American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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Kelly and I have just gotten back from Asia where we had spent five months on a beach on an island in Thailand and six months traveling around India and Nepal, and were now visiting Indian Jonny at his house in the desert.  He was happy to see us and invited us to dinner the next night.  He also told us he would be inviting a new friend of his so she could meet us. 

"She?" we asked since Jonny was gay, she could mean either sex. 

"Yes" Jonny said "A real she.  I’ve been hanging out with this really beautiful female named Stacey.  She has an exquisite little body and she's not afraid to show it off.  Whenever she comes over she strips down to her panties for the entire visit.  Just wait until you see her Tai."

Then he looks at Kelly who says, "Like I care." 

Indian Jonny then tell us her story.  Stacey is a rich girl, 20 years old, playing hippie.  She drives a VW camper van and hangs out with the Rainbows in Bus village.  She has a young hippie boyfriend and two dogs, and whenever her boyfriend pisses her off which is quite often, she becomes sexually promiscuous so since she young, rich, beautiful, and she fucks, everybody just loves her.  

I say to Jonny, "Gee Jonny, the way you're gushing over her, maybe you should go straight and fuck the hell out of her." 

Jonny just grimaces. 

Kelly seeing this says, "Yeah Jonny, maybe a little hot pussy is all you need to straighten you out." 

Jonny ignores her and changes the subject.  After awhile we leave promising to be back for dinner tomorrow.

Next day we get to Jonny's early so Stacey's not there yet.  While Jonny is making Chili Colorado, the best I've ever had, we sit around smoking dope and watching Jonny cook.  Just before dinner is ready a green VW bus pulls into Jonny's drive and out hops a tall thin girl with brown shoulder length hair.  She comes in and Jonny introduces us, she hugs us then says how she's heard so much about us and is really glad to meet us, then she goes into the living room and takes off most of her clothes.  I look at her and have to admit that she really does have a nice little bod and I can see why Jonny likes her body, she's got a very tight butt.  Dinner's ready so we all sit down and start chowing down. 

Stacey says, "Jonny tell me that you have just gotten back from a year in Asia.  Tell me, what did you do all that time over there?" 

Between bites I say, “Mostly we just hung out and smoked dope." 

Stacey laughs and says, "No really, what did you really do." 

Kelly says that's really what we did, “We hung out and smoked all the grass and hash we could." 

Stacey, a little perturbed says, "You can really mean that.  You had to do something else."

I say, "Not really, in fact, we stayed in this one place for five months and almost never left.  We just sat around with the other heads and smoked Thai weed." 

Stacey says, "Well, you must have toured some sites?" 

"Not really" 

"Studied the culture?" 

“Just the dope culture" 

"At least went shopping?" 

"Only for dope." 

"I can't believe you" she says hotly, "You wasted a whole year in Asia just smoking pot.  What about India?  You did something else there, didn't you." 

Kelly says, "We hung out with a yogi for a couple of months." 

Stacey cools down a bit then says, "And what did you learn from him?"

Kelly says, "Not much.”  

Stacey asks, "Why not?"  

I say, “Because we're not his disciples, we're his friends, so we just hang out with him." 

Kelly says, "Yeah, we treat him like a regular human being.  He gets enough ass kissing from his disciples so he doesn't need that from us."

I say, "Like I said, mainly when we go anywhere, we just hang out and do dope."

Stacey's mad again.  She stand up and says to us loudly, "How can you people waste an opportunity like that, let alone wasting your lives using drugs!" 

Jonny breaks in trying to cool thing down by saying, "Listen, let's just all enjoy our meal, shall we.  It really doesn't matter if Tai and Kelly want to waste their lives smoking pot." 

Now Kelly breaks in, "What do you mean 'waste our lives'.  I've never known you to turn down a toke, Jonny." 

Jonny says, "Come on Kelly, you know what I mean.  Let's just all settle down and finish our dinner." 

So silence settles over the table until Stacey says,, "I'm sorry Jonny, but I'm going to have to leave.  Nice meeting you Kelly, Tai."  Then she gets up, puts her clothes on then leaves.

After she's gone Kelly says to Jonny, "What's her tripp." 

Jonny says, "She's anti-drugs in general and especially pot.  I should have warned you." 

I ask, "And she wants to be a hippie.  Is she crazy or what?" 

Jonny says, "She thinks that it's pot that is the cause of hippies lethargy, that if we didn't smoke it, then we'd be more politically active and things would change for the better." 

I say, "Well, that's rich kids thinking all right, and any way, when was the last time she was oppressed."

Jonny just shrugs

 So Kelly says, "I think we should fire up a joint right now." which we do.

