American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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Neville and Cynthia were an English couple that hung out with us at the house on 25th St. who really liked to party.  They didn't do to many drugs, only pot and a bit of speed to help them stay awake but they loved to drink.  Both of them had long blond hair.  Neville was clean shaven and they were both about the same size, medium height but Neville was portly while Cynthia was built.  They were the same age as we were and they were a lot of fun until Neville got really drunk then he turned into a raging asshole that got kicked out of more places faster than anyone I knew.  When Cynthia got drunk she'd just sit around and laugh so she was much more liked than Neville.

I had personally kicked Neville out of our house on a number of occasions and he had never fought it.  I’d just grab him and tell him that it was time for him to leave then escort him to the door with him all the while cussing me in English and with Cynthia behind us laughing all the way to the door and out onto the street.  Sometime Cynthia would help Neville home but some times she'd just leave him on the sidewalk saying he could come home whenever he was able.  He always made it because when I’d next look out he'd be gone though he did spend a few nights in the drunk tank when the cops nabbed him before he got to his door.  They only lived two blocks from us on 23rd St. in a one bedroom half flat so we partied a lot together for a couple of years.

One night they came over and said that they had just gotten a big check from somewhere or other and how would we like to go out and help them celebrate. The others at the commune all had something better to do, mainly stay in and do dope, but I said that I’d be glad to help them waste their money at the bars so off we go, Neville, Cynthia and me.

For the first few hours everything was all right.  We drank, shot pool and bullshitted but then Neville reached his civilized threshold and became a foul obnoxious drunk insulting everyone in the place so we were kick out.  We went to another bar and lasted maybe 15 minutes before Neville started throwing pool balls on the floor so we got thrown out.  We went to a third bar and were in and out of it in less than 5 minutes.  Cynthia then suggested that we buy some scotch and gin and take it to their house to finish off the night.  Neville and I said that sounded like a good idea so it was off to the liquor store for supplies.

We got to their place and continued drinking into the night.  Neville liked to listen to old music from the 50's, so he put some of that on.  It was so bad that if I hadn't been drunk I would of left. 

We're all sitting around talking when Neville says to me, "Say, are you a betting man?"  

I ask what he has in mind? 

He says, "Poker" then turns to Cynthia and asks her, "Hey luv, you up for a little poker?" 

Cynthia just giggles and nods her head yes. 

I say, "Sure, I could play a hand or two."

"Neville says, "The kind we play doesn't involve the use of cards, only the chips.  Right babe." 

Cynthia gets up, laughs and says, "Right you are, me bucko." then walks into the bedroom. 

A few minutes later she's back with a poker chip caddy in her hands but she is not wearing anything below her waist except her thick blond bush. 

I look and ask what kind of poker they do play.  Neville explains it to me, "We each get an equal number of chips.  Cynthia will sit on the kitchen floor with her legs spread apart as far as she can.  Then we each roll the chip and see who can get closes to her snatch.  If it sticks between her pussy lips so that it doesn’t fall then it's double the bet you have to pay."

Being drunk this all made perfect sense to me so I told him let's do it.

He asked what I wanted to bet as he divided up the chips and Cynthia sat down on the linoleum and spread her leg laughing the whole time and telling us to hurry up.  

I said "How bout a quarter a chip." 

Neville goes "Oh big spender.  How about a dollar a chip?”

I agree. 

“All right, I'll go first.” he says.  He set his chip on its edge and rolls it towards Cindy's open pink slit.  The chip hits her thigh, bounces off and falls a good four inches from the goal. 

I roll mine and actually hit her pussy and my chip falls right next to it.  Ho, ho I win. 

Neville mutters, "Beginners luck.  My turn." 

We play like this for maybe a half hour.  And at first I'll tell you, it was pretty exciting and I really got into it, but after awhile it became just another game so I started to lose interest. Or maybe it was just all the scotch I was drinking but anyway, I started losing and I thought that Neville and Cynthia might even be cheating.  It seemed to me that when Neville’s chip got close to Cindy’s slit, she would actually try to snatch it up while when my chip got close she would pinch her pussy shut.  Anyway, by the time we quit I owed Neville $10.  No biggie, I told him that I’d pay him in pot.

Cynthia got up off the floor rubbing her ass saying that it had gotten numb. 

Neville helped her up saying that he would warm it up for her.  He turned to me and told me to find my own way out, and to be sure the door locked behind me then he took Cynthia into their bedroom and closed the door. 

I left thinking that in my whole life I never would have thought that looking at a naked pussy would be boring.  Gee, life was just full of surprises.