American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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I was living in a small campground on the north edge of Matzatlan.  I had my hammock strung up under a little palm frond ramada where I slept with my tent next to it where I stored my stuff in. The only other thing I owned was a cheap Styrofoam cooler for beer and ice. 

I had almost died a week earlier when an unannounced major hurricane hit Matzatlan at 6 a.m.  The wind was blowing so hard that the rain was going through the air horizontally.  My tent blew down, my ramada blew down and in a very short time I was knee deep in sea water with huge waves pounding the shore and coming towards me.  I ran for the bathrooms closed the door then held the door shut with waves crashing against them for the next two hours.  The water got up to my waist then my armpits before the eye hit and the storm passed over. It then abated enough for me to swim out of there and make it to the nearest big hotel where everyone was hiding out in the basement hoping that they wouldn't either be drowned of crushed if the building collapsed.  It was another two hours before the stormed had passed and it was safe to leave the basement. 

When I did Matzatlan had really changed.  It was still two or three feet underwater.  Most of the trees were gone, all of the windows on the ocean side were broken, a lot of the flimsier buildings had blown away, the billboards and signs were just twisted pieces of metal and the cars were all strewn about, some overturned, some crushed by derbies.   I walked back to my camp and saw that everything was gone.  So I cleaned up, built a new ramada, dug my tent out of the sand and put it back up and later bought a new cooler then filled it with beer but other than the hurricane I led a pretty idyllic life. The life of a beach boy.

I got up every morning at dawn to check out the surf.   If it was good, Bruce, another gringo beach boy and my partner in crime, would go body surfing for a couple hours.  Then we’d come back to shore and spend the day drinking the cheap but wonderful Pacifico, which was, delivered with free ice to our camp for only $2 a case.  Other than that we just hung out on the beach, talking to other gringo's, trying to pick up the tourist babes and hitting the surf whenever it was up.  At night we'd go out to eat at some cheap but delicious restaurant then hang out on the beach drinking tequila and watching the moon and stars.  If the surf was flat in the morning I would then run a mile or so down the beach then swim back just for fun.

One day as I was running on the beach when I saw up ahead a little blond babe in a bikini sitting on a towel, since it was still real early there was no other gringo's out.  When she saw me coming her way, she flipped her hair back, leaned back on her arms and stuck out her tittles.  As I ran by she said, "Hey man, where ya goin’ in such a hurry." 

I came to a stop, walked back, sat down next to her and said, "Nowhere in particular.  So what's the haps?" 

She laughed and said, "I've seen you running for the last couple days and thought I’d like to meet you.  My name is Megan." 

I told her my name and asked her where she was from. 

She said "I live in Phoenix and am just down here for a week on vacation.  What about you?” 

I told her that I lived in a hammock on the beach and had been here for two months. 

She said, "Wow, what do you do for money?" 

I laughed and said, "As little as possible." 

She looked at me then said, "Well, I'm a phone operator.  I've only got three more days here and so far all I've done is sit on the beach, so since you live here you should know something more exciting to do." 

I smiled at her, moved a little closer then said, "Have you been to town yet?" 

She said, "No"

So I said, "Well then, let's go to the mercado and you can check it out. Then tonight we can go out to eat and take in a flick." 

She said "But I don't speak Spanish."

I said "Not to worry, we'll go to an American movie where the subtitles are in Spanish." 

She said that sounded good to her and told me her hotel and room number. 

I got up and told her that I was going to finish my run and swim and that I would see her in a couple hours then I turned and ran down the beach.

When I got back to camp I told Bruce about the babe and he wished me luck.

About 10 a.m. I knocked on Megan's door.  She opened it dressed in a terry robe, said that she wasn't quite ready yet and invited me in.  She went into the bathroom but left the door open so we could talk and I noticed that if I positioned myself just right I could see into the bathroom in the wall mirror, unfortunately she didn't drop the robe.  When she was done with her make up, she walked back into the bed room and took off the robe but she was wearing her underwear underneath it so she just slipped on a T-shirt and some shorts, gave her hair a brush then said, "Ready."

We rode the city bus to the downtown area then walked to the mercado.  On the ride she told me that this was her first time out of the US, and that she was a little nervous.

I told her that she was much safer here in Mexico than almost anywhere in the US.  And that as far as I was concerned, Mexicans were some of the best people in the whole world and all the bad stories she had heard about it were from obnoxious gringos who got what they probably deserved. 

At the Mercado she was fascinated with all of the fruit and vegetables on display but what really got her was the meat section with whole carcasses lying about.  "You want meat, Senorita?  I just cut a little piece off for you." the butcher laughed. 

We had lunch at one of the mercado’s stands then wandered around town.  I then took her to a cantina where we drank a couple cold ones and by the time we left we were very good friends, holding hands back to the bus stop.  I dropped her at her hotel telling her that I’d be back at 7 p.m. to pick her up. 

She said okay then reached up and kissed me lightly.

I showed up at 7, and this time she was ready.  We went to a restaurant and had dinner then headed over to La Cinema, a complex that was showing four different films and was packed with Mexicans.  We got in line and Megan started holding on to me tightly and looking around wildly.  I told her to just relax, that she was just having a bit of culture shock and that she was safe so go with it. 

