American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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In my life I’ve had a lot of sex with many different people including some in some very unusual situations, but of the lot this tale is about the most bizarre by far.  It all started innocently enough too.  It was late afternoon and I was standing on the freeway in downtown Portland heading north when a new Cadillac with an older male driver stopped...

As I ran up to the passenger door the power window slid down and the guy asked where I was going.  When I gave him my ‘where ever you are rap.’ he laughed and told me to get in.  The guy looked to be in his late 40’s and was wearing a really nice suit.  I told him that he definitely wasn’t my usual ride.  He said he was coming back from a very stressful meeting and needed to talk to someone about something else to get his mind off of it.  He said since I looked clean and was carrying a backpack that I was probably safe enough to pick up.  He then introduced himself as Victor and told me he was going to Seattle.  As we drove I asked what the meeting was about.  He told me he was a Headhunter for a large corporation based in Seattle.  He had been down in Portland at one of their factories where they were having a lot of trouble meeting their production quotas.  He told me that, as usual, it was due to poor management so he had just finished firing a bunch of the top level people there.  Now he had to go back to headquarters and write a report explaining his action to the top brass.   Then he said, “Hey, I picked you up to get my mind off of this crap so let’s hear about some of your adventures.” 

I happily launched into some of the strange tales I’d experienced on the road.   He listened sometimes shaking his head, sometimes laughing and sometime, especially if sex was involved, asking me questions.

About halfway to Seattle we heard a loud BANG!  The car swerved and Victor cussed, “Goddamnit!  This is a new car.  What the hell is it getting a flat tire for?” 

As he pulled over into the breakdown lane I told him to relax, I’d be glad to change to tire for him.  Fifteen minutes later we were on our way.  As we came to Olympia he said he had to make a phone call.  He pulled of the freeway and into a gas station.  When he got back in the car he asked me where I was planning to spend the night.  I told him, “You can drop me off near any open field with some trees around it.” 

He said, “That was my wife I just called.  I told her about you and she said that since it’s getting late if you want to you can sleep at our house.  She also told me to bring some Chinese take out home so if you’re staying I need to know how much to get.” 

I thanked him for his generosity and accepted the invite.

We stopped in Seattle to pick up some Chinese food then drove north of the city until we exited the freeway into a wooded hilly area with some very expensive looking homes on either side of the road.  After a few minutes drive he pulled into one of these big houses.  It was 2 stories of glass and wood. I asked who all lived here.  He said, “Now it’s just my wife and me.  All the kids are either in college or grown and gone.”  He grabbed his briefcase and the food and told me to bring my pack. We entered the house and there stood his wife, a blond who looked about 40 and still in pretty good shape.  Victor introduced me to Betty. 

As we shook hands she said, “Nice to meet you.” then turning to Victor, “I see you have the food.  I’m famished so let’s eat.” 

We went into the dining room where the table was already set and she laid out the food.  While eating Victor told me to tell her some of my stories so I did.  She laughed and asked me if they were true.  I smiled saying, “Well, most of them.” then we all laughed.

After dinner I told them I’d wash the dishes.  Betty told me to just rinse them and put them in the dishwasher then she told me to join them in the living room for a drink when I had finished.  When I entered the living room Victor asked what I wanted to drink.  I said a Scotch would be great.  He poured then we all sat around chatting and drinking for the next hour or so.  Betty then excused herself saying she was tired and was going to bed.  Victor and I talked a little while longer then Victor looking at the floor said, “Can I ask you a favor Tai?”  

I told him to go ahead. 

He looked at me and said, “Your probably going to think this is pretty weird but, umm.”  He paused, took a breath then, “you see, me and Betty always had a real good sex life but lately unless there’s someone else in the bedroom with us watching us, I can’t seem to perform very well.” pause, “You know what I mean?” 

I thought I was going to be invited into a 3-some, which was fine by me so I said, “Yeah, I understand.” 

Victor continued, “So what we’d like you to do is watch me and Betty screw.” 

I told him it did sound kind of peculiar but since I saw no harm in it, I’d be happy to oblige. 

Victor said, “You understand, you won’t be asked to participate.  You’re just there to watch.  You can jack off if you want but I’d appreciate it if you didn’t say anything while we’re doing it.” 

Still thinking this was some kind of peculiar come-on and that sooner or later I’d end up in bed with them, I told him, “What ever you guys want to do is all right with me.”

Victor seemed relieved and said, “Let’s have another drink and give Betty time to get ready.” 

While we were having the drink I asked him what he thought had brought this on.  Victor said, “I think it comes from watching my parents screw when I was a kid.  You see, they were immigrants living in a one-room apartment in New York when they had me.  We were really poor.  My mom cooked on a hot plate and we had to share the bathroom with all the people on our floor.  Since we all slept in the same room from the time I can remember until I was 9 when we got a bigger place, whenever my parents had sex if I was awake, I watched them.  They didn’t care.  They just told me to ignore them because it was part of life.  When I got older and started having sex I’d always fantasize that someone was watching me and my partner doing it.  When I married Betty we lived in an apartment and I‘d pretend the neighbors had drilled a small hole in the wall and were watching us.  After we had kids I’d think maybe one of them was either listening to us doing it or was looking at us through the keyhole.  But a year ago the last one moved out and I just couldn’t pretend anymore so my performance started slipping.'

