American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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The Santa Clause Queer and the One Eared Queer are a couple of old queens who use to come out to the hot springs on a regular basis.  They liked it so much that Santa Clause bought a small apartment house out here with four units.  They were from somewhere in LA so they would spend all week in the city cruising the streets for young boys who'd they'd bring out to the desert then dress up to party with.  They both fit their names too, the Santa Clause Queer was short, round and bald on top with a fringe of long pure white hair and a bread to match, and he always wore red suspenders.  The One Eared Queer was tall and thin whose skin looked like a patch work quilt.  He had spent so much time in the sun on Venice beach checking out the action that his he skin cancer real bad.  He had to have one of his ears cut off, then the doctors took strips of skin from his thighs and stuck them all over his face, neck, chest and shoulders.  What a pair.  I think the only reason they ever able to pick up young dudes was because Santa was rich

They loved to party too.  Almost every weekend they were out at the pools and mostly with different boys.  Santa like to tart his up with lots of garish make up dressed in Frederick’s of Hollywood attire.  One Ear liked his in black leather especially big spiky cock rings that kept the boys with what looked like a perpetual hard on.  They'd be at the pools having a gay old time.  Something that upset most of the residents who did not like that faggot stuff going on around them.  However, I’d remind them that this was a free place and a lot of people did not like what they were into either so, as long as they weren’t violent...  They all grumbled but agreed.

I myself didn't care since I had tried the bi life while living in San Francisco during my hippie years.  It was pretty hard not to have gay sex then.  At least a quarter of all my friends and party mates were gay.  Also, in an orgy sex was sex and with all orgasm being created equal, any orgasm is a good orgasm.  But I failed at the bi life because having sex with males wasn't, to me anyway, as exciting or as much fun as sex with females.  It was just okay, kind of like jacking off and I could hardly bring myself to kissing other men. Trying to make out with one gave me the willys especially ones with beards.  I don't see how women can do it.  Anyway...

After a couple years Santa and One Ear quit coming out to the desert plus no one had lived in their apartments for a long time, then one day here's comes One Ear down the road in his jeep with a boy toy but no Santa.  I ask him where he's been for the last few years and where's Santa.  He tells me this tale: "Ronnie's in prison for trying to murder his wife." 

I say, "No shit.  You mean he was married?" 

One Ear nods saying, "Yeah, he was married for over 20 years to a very wealthy woman, and they got along fine until he came out of the closet.  That's why his wife bought him the place out here. She wouldn't divorce him and she told him that as long as he acted like her husband while in LA then he could do whatever he wanted out here.  We had a real good time for those years too, but then Ronnie got tired of playing the straight and started screwing around in the city.  His wife gave him the ultimatum: Either quit his perverted ways around her and confine them to the desert, or she would divorce him and leave him without a penny. Ronnie told her he'd straighten up, but it really pissed him off.  Somehow or other Ronnie met a guy who said he was a hitman, so Ronnie told him that he'd give him ten thousand dollars to kill his wife and the guy agreed.  Ronnie gave the guy the keys to the house and told him he wouldn't be home that weekend."

"Ronnie and me went to Vegas for the weekend where he told me all about it.  I told him he was totally nuts, but he said he was to old to be broke and to start over.  Well, the guy broke into the house but forgot to turn off the burglar alarm and the wife wasn't at home anyway, so the guy figures that he'll just wait around until she gets home but of course, the cop show up first and arrest the guy for burglary.  He tells the cops he wasn't a burglar.  No, he’s a hit man, and if they cut him loose he'll testify against Ronnie in court.  The cops figure a murder conviction is a lot better than a burglary conviction so they say okay.  Just about then the wife walks in and the cops have the hitman tell her the story, which really pisses her of, so she tells the cops to throw the book at her husband.  When we get back From Vegas, there’s the cops waiting for Ronnie. They cuff him, read him his rights and take him away.  He goes to trail with just a public defender since wifie is divorcing him and he now has no money.  He’s found guilty and gets 15 years in Soledad.  I saw him right before they took him away and he tried to be up beat by telling me that at least he's gay so prison shouldn't be too bad." 

I ask if he still hears from Santa.

"He tells me, "Yeah we write, but Ronnie is not having a good time.  Prison is way too rough for the poor old dear and now he’s saying that he'll probably die in there." 

I remind One Ear that Santa did try to off his wife.

"One Ear nods saying, "Yeah I know, but still..." 

After that One Ear quit coming out to the desert too.  The apartment is still abandoned, a home for the homeless that is slowly sinking back into the sand.