She looked at me and just nodded but didn't relax until we were in the theater and in our seats then she started talking about how strange everything was.  After the movie was over I asked if she wanted to do anything else. 

She told me that she'd had enough for one day so let's just go back to her hotel.  When we got there she invited me in but I stood at the door and asked her, "Are you inviting me in for the night or just for awhile?" 

She looked at me then said, "Well, we just met and I hardly even know you, so I guess it's just for awhile." 

I said, "What better way to get to know somebody then to spend the night together?" 

But she said, "I know, but I've already had enough new experiences today.  I don't think I can handle another one." 

So I said, "Okay, then I don't think I'll come in so I’ll see ya later."  I bent down and kissed her then bade good night and left thinking, 'well I probably won’t see her again'.

Next morning Bruce asked how my night was. 

I told him and he agreed that she probably wouldn't show up, “So let's hit the waves cuz their pumping today, dude!" 

About 2 p.m. I was lying in my hammock, drinking a beer, and watching the waves when up the beach comes Megan.  She saw me then walked up to me smiling and said what a great time she had last night. 

I asked her if she wanted a beer, which she accepted then said, "I was wondering what you were doing tonight and if you'd like to go out again?" 

I told her I had no plans and would be happy to go out with her again and suggested we go for dinner then dancing at the smaller of the two disco's where it starts earlier.

She said that sounded fine to her.

I told her I'll pick her up again at 7 p.m. and we spent the next hour chatting until Bruce came over and asked if I want to go out again since the waves are so good.  I told Megan, "See ya." then grabbed my Churchill’s and an old zori that I use as a hydro-foil, then Bruce and I spent the rest of the afternoon body surfing.

When we came in Bruce asked if I think I'll get any tonight. 

I just shrug and say, "We'll see."

I'm at the hotel at 7 and Megan's ready so out we go.  First to eat, then to the disco to drink and dance. While we're there two other young hot looking gringo babes came in, looked around and seeing no other gringo's in the place sat right next to us then started up a conversation.  Pretty soon I was dancing with all of them, sometimes as a group, sometimes as individuals.  We all partyed together until about midnight when Megan told me she's not feeling to well and would like to leave.  We said good bye to our new found friends and took the bus back to her hotel.  When we get to her door she said, "I'm really not feeling too good Tai.  I hope you understand." 

I told her, "No sweat." then kissed her good night and leave.

Next morning Bruce wanted to know the skinny so I told him. 

He started harassing me, but I told him that I'd rather spend time with a cute babe anytime than with his ugly ass.  He just laughed and said he's going to the Zona Roja tonight where for sure he’ll get laid, and would I like to join him.

I told him maybe. 

Now here's the thing about living in a country that has legal inexpensive prostitution.  It's no big deal if you do not get laid on a date with a regular girl or not, because if you're horny, then for $10 you can easily get some pussy.  It might not be as much fun as having sex with girlfriend but physically if feels exactly the same, so knowing this there's not as much sexual anxiety with a date

That afternoon Megan came up the beach again and with her was one of the girls that we partied with last night.  They came over to me and said, "Hi."  Then told me that the three of them are going to have a party at the two girls hotel because they're all leaving tomorrow and they wanted to make sure that I came. 

I told them I'd be happy to. 

We all chat for awhile then the girl excused herself leaving Megan and me alone.  Megan told me that she sorry about last night. 

I told her it's no biggie.  Then she got into my hammock with me with her feet at my shoulder.  She was quiet, just looking at me so I started to stroke her bare leg but she didn't say anything. 

I asked her if anything's wrong

She said, "It's just that I think that I could really like you." 

I told her that there's no future in that because after she went back to Phoenix, we'll probably never see one another again. 

She said she knows it and that's what bothering her. 

By now I'm stroking her thigh.  She then got out of the hammock, bent down, kissed me, smiled then said, "I’ll see you tonight. Pick me up at 8 p.m.  Bye." and down the beach she went.  Well, tonight’s the night, one way or the other.

I'm there at 8.  Megan's not ready so I went in and sat on the bed to wait.  She was in the bathroom, again with the door open so we can talk but this time when she's done with her make up, she took off her robe and underneath she was nude.  I watched her in the mirror as she got dressed and wondered if she knew I could see her.  After she was ready, we went to the other two girls party and there were the two girls and two other guys.  The girls had bought a couple kilos of giant shrimp and were making tempura with them.  Plus, there were a lot of other munchies to eat and of course, warm tequila and cold beer.  It was not a wild party.  None of us really knew one another so mostly we just stood around talked. 

About 11, Megan tells me that she's ready to go back to the hotel.  When we got there she invited me in. 

I said, "For the night." 

For an answer she reached up and kissed me, then drew me into her room.  She closed the door then said to me, "I know it's only for the night, but it is my vacation and I deserve to have a little fun being bad."  Then she smiled and kissed me again.

Next morning we made love one last time then she packed her bags and got ready to go to the airport.  She gave me her address and phone number and said, "If your ever in Phoenix." 

I took it but told her I never go to Phoenix. 

She said she knows but to take it just in case.  When she was ready, she checked out then called a taxi.  We kissed for the last time and she said, "Thank you Tai.  I had a wonderful time."  She then got in the cab. 

I said to her, "It was my pleasure. Have a wonderful life!" 

She smiled at me as the taxi pulled away.