American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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Kelly and I are camping on a beach just north of Matzatlan and things have started to mellow out.  Season's over, we've got some good Oxacan to smoke and those two drunken assholes Canuks are gone. They showed up a couple weeks ago, got drunk and stayed drunk. (Beer is $2 a case, delivered with free ice. Tequila is $2 a litter.) They were young and dumb and all freaked out at being away from home for the first time.  They made themselves completely obnoxious, bothering everyone they saw.  I told them to stay away from Kelly and me or there'd be trouble, and surprisingly they took the hint.

Last Sunday they decided that they weren’t getting enough pussy here.  A problem easily solved because Matzatlan has a huge red light district and for a measly $10 anybody can get laid any time.  Instead, each of the dipshits made themselves a sign, one said  "Want to Fuck?”, the other  "I Need Pussy." then the idiots walked up and down the beach thinking that they were really funny, not only showing their signs to Gringa's but to Mexcana’s as well.  Most people either ignored them or told them to go away.  After an hour or so they got tired of their little game and came back to camp to drink more beer and tequila.  What the morons didn't see was the half dozen Mexicano's following them who turned around after they had seen where the dumbfucks were camped.

Right after sundown, a very beautiful time of day when the sea gets all pink and still and the pelicans cruise along the tops of the waves and the sky turns all golden and pink, these same Mexicano's showed up at the boys camp asking the boys if they still wanted some pussy.  The boys, now drunk as skunks, said  "Sure." and walked over to the Mexicano’s. 

Well, the boys didn't get any pussy but they sure did get fucked.  The Mexicano's beat the living shit out of those two poor dummies, actually beat them unconscious then walked away.  The boys don't know how lucky they were; they could have been killed.  Well, one of kindhearted in camp went and called an ambulance for them, which came and took them away. Their stuff sat on the beach for the next couple days before it started disappearing but the boys we never saw again.