A UFO Love Story 2, The Adventure Continues by Erik Neilsen - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty One

 Zem And Bev’s Return

 One morning, Sue and I as usual were sleeping. The sun hadn’t quite risen. We were both under our blanket. I was just wearing my underwear. Sue was wearing panties. Over which Sue wore a loose fitting, kind of long, light blue T-shirt. Though Sue and I didn’t know it at the time, little Bevie, who was just over four years old at this time, appeared out of nowhere at the foot of our bed. She was holding a slightly larger than normal sheet of paper. It was the kind of art paper Sue had bought her to draw on. A couple examples of Bevie’s cute drawing we had on the refrigerator with flowery magnets. Bevie called out in an excited manner, “Mommy! Daddy!” Bevie hopped up on the bed. As she scampered between us, Bevie said, “Mommy! Daddy! Mommy! Daddy!” Waking both of us up a little more. We had a white pet Germain shepherd dog named Rex. He came to the bedroom door and looked on with a bit of an excited countenance to him. Sue said in a groggy manner, “Bevie!” I said in a groggy manner too, “Bevie! It’s too early!” Bevie shook Sue’s shoulder and said, “Mommy! Mommy!” Bevie then said in a cute, emphatic manner, “Mommy! Look at the picture I drew!”

 Sue opened her eyes and sat up a little. Little Bevie, who was still wearing her pajamas, was grinning from ear to ear. Sue said in a bit of an impatient manner, “Ok. Let me see it.” Sue looked at the picture Bevie had drawn casually for a moment. Then Sue’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. Sue started to go faint. Sue said, “Erik!” I turned over quickly and sat up on one elbow with concern on my face. Even though Sue seemed to be dazed, Sue managed to hand me the picture. I took the paper and looked at it. I looked at the crudely drawn picture for a moment. Then my eyes widened too. It showed two people without any hair standing next to each other. They were holding hands and smiling. Near them were two children with white hair holding hands. Above the taller figures there were two small black circles in the air above them. There were two little reddish colored animals with tails near them and something that looked like a teddy bear. But the words caused me to start to go faint too. Near the figures was written, “Bevie, Billy, Zem, Bev, Panny, Lika, MoMo, Pim, Mim.” All sorts of thoughts rushed into my mind. After a few moments, Sue started to come out of her stupor.

 Then Sue said in a bit of a dazed manner, “Bev and Zem!” Little Bevie started to jump excitedly up and down closer to the end of the bed. She was waving her arms a little and turning in circles a little. As little Bevie did so, she was saying excitedly, “Aunt Bev! Uncle Zem! Aunt Bev! Uncle Zem!” (Little Bevie of course didn’t pronounce the U when she said aunt) Sue’s face started to become overtaken with emotional surprise as she repeated, “Bev and Zem! Bev and Zem!!!” Then Sue shook me a little as tears started flowing from her eyes. Sue repeated herself. The pitch of Sue’s words lowered in pitch at the end of what she said as she started to be overtaken with extreme, teary joy and emotion. Sue said, “Oh Erik! It’s Bev and Zem!” Rex came over and jumped on the bed in an excited manner. He started licking the both of us. Sue started crying uncontrollably as she repeated between sobs, “Oh Erik! It’s Bev and Zem!” Little Bevie was still jumping up and down on the bed and saying, “Aunt Bev! Uncle Zem!” I started to return to my senses and said with stunned surprise on my face, “Zem and Bev!”

 I then put the picture near the head of the bed and pushed Rex away. As I did so, I said with emotional emphasis in my voice, “Rex! Lay down!” Rex did as I said. Then I looked at Sue and said, “Zem and Bev!” I started to have tears rolling from my eyes too as Sue and I firmly took hold of each other. I said, “It’s Zem and Bev!!!” Little Bevie continued to jump on the bed saying, “Aunt Bev! Uncle Zem!” All of a sudden, Zem appeared on my side of the bed with a sentimental smile on his face. Bev appeared on Sue’s side of the bed with a sentimental smile on her face. In Bev was holding Billy on her side and front a little. Bev was supporting him with one arm under his bottom and her other hand on his lower back. Little Billy had his legs around Bev and his arm around Bev’s neck. His other hand he rested on Bev’s forearm. He was wearing his pajamas too and looked very happy. Pim was near Zem. Mim was near Bev. Mav and Til also appeared a little ways from the foot of our bed. They too were smiling sentimentally at us. Both of them stood with an arm around each other’s lower backs.

