made her way over to the counter on our side of the kitchen. I followed Sue and she placed her purse on the counter. Without pausing, Sue went over to the garbage disposal and stuck her hand inside. Sue pulled out the wrapped money I placed in there earlier. Then Sue showed it to me with a smile on her face and said, “Still here.” I was smiling too as I said, “I’ll check the other thing.” While I went over to the livingroom, Sue opened an upper cabinet on the far wall and place the money in a large bowl she had up there. I took my jacket off and laid it on the back of the couch. Then I unbuttoned my sleeve and rolled it up as I went over to the vent.

 I knelt down and pulled the cover off as Sue stood on the other side of the counter and watched me with a smile on her face. Then I reached in and felt the pouch of coins inside. I grabbed it and pulled it out. I had heard of rats dragging items off. Though this place seemed pretty nice, I didn’t want to take the chance on any such critters having found their way into the vents. I brushed the dust off the pouch and sat it on the floor. Then I replaced the vent cover and stood up with the pouch. Sue and I smiled at each other as I brought it over to the counter. I placed it on the lower counter on Sue’s side and said, “You had better put these under your mattress.” Sue said, “I put your thing in a bowl in there.” Sue then pointed to the cupboard. I smiled and said, “That should be fine.” Sue said with a smile, “Can I get you anything. It would be no trouble.” I said, “No. I’m fine. I think I would like to just hit the hay.” Sue said, “Ok. Let me get you some things.” Sue picked up the pouch and made her way out of the kitchen. We smiled at each other as Sue grabbed her purse. Sue then headed toward her bedroom. I went over to the couch and sat down. While I waited, I could hear Sue fiddling around with drawers and stuff. Sue came out of the bedroom soon after, smiling and carrying a blanket and a pillow. On top of the pillow, there was a folded pair of pajamas. Sue sat them down on the couch next to me. Then Sue said, “My brother Steve left these here the last time he and Mikey came to visit. You’re about his size.” I was smiling too as I said, “Thank you.”

 Sue said, “I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said, “I’ll just use the bathroom and turn in. See you tomorrow.” Sue gave me a nod with her smile and turned to go to her bedroom. I watched Sue go for a few moments. It was just incredible how fine her butt was. I grabbed my suitcase and opened it. Then I took out the toothbrush and things I had wrapped up in a small towel. After closing the suitcase and setting it aside, I took my jacket off. That, I laid across the back of the chair near me. Then I undid my tie and laid that on it. I then undid a couple of the top buttons and the buttons on my cuffs. Then I picked up the bathroom things, the pajamas, and headed for the bathroom. Sue had closed her bedroom door. I went into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. Taking my shoes and socks off, I sat them by the door. When I took my pants off, I folded them and sat them on the hamper lid. I took my shirt off too and folded it. That I sat on my pants. Then I used the facilities. After I got all cleaned up and dried off, I got into her brother’s pajamas. They weren’t quite my size. But they were ok. My toothbrush and razor, I left on the towel I had folded over on the counter. Then I took my clothes and started to leave the bathroom. I purposefully made a little noise so Sue would know that I was through with the bathroom. As I passed Sue’s bedroom door, I could hear her talking to someone. Sue had probably called her mother back. I placed my clothes on one of the chairs. Then I spread the blanket out on the couch and placed the pillow on the end that was nearest to the hallway. I then remembered Roger and Connie’s email address that I had in my jacket pocket. Figuring that I should put it over by Sue’s computer before I lost it, I retrieved it and my phone from my jacket. I sat my phone on the coffee table. The piece of paper I brought over to Sue’s computer and sat it down. Then I went over and shut off the light switches near the door and shut off all the lights. Sue had a couple dark activated night lights that came on when I did so. Then I went to the couch and laid down. Apparently, the pillow Sue had taken off her bed. I could smell a tiny hint of Sue on it. Which pleased me greatly. About five minutes or so later, I could see the light from Sue’s bedroom. Then I saw the bathroom light come on. Sue then closed the bathroom door.

 I tried to go to sleep. But for various reasons, I wasn’t having much luck. After about a half hour, Sue came out of the bathroom. The sound caused me to open my eyes. I could see the bathroom light turn off. Soon after, I could see the light from Sue’s bedroom disappear as she closed her bedroom door. Then I closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep. But it still wasn’t coming too easily. The thoughts of the eventful day kept running through my mind. But foremost in my thoughts was Sue. And the slight, wonderful scent of Sue I could smell on the pillow added to those thoughts. Sue was beautiful, sexy, witty, down to earth and smelled really nice. On top of that, Sue’s mannerisms and facial expressions were to die for. Everything I thought about Sue endeared her to me even more. I hoped that Sue liked me. Though I imagined that a girl as beautiful as Sue was had to be pretty ruthless when it came to guys she had been with. I couldn’t imagine anybody being with her that didn’t fall in love with her. This was something that Sue no doubt had been warned against by her mother. Who, despite her age, wasn’t too bad looking herself from the photograph Sue showed me.

 For at least a half hour, I laid there trying to go to sleep. But there were too many thoughts running through my head. These mostly revolved around Sue. Then I heard the slight sound of the doorknob on Sue’s bedroom door being turned and unlatching. So I opened my eyes and saw the light from Sue’s bedroom as the door opened. I figured that Sue probably needed to use the bathroom again. So I just laid there with my eyes opened. I saw a shadow on the wall that looked like Sue was coming in my direction. Then I heard Sue say very quietly, “Erik.” I sat up a bit and laid my arm on the back of the couch as I looked at Sue. Sue was standing at the end of the hallway. The robe Sue was wearing was kind of lacy, but opaque. It was quite nice and tied around the waist with a matching, decorative tie. Sue had a slightly nervous, questioning look on her face. This caused me to say in a soothing manner, “Is anything wrong?” Sue said rather timidly, “No” as she walked over to the side of the couch. I sat up further as Sue said, “Can I ask you something?” I sat up more and moved over a little to give Sue room to sit as I said with a reassuring tone to my voice, “Sure.”

 Sue sat down on the edge of the couch and said to me, “At first, I didn’t feel anything but bewilderment when I saw the picture of you and me. But then I started to get the feeling that we were somehow close. Then the letter said that we seemed to have made a connection. When you came to the door and I saw you in person, I knew even more that I had feelings for you.” Sue’s confession sent a wave of love serging through my body. Though I still tried to suppress most of it. I said, “I felt the same thing when I saw your picture. Then when I met you, I didn’t want to say anything about how I felt.” Sue said, “Do you suppose we fell in love when we spent our missing time together.” Answering Sue, I said, “Sense getting to know you, I would say that it was almost a certainty.” I figured it was about time to throw caution to the wind and tell Sue how I really felt. So I gently placed a hand on Sue’s shoulder and took hold of Sue’s hands with my other hand. Sue held onto my hand too. At the same time, I looked at Sue with a look of solemn love. Which c