American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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Since my girlfriend Kelly's spending the summer in Hawaii with some of her friends there I decided to hang out with George up at the river for a time because George is always fun and never boring.  A great combination.

One day we after burning a couple “J's” and washing them down with a beer or 2 we decide to go to a really out of the way fairly vigorous hike to hot tub that's right on the river.  Because it is remote there's almost never anyone there,  from the land side anyway.  One of the reasons we do like it is because we go naked and this river in the summer has lots of river rafters on it.  Since it's pretty expensive to partake of this sport it's almost all straight folks, we like to stand up a wave at them as thy go by thus insuring that they don't land.  When  they see us they just float on by with expression that run the gauntlet from delight to disgust.  Either of which always delights us.

The tub itself is like a large cement bath tub big enough for 4 good friends.  The hot water comes right out of a rock and pours into the tub.  Since the tub has a drain you can plug it up and it will fill in a very short time.  When you leave you unplug the drain so the tub stays clean for the next people who use it by the hot water running through it.

So after a long hard hike George and me are sitting in the tub just enjoying life when we hear someone else coming down the trail.  As they round the corner we see it's a couple of babes in their mid 30's who look fairly straight.  George does what he always dose in these situations, he stands up welcoming the ladies. 

To our surprise and delight after saying “Hi” they do not turn around and leave.  Instead they simply strip down and ask if they can join us. 

It'll be our pleasure.  George lights a fattie and passes it around, the babes partake.  George offers them a brewski, the ladies decline.  We all chat with the usual inanities,where ya from, what do ya do, married, single got any kids, …............................    When I decide I got to pee so I excuse myself and stand up.

When I do one of the girls says, “My God, that's the biggest dick I've ever seen.  Jesus that's a John Holm's dick!” 

I'm slightly embarrassed but my good buddie George says, “You got that right.  Tai here has a regular donkey dick.”  then starts laughing. 

Now here's the thing about siting in hot water as opposed to cold.  While cold water will shrink your cock and balls right down to almost nothing, hot water has the exact opposite effect.  Getting out of really hot water your cock  even though still soft will be quite a bit larger than it usually is when it just resides in your pants.  In fact it'll be almost as big soft as it would be hard, plus I had to pee which even enlarges it a little more.  Even your balls will never be hanging lower which makes them look bigger too. 

And I ain't going to lie to you here folks.  Every man in the entire world with any kind of measuring device knows exactly to the millimeter how big his dick is when fully erect.  Mine is just at the upper end of normal for a white guy.  But I surely ain't going to miss that opportunity by admitting that to this babe.

She turns to her friend and says, “Isn't that the biggest dick you've ever seen?  I mean, come on, it's huge!”

Her friend admits it is big but then she adds, “It only looks huge to you because you've only had sex with your ex and he has a pretty small one.”

I now see my chance and ask her if she'd like to try it on for size.  After all she should not pass up a once in a lifetime chance like this to fuck a giant dick. 

George is backing me up telling her she should take the opportunity while she can.  Even her friend is saying to her that she mourned her divorce long enough and it's time, she  should do it. 

So after a bit more peer pressure she says, “Why not.  I deserve it.” then turns to me saying, “Are you ready?”  I sure am.   She says, “Then lets go.”

She stands up, grabs her towel, takes my hand and it's off into the wild we go for a very pleasant afternoon interlude.   And I must say it fit her just fine and it seemed to me that she really enjoyed it.

When we got back to the tub her friend says, “It took you long enough.” then  dreamily (sarcasticly?) “Was it everything you hoped for?”

The babe assures it it was. 

The friend then tells her  it's time to go so they get dressed and grab their stuff.  But before leaving the babe give me a good bye kiss telling me what a wonderful time she had and she was really glad to have met me and........

Before she can say any more her friend takes her by the arm saying, “Come on, let's go already.”  and with a final wave bye-bye their gone.

After they're out of ear shot I ask George if he got any from the friend? 

He says, “No, but it wasn't for lack of tryin'.  She said she just wasn't into it and no matter what argument I used on her she wouldn't bulge.”

I  get back in the water and say to George, “You know George, we' sure would like to fuck them all.  Every single one of them.”

George laughs saying, “You got that right Tai, you surely do”