 Near them were San and Pam. They were circling around each other’s surfaces at differing angles. A few feet away, there was Tal and Sas doing the same thing. All the Nal were their normal black color. Panny and Lika also appeared with Mav, Til and the others. I didn’t know it at the time, but they had all appeared at the same time as little Bevie. They just couldn’t be seen or heard. As usual, they were all dressed casually, but tastefully. Zem was wearing a dark blue long sleeve shirt. It was a button up shirt. There was a slightly thicker band of material around the collar that laid flat on his shoulders around the base of his neck. Though it exposed slightly more of his lower neck region. The shirt was tucked into a pair of very dark red pants. These were something like jeans. Except just below the black belt he wore, there were two smaller than normal pockets on either side of his zipper. There were two more pockets on the sides of the pants and two more pockets on the back.

 Bev was wearing a short sleeve, light blue top that hung just below the tops of a pair of darker blue pants. Bev’s top was a little V-necked and showed a bit of cleavage. The fabric of Bev’s top was fairly thin, yet made up of what looked like finely woven, half round strands of yarn like material about a half inch across. These ran vertically up her shirt. Though down her shoulders, around the collar and around the bottom of Bev’s top, these strands ran in a different direction. About halfway down Bev’s sleeves, these strands of material became fully round and weren’t connected to each other. These were a few inches long.

 Mav was wearing a dark grey pullover shirt. The fabric of it consisted of patterns that were interlocking X’s. This fabric was simply hemmed around the collar and bottoms of the sleeves. The sleeves went nearly to his elbows; The collar went around the base of his neck; The bottom of the shirt was tucked into his pants. He also wore a black belt. Though his had a shiny, metallic, dark blue buckle the same width as his belt. It was about five inches long and was molded with an interlocking X pattern. Mav’s pants were like blue jeans.

 Til was wearing a V-necked, cream colored top. It also showed a tasteful amount of cleavage. The sleeves came down to just below her shoulders. Of the material was made up of, it had shapes like elongated, connected leaves. I would guess these were about three quarters of an inch across and two and three quarter inches long. The bottom quarter of these separated from underlying fabric and curved out from the shirt a little. Where they did so, they took on a little more of a yellowish hew. Around the edges of Til’s top, it was simply hemmed. The bottom of Til’s top hung a little below the top of Til’s pants. Til’s pants were a slightly darker cream colored. They were neatly pressed and the fabric was a little shiny. Just like silk. I won’t go into detail, but everybody was wearing appropriate footwear.

 After everybody appeared, Rex excitedly went over to Zem. Zem grinned at him and rubbed Rex’s head with a little vigor. At the same time, Zem said, “Hi fella!” Bev, Mav and Til grinned too. Zem’s statement to Rex caused Sue and I to part our teary embrace enough to look at Zem. Bevie said, “Uncle Zem!” Then Bevie scampered over to Zem. Zem stopped petting Rex and let go of the paw that he had tried to put on Zem. Then Zem reached out to Bevie. Bevie jumped into Zem’s arms. Zem caught Bevie in his arms said to her with a grin as they hugged, “Hi sweetie!” Panny and Lika jumped up on the bed as they chattered excitedly. They scampered over to Sue and I and excitedly jumped on us. I managed to get out, “Panny!” Sue managed to get out, “Lika!” We were both crying, but unbelievably happy to see them all as I petted Panny and Sue petted Lika. At the same time, Bevie said to Zem with happy excitement, “How did I do uncle Zem!” Zem said, “Just fine dearie!” Zem then gave Bevie a quick peck of a kiss on her forehead and then they hugged a little.

