A UFO Love Story 2, The Adventure Continues by Erik Neilsen - HTML preview

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 As things turned out, Mim wasn’t kidding when she cautioned Sue and I to prepare ourselves for some amazement. Sue and I were to experience other things that were equally as amazing as anything we had yet experienced. Even more so in fact. And having the children along only added to the joy. I hope you enjoyed Sue and I’s story. It’s too bad that you’ll probably not be hearing any more of it. Because even though I made the first book available for free on a number of web sites, not very many people seem to be interested in it. Which means that there is unlikely to be much money for the sale of this book. That money I wanted to donate to a worthy charity. Oh well. Though probably the main thing people didn’t like about the first book was the politically incorrect views it states at times. As it does in this book. But reality is what it is. Also, for humans on earth, fantasy usually trumps reality. There are also billions of people who will actually pay money to be lied to by experts in lies. This is bad for too many reasons to list. But one is that, like a Ponzi scheme, the lies that matter require ever increasing lies to sustain themselves. As you know, this won’t end well.

 Just in case you’re interested, I am including a translation of the bartok words I’ve mentioned in this book.




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