American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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I'm at a party a gay friend of mine is throwing.  His flat is right in the heart of the Castro district, the very gayest place on earth.  So attention all you homophobes out there – Do Not Come Here – because your small pea brain will be blown.  Why they're all over the place, right in public, holding hands, hugging, kissing and not even pretending to be straight.  But can they throw a party?  You betcha!  Only the most far out freek fest can rival a gay bash for just plain outright FUN!  Why they even have and do in both quality and quantity the amount of dope the hippies can do.

Anyway, here I am having a grand old time when I hear over the music and people talking, “Damn, I out of tampax.  Any of you have an extra?”  No answer then, “Hey then how about going to the store with me so I can buy some.”

I look around and see a very pretty girl with white skin, short platinum blond hair, a red and white striped tube top, red satin short shorts, red platform shoes, a red sequenced handbag, red lipstick and nails to match talking to a couple of her girlfriends none of whom look inclined to leave a happening party just to buy tampons.

I hear her ask her friends again.  They all either shake their heads no or pretend not to hear her.  They're here to party not to help a friend who forgot to being some of her essentials.  Now me being a gentleman who's always ready to help a damsel in distress, especially a babe, I step up to her and tell her I'd be happy to accompany her to the store. 

She stares at me for a moment or two then smiles and says, “Let go then.”  She takes my arm which I offer her and right from the get-go I can see why she asked for assistance.  She is stoned to the gills probably on a combo of grass, coke and Quaaludes.  In fact she has a little trouble walking especially in those platform shoes and leans into me pretty good for the support.  So it's down the stairs and out the door we go.

We make it to the street and luckily since this is San Francisco there's an Arab market on every corner so we don't have that far to go.  She stumbles and staggers down the street hanging on to me so she won't fall over.  Something I don't mind at all since just about every part of her sweet little bod come in contact with me at one time or another.  A couple times she almost does take a tumble but I rescue her by putting my arms around her thereby copping even a better feel.

We make it to the store without incident and walk in.  The owner is not impressed.  He's seen way more and probably much worse that a stoned hippie with an even more stoned chick.  He don't smile but he does ask us what we want.

Trying to be funny I say, “A package of your finest Tampax my good man, if you please.”
The babe elbows me but she's laughing however, the owner is still not amused.  He simply asks what kind.

What kind?  I give him a blank look but the girl tells him 'regular' which he takes off a shelf and puts on the counter saying, “That will be $1.99 with tax that comes to $2.05.”

The cutie opens her handbag, rummages around a little and of course, comes up empty.  This is because good looking young women never, and I mean never have to pay for anything especially with they're all dressed up and there are single males around.  She looks at me and what is a guy to do?  I dig in my pockets and come up with the cash.  She grabs the tampons with one hand and me with the other and it's back out onto the street we go.

We stumble and stagger back up the block no worse for the wear making it back to the party.  As soon as we hit the door she tells me, “I have to visit the little girls room to change my thang.” then smiles.

 But before she can get away I say, “You know I'd be happy to help you out with that.”

She looks at me then say, “ You'd be happy to help me change my tampon?  Is that what you're saying?”  I assure her that's what I'm saying adding, “A little blood has never scared me.  And you  look like you might just need a hand.”

She looks at me then kind of giggles and says, “Why not. Well, come on then .” so it's off to the bathroom with her in the lead.

We go in , shut and lock the door then she turn to me and says, “So now what?”

I say, “Well, I guess you take off your shorts and panties then sit down and I'll' do the rest.”

She give me the eye saying, “Have you ever done this before?” then smiles and says, “I don't want you getting lost down there or fainting at the sight of a little blood.”

I tell her, “I've done this plenty of times with some of my girlfriends and have never had a complaint on taking it out.  Although I might need a hand putting a new one back in correctly.”

She outright laughs at that statement but she's just stoned enough to be both amused by and curious about the situational.  Still looking at me she drops her red drawers, pulls down her white lacy panties then sits down on the toilet.  She then opens the Tampax box, takes one out and hands it to me.  She spreads her legs and say, “Well lets see what you can do, big boy.”

Big boy is ready.  I hand her back the unused tampon telling her I need to find the string of the used one first before I put in the new one.  Using me hands I spread her legs a little farther apart saying, “I don't see it so I'm goin' have to take a closer look.”

With her watching I spread her pussy lips with one hand to take a real close look, so close I can see her clit which I then start licking while with my other hand using my fingers I tickle her outer pussy lips.

At first she kind of tenses up but she doesn't say anything and soon relaxes getting into the pleasure of it.  I keep at it getting more into it myself really enjoying it.  Soon while still sucking on her clit I'm finger banging her right up to the tampon.  Now she has her hands on my head pushing it harder into her.  Just when it sounds like she's ready to cum I grab the string and as I pop the cork she has an orgasm spasm.  Dropping the used tampon on the floor I lick her a little longer until she lets go of my head then I look up at her and say, “Should we adjourn to the shower and finish this off?”

She readily agrees and soon we're both naked.  Together we jump in the tub, close the shower curtain and turn on the water.  After that a good fun and clean time is had by the both of us enjoying each others bodies.  I tell you there's nothing quite like taking a shower with a strange beautiful girl soaping one another up and sliding our now slick and slippery naked bodies together.  And with all that soap and water the dick slip right in, no problem.

After we're done showering and have dried off the girl again hands me the new tampon and smiling says, “You were pretty good taking it out so now let's see how good you are putting one back in.”

Now I've always enjoyed a challenge but I also know my limits so I  say to her,” Well I can try but I sure can't guarantee the results since taking one out is a hell of a lot easier than putting one in.  But hey, I'll give it a go if you really want me to.”

The cutie wisely takes the tampon back saying, “I'd better not risk it then because if you don't get them it just right then they can leak, and I sure wouldn't want that to happen especially since this party is just beginning.”

I am kind of disappointed since I have successfully removed dozens of the little suckers but no girl has ever let me put one in so I thought this might be my chance.  It certainly would be fun to try because who knows what it might lead  to

We get dressed and with a last hug and kiss leave the bathroom.  Once out the girl (We never did exchange names) gives me a little wave and melts back into the crowd.

I party the night away with the gays, bi's and straights.  Every now and then we run into each other.  When we do it's just a smile and a nod of recognition then it's back to partyin'.  Sad to say but after the party I never did see that cutie-pie again.  Oh well, it sure was fun while it happened and as the French say, “C'est La Vie.”

Now some of you out there reading this might think it's pretty gross not only having sex with a girl on her period but eating her out too.  But my friends, you are way wrong.  First of all if she's wearing a tampon then her pussy is pretty dry since said tampon not only absorbs the blood and mucus but her juices as well.  So if anything she's less tasty than when she's au natural. 

Secondly, after you pop her cork and stick it to her a little blood is not going to hurt you in the least.  If she don't want to stain the sheets, rug, sofa, etc, etc,etc, then just let her be on top.  So what if you get a bit of menstrual goo on you tool, it'll easily wash right off.  Better yet, bang her in the shower then there's really no problem.  I myself have never turned down sex just because a babe's on the rag.

Lastly and maybe most importantly, you'll be helping the girl out because a good fuck is way better for her than a Midol.  After an orgasm or 3 not only will her cramps abate but she'll actually feel really good afterward. Why she'll be glowing.  So come on guys help the poor suffering girl out, you'll be glad you did.  And girls, don't let a little thing like menstruating stop you from having a good time because you'll be glad you didn't.