 While this was going on, Pim levitated down near our night stand. On it, below him, materialized Sue and I’s wedding album. On top of which also materialized our Reall made wedding rings and Sue’s engagement ring. Sue and I both looked at the others with emotional tears of joy streaming down our faces. I said with an emotional voice as I looked at them, “Zem! Bev! Mav! Til!” Sue said with an emotional voice as she glanced at our Nal friends, “And Mim! Pim! Pam! San! Sas! Tal!” I don’t know how. But I was able to tell who all of our Nal friends were. Despite their all being their normal black color and looking the same. Which was something I hadn’t been able to do before. Zem said, “Hello again. We’ve been visiting from time to time. But you haven’t seen us.” Bev said, “Nice to have you back.” Pim said in an audible voice, “Glad for you to see us again.” Mim said, “We’ve missed having you know when we were around.” Sas said, “Hello dears.” Tal said, “Hello again.” Pam said, “Hello. I bet Flappy can’t wait to see you again.” San said, “Hello again. Weem and the other bartok you met had inquired of you.” Til said, “You should have seen the look on your faces!” Mav said, “It was worth the wait!”

 This caused Zem, Bev, Mav and Til to laugh a little. Our Nal friends also emitted a little telepathic humor. Bevie and little Billy quickly joined in on the laughter, but laughed a little more heartily. Sue and I briefly kind of smiled a bit at everybody. But we were too overcome with emotion to do more. Bev said, “I hope you don’t mind us sharing these little darlings.” Both Sue and I looked at Bev with tears of joy streaming down our faces. The inner parts of our eyebrows were still upturned a little from the emotional looks on our faces. I said, “Why would we mind!” Sue quickly added, “It’s so wonderful!” Still grinning of course, Zem thought to us and said with a sentimental, happy thought, “I didn’t want to say anything that would set this little dear off right now. But we’re overjoyed that little Bevie has some hug monster in her too.” Bev added with the same kind of sentimental, happy thought, “As does little Billy.” Sue and I let go of Panny and Lika. Then we embraced each other fully and started to cry more. Even though Sue and I were doing ok, we knew what kind of a shit world we lived in. And that it was likely to only get worse. What this was going to mean for our children was something that Sue and I had agonized over from time to time. Not only was all that now a thing of the past, but Zem and Bev really liked Bevie and Billy!

 Zem, Bev, Mav and Til again took on sentimental smiles as Sue and I cried. Though there was a slight hint to them like they were looking at something adorable. Little Billy said to Bev, “Just like you said aunt Bev. Mommy and Daddy are crying happy tears.” Bev gave little Billy a brief little extra hug as she said with a happy and sentimental voice, “Yes they are dear.” After a few extended moments to try and compose myself a little, I parted my embrace from Sue a little and turned my teary face to Zem. Sue looked at Bev and little Billy with an emotional, happy face. By this time, Zem and Bev were looking at us with wide, sentimental smiles on their faces. I said to Zem as well as I could through the tears of joy, “Why did you wait so long to come for us!” Sue turned to Zem also. Zem grinned and said, “Even though we can do what we want. You know what family planning is on planet Bev.” The joy this caused Sue and I was difficult to take! Zem and Bev allowed us to have more than one child of our own! At this point, Panny, Lika and Rex were happily playing a little at the edge of the bed. Though Rex was being gentle with them. Sue and I looked at each other, then tightly embraced each other again.

 We cried uncontrollably with utter joy. Zem, Bev, Mav and Til all smiled at us with a little more sentimentality on their faces. They allowed us to cry uninterrupted for a few extended moments. Then Bev said with a sweet, sentimental voice, “There’s another reason why we chose now to come back. If you think you can take it.” Both Sue and I tried to compose ourselves a little. At the same time, we parted a little to look at Bev. Bev said to Sue, “You have another bun in the oven dear.” This caused a little surprise to accompany our expressions of tearful, emotional joy. Sue and I then turned these expressions to each other. We then embraced each other and started crying more. Bev, as usual, was right. The added joy was almost overpowering. Bev grinned at little Billy and said, “You’re going to have another little brother or sister.” Billy said, “Oh boy!” He then gave Bev a big hug. Bevie said, “Yeah!” She hugged Zem more too. After this hug, Zem said to Sue and I, “We’re going to leave for a little while. It will give you two some time to adjust to your reawakened memories and compose yourselves. That shouldn’t take more than a couple hours. I’m afraid the adventure has just begun for you two.”