A few days later we're go over to Jonny's and there’s nearly nude Stacey (for some reason she never removes her panties) and she's there to use Jonny's phone.  We say "Hi" and everything seems cool. 

We all chat together for awhile, then Stacey says, "I think I might be pregnant so I have to call around and see who does abortions here."

Kelly says to her, "Don't you use birth control?"  

Stacey says, "No, I don't put anything unnatural into my body." 

Kelly tells her, "Then you're going to keep getting pregnant." 

But Stacey answers, "No I'm not, because I believe that I have control over my body." 

Kelly and I both laugh over that one.  I say, "You must be joking.  We as human beings can't even control our own puny little emotions, so how the hell are you going to control your entire body.  And if you're pregnant now, I’d say you're not doing a very good job controlling yours." 

Stacey looks at me like I am stupid then turns to Kelly saying, "You know what I mean, don't you." 

Kelly says, "We do not control anything about our lives.  It's just our inflated ego's telling us we do, but then ego is a notorious liar.  We can no more control our bodies than we can the earth spinning around the sun." 

Stacey is aghast and says, "How can you as a woman, say something like that?"

Kelly says,  “Because, it's true." 

Then Kelly and Stacey started arguing over whether a person, especially a woman, can control their own bodies. 

Jonny stepped in saying,  “Listen you two, if you want to argue then you're both going to have to leave.”  

So they stopped. 

Stacey made her abortion calls while Kelly, Jonny and I smoked a number.

When Stacey's done with her calls she says to Jonny, "Do you know of anywhere I can find a home for Robin's (her boyfriend’s) dog?" 

When Jonny asks why Stacey says, "We're breaking up and he don't want it any more." 

I ask her, "If it’s his dog, why don't you let him get rid of it?" 

She says, "He just too irresponsible." 

I say, "The guy is 20 some years old and he can't take care of a dog himself?"

Stacey says, "That's right." 

I say, "Maybe if you didn't do it for him, he'd do it for himself." 

Stacey says, "Some people do need other people to do things for them." 

I say, "You’re right Stacey, so you won't mind if Kelly and me moves in with you then you can do everything for us too." and laugh. 

Stacey stands up saying, "I'll see you later, Jonny."  She puts on her clothes and walks out.  After that whenever we see one another we're polite to each other but that's about it.

Shortly after that Kelly and I leave the desert and don't return for almost a year.  When we do we go over to Indian Jonny's house to visit him to catch up on all the local gossip which he's just chucked full of it.  When he gets to Stacey he tells us, "Man, you won't believe what happened to Stacey.  After spending the winter with the Rainbow’s, she hook up with the Deadheads for the summer and spent the whole summer following the Dead and, get this, she started snorting coke, then shooting smack." 

We go, "What!" 

And he says, "Yeah.  By the end of the summer she was a full blown coke head and a stone junkie." 

I say, "Well, I guess she must have choose it, after all she does control every aspect her own life.  Does she smoke pot yet?" 

Jonny says, "Of course.  Also, she had a couple more abortions last year and she's still not on the pill." 

We just shake our heads and say, "Typical." 

Jonny continues, "She's sold her van and daddy bought her a very nice school bus which she's fixed up real pretty inside and has a bitchen paint job on the outside.  So now she's a real hippie."

I say, "Except for the fact that daddy still supports her.  Not too many hippie have rich parents." 

Jonny says, "Now don't be jealous Tai." 

And we all laugh at that. 

Kelly asks, "Is she still a junkie?"  

Jonny answers, "Nah, her parents put her in Betty Ford for a month, so for now she's not doing anything."  Another rich girl perk, but we all agree that it’s a good thing.

A week later Kelly and I are visiting Jonny's and in walks Stacey.  We all say "Hi" then Stacey says, "Have you heard?  I've got a bus now." 

We say that we did then I say, "We also heard that spent the summer hooked on smack and coke and had to detox. But I guess that's not as bad as us smoking pot." 

Stacey give Jonny a dirty look then says sadly to me, "You guys just don't understand."

I look her right in the eyes saying, "You're wrong Stacey.  We understand all to well.  We understand that we are all just human.  With all of our frailties and foibles and all our wants and desires.  That we are all just trying to get though this life with all of us doing the very best that we can.  It was just foolish of you to think that you could control any of it.  I mean, life happens and we all have to just deal with it." 

But Stacey's not listening.  She's already decided that I am nothing but an insensitive ogre.  She just shakes her head and walks out of the house.  We see Stacey from time to time but whenever see us she avoids us and hasn't spoken with us since that day.  We hear that she's doing well though living in her bus, eating veg, smoking dope, fucking guys and is now Queen of the Hippies.