"When Betty asked me what was the matter I gave her some phony excuses but that didn’t work so I decided to tell her the truth.  At first she thought it was kind of sick but after thinking about it she told me she understood.  She said it would be all right with her as long as it was another man whom she didn’t know, who wouldn’t touch us and who she would never see socially.  Sometimes I pick somebody up but mostly we get guys out of the personals and so far it’s worked out pretty good.  I guess tonight it’s your turn.  We do this a couple times a month and so far we haven’t had any problems.” He paused then, “Well, Betty’s probably ready by now.  Shall we go?”

As we entered the bedroom I saw the lights had all been dimmed and there was a chair facing the bed about 4 feet from it.  Betty was already in bed.  She was staring at the ceiling with the sheet pulled up to her chin.  Victor told me to sit in the chair then he did a fast strip dropping his clothes on the floor and got into bed with his back to me.  Betty turned towards him and they started kissing.  After glancing at me Betty closed her eyes and never again during the act looked at me.  Victor went to work.  As the sheet fell away and Victor started fondling her I could see that Betty had a very nice little bod.  She was still fairly slim with small titties, however she was not a natural blond.  In fact, she had a very thick black bush which after a few minutes Victor buried his face in.  He stretched her crack out wide and chowed down.  Betty began to moan. 

Watching them I started getting hot too so I whipped out my now rigid tool and began to stroke it.  Victor glanced over at me and seeing me choking my chicken he intensified his action.  Betty grabbed his head, arched her back and really ground her pussy into his face.  Then she cried, “Now Victor.  Now!” 

Victor got up, spread Betty’s legs as wide as they’d go.  He slammed solid meat into her waiting pink hole then started pounding her pussy fast and furiously.  Soon they were both going at it with all they had.  They were sweating and moaning as I sat there with my dick in my hand as I watched them go at it.  Finally I couldn’t stand it any longer.  I shot my wad, but because of all the sexual tension in the room my cock stayed firm so I just kept flogging the dog while I watched Victor bone the hell out of Betty who looked like she was really enjoying it.  However after about 5 more minutes of watching Victor banging Betty I started to gt bored.  At first it was really exciting watching a couple fucking but now it was getting old and I wished Victor would hurry up  I quit stroking my shaft and then lost my boner while the fucked for another 15 to 20 minutes. Victor every now and then glanced over at me to make sure I was still watching while he turned Betty every which way but loose.  They did it with him on top, her on top, side ways, doggie style... 

  At last, with her legs over his shoulders and her ass in the air Victor rammed his hard hot prick all the way in deep inside of Betty’s soft wet slit and groaned.  His body went stiff then he shuddered and cums.  After a moment Victor rolled off Betty then they cuddled whispering to each other. 

I’m sitting there thinking, ‘Well, that was quite a show.’

After a few minutes Victor turned toward me and said, “Thanks for not saying anything.” then, “Well, I guess I’d better go wash my face.”  He got out of bed and headed for the bathroom. 

Betty looked at me then asked, “Did you find that strange?” 

I said, “It was kind of unusual all right and at first watching you guys really turned me on too.  All in all, a pretty enjoyable experience.” 

“I see though that you have lost your hard-on.” she said. 

I shrugged and said,  “It was exciting at first then I came and...”

She said, “That seems to be the usual reaction.  Except when some guys he brings home try to get into bed with us. Vic kicks them right back out and tells them to sit back down and stay sitting or there will be some major hell to pay.” 

I ask her if she would like to fuck another dude and she tells me, “Sometimes I think about it but it's not going to happen. I only fuck Victor.”

Just as I did Victor reentered the room, Betty kissed him smiled then said, “I’m taking a shower.  Show him where to sleep will you sweetie?” and without another word left the room. 

I stood, pulled up my pants and followed Victor out of the bedroom.

Victor showed me the guest room then told me he had to be to work by 7 a.m. tomorrow so he could dictate his report.  He had to leave here no later than 6:30 so what time should he wake me? 

I told him 6 a.m., half hour was plenty of time for me to get ready. 

He told me good night then left the room.

Next morning bright and early Victor wakes me.  After using the bathroom I get dressed and saunter downstairs.  Victor’s drinking coffee.  He asked if I wanted any. 

I told him no, I was good.  

He finished his coffee then tells me it time to go.  We got in his car and headed to the freeway.  As we drove into downtown Seattle Victor asked me what my plans were for the day. 

I told him, “I think I’ll take the Kingston Ferry over to the Olympic Peninsula, hitch up into The Green Cathedral and spend a few days communing with The Mother and her children.” 

He asked, “What the heck is The Green Cathedral and The Mother?”

I laughed and told him, “It’s the woods, man.  You know, deep in the forest where there’s only nature.”  

He said, “Oh yeah.” and pulled to the curb.  

As I got out Victor shook my hand then said, “Well, have fun.  And Tai, thanks again.” 

I smiled and said,  “No sweat Victor.  It was my pleasure.”  I watched him go thinking, ‘Man, this is one weird and wonderful life.’