 Then Zem said to little Bevie and Billy with an extra happy face, “Who want’s to go have some ice cream on a taser!” Both Bevie and Billy said excitedly, “We do! We do!” Little Billy excitedly hugged Bev a little more and little Bevie excitedly hugged Zem a little more. Sue and I again looked at the others with emotional joy. Bev said, “Just give Mim and Pim a think when you’re ready to go. They will come for you.” Both Sue and I had turned to Bev as she spoke. But all we could manage were some emotional, teary nods in agreement. Bev said, “When you get around to it, there are also some extra pictures in your photo album that may interest you. We’ll see you later.” Til added with a happy voice, “See ya soon!” Then everybody fairly quickly faded out of existence. They even took Rex with them! No doubt Panny and Lika would be having fun playing around on a taser with him. Sue and I fully embraced each other again in our sitting position and cried more. As if everything else wasn’t an overload to Sue and I, I felt my previous love for Sue. After about a minute and a half of our intensely loving, tearful embrace, Sue and I began to adjust more to our new reality.

 About twenty seconds later, I parted from Sue a little. We both looked lovingly into each other’s emotional, teary faces. Though our tears at this point had lessened some. I said with an emotional voice, “I’m so ashamed darling. I thought I loved you as much as I could. But now I love you even more!” Sue said with an equally emotional voice, “I feel the same way my soul! But we’re only human. At least we were.” Then Sue said with a little less emotional, more questioning voice, “Could you sense who our Nal friends were darling?” I said with a little less emotional voice, “Yes my life. I suppose they did a little something with our brains. But I don’t feel any smarter.” Sue said, “Apart from being able to remember our time with them like it was yesterday, I don’t either. Though I remember that in a sort of Nal form, we were able to see most of each other’s memories. But at best, all I have of them are vague impressions. But I remember the love and sensations clearly.” I said, “I suppose they have their reasons.” Sue said, “They’re such dears. Let me try to think something to you.” I said, “Ok darling.” Then Sue thought to me. But I didn’t hear anything. I said, “I didn’t hear anything darling.”

 Sue said, “I guess they didn’t change our brains that much darling.” I looked at Sue a little more lovingly. Sue did the same with me. We began to kiss each other with a loving tenderness that was more than a match for any loving, tender kiss we ever shared. After about thirty seconds of our kissing and caressing, our kiss began to turn more passionate. We both gave off moans of pleasure as our tongues also caressed each other’s. I also became aroused. After a few extended moments, I slowly parted my kiss from Sue. I said with a bit of a shamed edge to my loving voice, “Now I’m ashamed again my heartbeat.” Years ago, I had told Sue this back in her apartment. Because I became aroused while I was feeling love for Sue on a spiritual level. Which somehow, a little bit, seemed to cheapen the spiritual love I was feeling for Sue. For which Sue said that I had nothing to be ashamed of. Remembering this, Sue said, “I think I know why darling.” Sue then took little Bevie’s picture and sat it over on her night stand. Then Sue turned back to me and caressed her hand down my body. Sue then took hold of my stiffened appendage through my underwear.

 Both of us took on more passionate looks as Sue said with a highly loving voice, “I told you before my love that that’s nothing to be ashamed of. And do you remember what I whispered to you on the top patio of Til and Mav’s place?”

