American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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The other night Joanne went to a party, found herself a new boyfriend and brought him home.  He called himself Daring Dave, but who, for obvious reasons, everyone else called Donkey Dick Dave.  Dave’s a tall young skinny white dude who sports, he says, a real from balls to head, 12 inch cock, and I believe it.  Since Dave’s not shy about either telling everyone about it, especially the ladies, or showing it to anyone who asks to see it, we’ve all seen it.  Also, whenever he walks through the house naked, there it is, swinging between his legs hanging half way down to his knees.  It doesn’t look too thick but that puppy is long.  

In fact, he picked up Joanne by asking her if she ever rode a genuine foot long dog.  Joanne, who has fucked a lot of doinks, informed us that when she told Dave to show her the goods, he didn’t even hesitate.  He whipped that long dong out and put it right in her hand.  She said she looked at his crank and gave it a squeeze.  When it jumped in her hand she was ‘in love.  Well, for a couple days anyway.   She brought Dave home, took him into her room and didn’t let him out until the next day.  Of course, all the girls in the commune wanted to know if Dave really packed a whole foot of meat and if so, what it was like to get boned by a wang that big?  Joanne was happy to give them all the gory details.  Joanne, a girl who really knows her shlongs, said she hadn’t measured it but Dave’s rod when erect sure looked like a full 12 inches to her.  And at first when he stuck it all the way in up inside of her, it had hurt but once her pussy adjusted to it’s monster size, she was in heaven.  She never felt so fulfilled.  Plus, as a bonus, Dave had staying power.  Joanne went back into her room for some more of the horizontal bop with Dave’s handle while the other girls made plans of their own for his johnson once Joanne was finished with it. 

A day later Joanne had had enough, there were just too many other great lays waiting for her out there to get hung up on this one.  Kerry then plied Dave with pot and compliments until he was ready to sock his big cock to her.  She took him into her room and kept him for the night.  Then she turned him over to Pat who later told us, “He was getting pretty fagged out after 3 days and nights of solid fucking but to his credit,” she smiled, “he did last long enough to satisfy my curiosity.” 

I sure my wife Lindsey would have liked to try out that giant python too but at that time we were being monogamous so she only listened longingly to these lustful tales of lust.

After Dave had rode off into the sunset, the girls spent an hour talking about how great it was to have been banged by such a large member.  So I ragged on the girls about how I always heard females say how it’s not the meat that matters, it’s the motion, and how superficial they were being for fucking a guy simply because he had such a big tool.  After all, I’d certainly never heard of any woman extolling the virtues of a 3 inch dick even if the dude was virtuoso with it

They all rolled their eyes then looked at me like I was stupid.  Pat said, “Geeze Tai, you don’t have no room to talk.  All men care about is: “How big are her tits?”  “Does she have a nice ass?”  “Look at those legs!”   So don’t give us any shit just because we acted like you guys for once.”  

“At least” I said, “we don’t lie to ourselves pretending to be all sensitive and caring when all we really do care about is: Are we gonna get laid or ain’t we?  In fact, we may talk about big boobs and nice butts but all we want to know is if she’s going to let us touch, squeeze, suck, fondle and fuck her body.  Because if she is, then we don’t give a good goddamn in hell how she looks.  We would much rather be with a short plump plain Jane who is free with her favors than some tall leggy beautiful ice princess who puts her pussy on a pedestal.  All you girls got to do to satisfy us is act like you like us and give us a little pussy.   We men may be shallow but at least we’re honest.” 

The girls looked at me for a second, then at each other.  They shook their heads and started laughing like I didn’t have a clue.  Then ignoring me went back to discussing Donkey Dick Dave.