American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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The vision begins:

My own true love Kelly and I are renting a room in a house that I’ve never been in before living with another hippie couple and a single dude who I haven’t met before. I decide to write out my Last Will and Testament leaving everything I own to Kelly.  I sit by myself in the living room writing it out.  After I’m done I call my roommates out of their rooms and ask them to witness my signature.  They think it’s kind of funny but they comply.  When we’re all done I call Kelly out of our room and hand it to her.  She reads it, asks me what’s it’s all about then starts crying.  I hug her, tell her I love her and that everything’s all right.  She stops crying and tells me she loves me too then she goes back into our room.  Just then there’s a knock at the door.  I open it and see my friend George who died years ago standing there, and he does not look too good.  He’s real gaunt with a lot of liver spots all over his skin like he just kept aging even after he died.  I give him a hug saying, “Hey, hey George, it’s great to see you again.”  

After giving me a hug he steps back then tells me, “It’s nice seeing me again too Tai.”  I say, “Well my friend, how they been treatin’ ya?”   George puts his left thumb over his left shoulder saying, “Ask him.” 

I look over his shoulder and see Death standing there at the bottom of the steps, and He looks just like you’d expect Him too, except I didn’t see no scythe.  He’s tall and He’s wearing a long flowing hooded dark gray robe that looks empty inside, but you just know it ain’t.  Except I notice that when He moves or the wind blows I can see He’s wearing a Santa Clause outfit under his robe which makes me smile.  George tells me, “You’re suppose to go with him.”  George and I walk down the stairs then George says, “I gotta go this way.” and points west. 

I tell George, “Hey, it was sure nice seeing ya again.  Take care.” 

George says, “Yeah, you too Tai.”  Then he turns and walks away.

I look up at Death then say, “Nice meetin’ ya.  What the haps?”

Death takes my left elbow.  When He touches me everything in the scene goes black.  I could still see the things around me but it was all black in black outlined.   I say, “Wow, this is weird.”   Death doesn’t answer so I say, “Sorry about all the chattering, but I am kind of nervous.” 

Death ignoring me starts guiding me to the East.  We’re walking on a road that seems to be on the crest of a hill.  When I look north towards Death I see nothing but Him, but when I look south I see a huge black city that follows the down slope until it reaches a gigantic black bay.  Looking at it I think, ‘This looks just like downtown Seattle at night except there’s no streetlights.’  Everything is still black on black except in each window of every building there’s a small pinpoint of white light.  I turn to Death saying, “Man, this city is magnificent.” 

Death doesn’t answer.  Instead he point straight ahead of us.  I see on the south side of the road we’re walking down there are some 3 story Victorian houses like the kind you see in San Francisco, and again each window has a pinpoint of white light in it.  I see the last house is at the top of the hill about 300 feet away.  As I’m looking at the house I realize I’m hearing the AUM and I notice that the pinpoint of white light in the window on the third story nearest the road is a little brighter than the rest so I keep watching it.  As I do it starts getting brighter and brighter, then all of a sudden the light explodes outward like an atomic bomb with an intensity so bright that it obliterates everything in it’s path, including Death and me, until there remains only the blinding white light and the AUM.

The vision ends.