American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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Kerry, Joanne, Lindsey and I are all sitting in the kitchen of Lindsey and my apartment in New Orleans just off of Saint Charles St.  Kerry and Joanne have just returned from Martinque so we're all reminiscing about our trip to the islands, which was just one big drunken debauchery.  Lindsey and I had left them in Martinque to dry out back in the states.  Now that Kerry and Joanne had had enough too, they were back telling us of their adventures in that tropical paradise.

Joanne says, "The funniest incident that happened to us there was when we met these two well off black guys about 30 years old." 

Kerry says, "Yeah they saw us and just had to have us, so Joanna and me thought, what the hell, they look all right so let's see what they have to offer."

Joanne continues, "We met them in the bar of a fancy hotel that we had gone to to listen to a band that was playing there.  Anyway, they came up to us and asked if they could buy us dinner and a drink. After we had looked them over said sure."  

Kerry says, "They showed us a good time too, bought us anything we wanted without even a glance at the prices."

Joanne says, "Yeah, we thought they were pretty cool.  Then one of them tells us that he has a big 40 foot cabin cruiser and how would we like to go with them on an overnight cruise to a fancy resort on another island.  I asked Kerry and she said, "Why not" so we told the guys that would meet them the next day.  We could tell that they were disappointed.   I'm sure they thought that we would spend the night with them then, but we wanted to make sure they weren’t just bullshitters." 

Kerry says, "So they told us where to meet them, and bright and early next morning there they are standing on this really nice boat waving at us and telling us to come aboard.  We cast off and set course.  They ask us if we want food and drinks and we say, of course."

Joanne continues the story, "As soon as we'd eaten and had a couple drinks, the guy who liked me comes over and asks if I’d like to see his stateroom.  I say all right and we leave Kerry and her new beau in the salon.” 

Kerry says, "Soon as they're out of the room my guy come over and starts hugging and kissing me, and he was so excited that he cums right in his pants.  What a geek!" 

Joanne says, "Yeah, my guy tried putting the make on me as soon as we entered his room and I had to fight him off by telling him that it would be better later.  He looked sad but said okay." 

Kerry says, "So the rest of the cruise we spent sunning topless up on deck just to keep them interested, but afterwards we talked it over decided that they were just a couple of maroons." 

Joanne’s says, "I told Kerry, "Let's take these assholes for a real ride."  When we got to the restaurant we told the guys that we wanted lunch and they said they'd fix it for us in the galley but we said no, we wanted to go to the restaurant.  They tried to talk us out of it but we remained firm so they said okay." 

Kerry picks it up, "We walked into the place and it was real nice.  We could tell right away that it was expensive, so we sat down and ordered the most expensive things on the menu, lobster salad and a bottle of French wine."

Joanne lick her lips and says, "It was really good too. Then the guys wanted to go back to the boat for some afternoon fun, but we told them that we wanted to go swimming in the resorts pool then use the Jacuzzi instead. They pouted, but what could they do.  We spent the whole afternoon by the pool sipping high priced drinks.  When evening came we told them we wanted supper then after that we would be very nice them so they stopped pouting and we all had dinner, a whole boiled lobster apiece.  God it was good!"

Kerry then says, "The boys said, “All right now your fed, so let's go to bed.”  We smiled prettily at them and said, “That sounds good to us so let’s get a room.”  The guys said that there was plenty of room on the boat and we wouldn't need a room at the resort.  Now we pouted and said, well all right, if you just want to sleep then that's fine by  us, but if you want to play then get us a room." 

Joanne laughs and says, "They bitched a little, but they got us a room, a real nice one too.  It had two big beds and a really pretty bathroom.  We then told them that we wanted a good bottle of champagne to get in the mood and celebrate, so they bought that too.  Finally, we let them take us to bed and man o man, they were quick to cum they were so horny for a white chick.  After we balled a second time, my guy calls over to his buddy  "What do you say, let's switch." 

"When I hear that I jump out of bed, run over to Kerry and say, "That sounds good to me.  How about you Kerry, shall we have some fun together?" and as I crawl into bed with her, she kicks her guy out of bed.”

Kerry's laughing, "So here's me and Joanne going at it while these dorks have their dicks in their hands starring at us like a couple of walleyed fish."

"Joanne’s guy whines, "That's not what I meant!”

"But Joanne says, "Well, we like it this way, so tough titty.  Why don't you boys have some fun with each other.  Hell, you might even like it."

"Then we start going at it with one another again."

"Now my guy is getting hot watching us so he turns to his friend saying, "Maybe we should try it." 

"But the other guy gets all indignant, "What are you, some kind of Queer?" 

"Then he whines at us, "Come on now girls, let's just back to the way it was." but we just ignore him and enjoy each other." 

Joanne finishes the story, "Just for meanness, me and Kerry stayed together all night.  In the morning they were so mad at us that they wouldn’t even speak to us at all, they just took back to the boat then brought us back to Martinque." 

Kerry says, "Yeah, maybe next time they'll show a little class instead of acting like horny teenage boys.  It must have cost them a couple hundred dollars for 15 minutes of fucking.  What a couple of loser!"

We all had a good laugh and I could just picture these two poor dummies who just didn't know how to handle these two sexually liberate hippie chicks but then again, they certainly wouldn't be the only ones to pay for not being hip.