I said to Sue with a passionate voice as Sue kneaded my penis with her fingers, “Yes I do darling. And you’re going to get it.” We began to kiss each other with a kiss that was halfway between loving and passionate as I started to pull up on Sue’s T-shirt. Once I got it up to Sue’s breasts, we parted our kiss and looked at each other with loving emotion. Then I raised Sue’s shirt up more. Revealing Sue’s magnificent breasts. Sue’s nipples had the wonderful appearance of having been used for breast feeding. But apart from that, even after two children, they weren’t any different than they were when I first saw them. After I got Sue’s shirt off, I let it drop off to the side of the bed. As we looked at each other with emotional passion, we both scooched down to a laying position. Then we started to kiss each other passionately. I started to caress off Sue’s panties with one hand and Sue started to caress off my underwear with one of her hands. Both of us raised our hips a little as needed to help each other do so. The round firmness of Sue’s butt was another thing that hadn’t changed.

 Once our underwear were low enough, we used our legs to maneuver out of them. Then Sue started to caress my genitals as I caressed one of Sue’s breasts. I slowly parted my kiss from Sue. We looked at each other with emotional passion again. I said with an emotional, passionate voice, “I love you so much my very being.” Sue of course had an emotional, passionate look on her face too. Then Sue said with an emotional, passionate voice as she gently pulled my penis toward her, “I love you so much too my other self.” Having gotten on top of Sue, Sue guided my penis to where it needed to go. A look of emotional ecstacy came over our faces as I entered into Sue. Even though Sue had two children, Sue felt as tight as she had what now seemed to be a day ago. As Sue and I made love, we looked into each other’s ecstacy filled, emotional eyes. There wasn’t much of the usual, wonderful, statements of love and endearment going on here and there as we made love. Our loving, teary eyes said it all. Every now and then, I would use my lips to scoop up and suck in some of Sue’s tears of love. Sue would do the same with my tears of love every now and then.

 After about a minute and a half, I brought Sue to an orgasm. For the time being, this caused much of Sue’s emotional look to go away and be replaced by a look of heightened ecstacy. Sue also gave off cries of ecstacy. After things settled down a bit, an emotional look of ecstacy again came over Sue’s face. We continued to drink in each other’s love through our teary eyes. Every now and then, as we continued to make love, we would kiss up more of each other’s tears of love. Along with everything else, the multidimensional togetherness Pim and Mim allowed Sue and I to experience of each other before we were sent back to earth was part of the reason for our emotional state. Sue and I had never quite made love in such a state. It was beyond anything any human could have experienced. After about a minute and a half, Sue began to approach another orgasm. I knew that because of the overpowering love I was feeling, despite my best efforts, I couldn’t last much longer myself. So I decided to join my sweet darling love and speeded up my actions.

 About twenty seconds later, both of us gave off cries of ecstacy as we both orgasmed together. After things settled down some, Sue and I fully embraced each other. We nuzzled the sides of our heads together with our teary eyes tightly shut and emotional, loving looks on our faces. I spoke to Sue as we did so. My voice was a little breathless, emotional and passionate. I said, “Oh my everything! Making love with you is just as wonderful as it was years ago!” Sue said with an emotional, loving voice, “Oh my dearest heart!” We then slid our lips toward each other’s. Then we started kissing each other passionately. With a little uncomfortable firmness. We also caressed each other fervently. After about thirty seconds or so, our passionate kiss became more comfortable. Our caresses also became more loving. After about another thirty seconds, I rolled onto my back and pulled Sue along with me. It caused me to slip out of Sue. But it didn’t matter. With Sue now on top, I of course used this opportunity to caress more of Sue. We kissed each other for about another minute. Then Sue slowly parted her kiss from mine.

 We looked at each other with highly loving looks. Most of our tear causing emotional state had subsided. Sue then caressed my cheek lovingly. I lightly closed my eyes and turned my cheek a little into Sue’s hand. At the same time, I put a hand over Sue’s and used it to help me nuzzle Sue’s palm back with my cheek. Then I moved my face a little more toward Sue’s hand and pulled it over my lips. I then kissed the palm of Sue’s hand. Then I slid Sue’s palm back to my cheek and nuzzled it a little more. I then slowly turned my face back toward Sue. Then I slowly opened my loving eyes as I caressed my hand from Sue’s hand to up her forearm. Sue caressed her hand from my cheek and started to caress my shoulder with it. We were of course looking at each other with highly loving looks. I lovingly caressed my hand off from Sue’s forearm to her cheek. Then I lovingly caressed Sue’s cheek also. Sue lightly closed her eyes and turned into my caress a little. Then Sue caressed her hand off from my shoulder and brought it up to place over mine. Sue then used it to help her nuzzle my palm with her cheek. Then Sue turned her face a little more and used her hand to move the palm of my hand over her lips. Sue then kissed my palm too.

 Afterwards, Sue turned her face a little toward mine as she slid my palm back to her cheek. Then Sue nuzzled my palm a little more with her cheek. After that, Sue turned a little more to me and slowly opened her loving eyes. Then Sue caressed her hand from mine and down to my forearm as we continued to look into each other’s loving eyes. Sue said with a gentle, loving voice, “How can you be so wonderful darling.” I said with a gentle, loving voice as I caressed my hand from Sue’s cheek to the side of her head, “How can you be so wonderful darling.” We then began to kiss each other lovingly. After about twenty seconds or so, our kiss began to turn more passionate. I caressed my hand from Sue’s head and began to caress more of Sue with it. About twenty seconds later, Sue started to roll onto her back. I went with Sue of course. Once I was mostly on top of Sue, Sue used this opportunity to caress me more. We kissed for about another minute. Then I slowly parted my kiss from Sue. We again looked at each other lovingly. I said lovingly, “I’m so happy there’ll soon be more of you to love again darling.” Then I got up a little and moved lower on Sue on my hands and knees. Sue said with a highly loving voice, “Oh darling!”

 Then I caressed Sue’s tummy a little, then kissed it. As I went back to lay on my side next to Sue, I said, “I know it’s been a little tough at times darling.” Sue also turned on her side to face me. As we entwined ourselves in a loving embrace. I added, “You already know what I think darling. But I bet you’ve made Zem and Bev proud too at being such a wonderful mother.” Sue said lovingly, with a bit of appreciation in her voice, “And I bet you’ve made them proud too darling by being such a wonderful father.” I said, “I hope it’s a little girl this time darling.” As Sue caressed me, Sue said, “And I hope it’s a little boy darling.” We started to kiss each other passionately again. We kissed for about another minute and a half. Afterwards, I slowly parted my kiss from Sue. We again looked at each other lovingly. I said with a gentle, loving voice, “Let me get a pillow dearest love.” Sue said gently and lovingly, “Ok darling dearest.” I moved Sue’s pillow for us both to lay our heads on. As we laid our heads on the pillow, we both smiled lovingly at each other. Sue said, “It’s kind of nice not having the kids around to interrupt us.” I said, “Zem and Bev probably know what a handful they can be.”

 This caused Sue and I to laugh a little. Afterwards, we were both grinning as Sue said, “But I’m sure they enjoy it.” I said, “I guess we were fooled pretty well with that whole story about being kidnaped by some mysterious government agency for a secret mission.” This caused us to laugh a little. Afterwards, Sue said with some mirth in her voice, “It was a more believable story than the truth!” Which caused us to laugh some more. Afterwards, Sue took on a little more surprised look. I did too as Sue said, “And the pictures of us in that military getup! They changed the look of the forest a little! But that was us in the virtual reality game!” I then said, “And the money! That was the money I asked the maketake machine for before disposing of it! Though I think they threw in a few more valuable coins!” Sue said, “Probably! But still, it’s too bad that you didn’t ask for more!” We both laughed. Afterwards, Sue said, “It’s no surprise, but they also made the coins look used a bit. If people here knew where they actually came from, they would be priceless.” I said, “That worthless hobo who tried to rob me when I got back to earth. It must have been Zem who put the money back into my pocket. I wonder what he did to those guys.” Sue said, “Probably something they didn’t like.”

 I said, “Do you suppose they had anything to do with your deciding on Beverly for little Bevie’s name?” Sue said, “I always liked the name Beverly. But I suppose it’s possible. I’ll have to ask Bev later.” Then Sue said, “Maybe we should rename little Billy Zem.” I said, “Being a girl, Bevie might be able to get away with being called Bev when she gets older. But there are a lot of Mexicans who name their boys Jesus. There are also a lot of sand niggers who name their boys Mohammed. Those things would make naming little Billy Zem seem sacrilegious. If that sort of thing happens on planet Bev, I’m going to ask Tal and Sas if they should put an end to it.” Sue gave me an understanding look and a slight nod. Then Sue took on a more somber countenance. I did too. Sue said, “Bev and Zem said that we could save our families. But what are we going to do about Becky, Henry and little Katie and Niki? We can’t leave them on this hell hole planet. What are we going to do.” I said, “I know. It’s like the situation we faced when we asked Zem and Bev about our families. They’ve already been so wonderful. How can we dare ask for more.” Sue said, “All we can do is ask. But I’ll be so ashamed.” I said, “Me too darling. But we owe it to them to ask.”

 Sue and I looked at each other for a couple moments with concerned looks on our faces. Then I said, “Maybe things will work out.” Then Sue smiled a little. I did too. Sue then said, “Let’s look at our wedding album darling.” I gave Sue one last loving kiss and said, “Ok darling.” Sue and I separated ourselves from our wonderful embrace and we sat up. We took our pillows and repositioned them for us to lean back against. I then reached for our wedding album. Picking it up with our rings on top, I laid it on my lap. Then I picked up my Reall made wedding ring. I held it and my ring hand up to Sue. I then said to Sue with a living smile, “Would you do the honors my love?” Sue said, “Of course darling.” As Sue took off my wedding ring, Sue said, “I guess we can keep these things as keepsakes.” Then Sue put on my maketake made wedding ring. We smiled at each other lovingly as Sue did so. Then Sue gave it a light kiss to seal it. Sue then held up her ring hand. I took off Sue’s wedding ring and engagement ring. I replaced them with Sue’s Reall made engagement ring and wedding ring. Afterwards, I sealed them with a kiss.

 I then said, “That feels better darling. We’re properly married again now.” Then Sue and I gave each other a loving kiss. After a few extended moments, we slowly parted our kiss and smiled lovingly at each other. Sue then picked up our other wedding rings and turned a little toward the night stand on her side of the bed. Then Sue sat them on Bevie’s picture that Sue had put on her night stand. Once Sue was sitting back against the pillow and headboard, Sue took our wedding album, pulled her knees up some and leaned it against her knees. It was the only way for Sue to see it well without Sue’s large, pert, succulent breasts getting in the way. I put an arm around Sue. Then Sue opened the wedding album to the first page. The love letter I had written Sue was on the right. I said to Sue, “After all these years darling, your happiness is still like a bright flame in the darkness.” We were of course looking at each other lovingly as I added, “And it always will be.” Sue said lovingly, “Oh darling!” We then kissed each other with a kiss that was halfway between loving and passionate. After a few extended moments, we slowly parted our kiss and looked at each other lovingly again. Then we turned back to the wedding album.

 Sue turned the love letter to the left side of the photo album. The large picture of Sue and I when we were married was on the right. With the planets up in the sky behind us, this picture was especially beautiful. Sue and I looked at each other lovingly. Sue said, “It’s so beautiful darling. And you were so handsome.” I said, “You’re so beautiful darling. Zem and Bev’s wedding arrangement was so wonderful.” Sue and I gave each other a loving kiss for a few extended moments. Then we turned back to the wedding album with joy on our faces. Sue turned the page and we looked at the other wedding pictures. One was a page sized picture of Zem and Bev together. Another page sized picture showed Zem, Bev, Sue and I together. We both made some joyful comments about them. Turning the page, there were other smaller wedding photos. Sue and I made loving comments about them and each other as we looked at them. Which brought about some brief b