American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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This is NOT a Vision Quest for neurotic yuppies who want to feel good about themselves or for juvenile delinquents who need to learn to co-operate with each other and society.  This is the Vision Quest that you do alone, that can kill you or drive you insane if you are not prepared or do not have the heart and balls to see it through.  For this Vision Quest you must be physically, mentally and spiritually ready and you must have The Will.  Did you read the tale "A Natural High"?  Do you have the Will Power to do the fast for at least 10 days?  If not, then do not try this.  Just sit back and relax and read this as you would any other fairy tale.  It might be something interesting to read about but it's not something that you would want to try.

I've met lots of people in my life who are looking for God, for a miracle or for just Faith in themselves.  I've told them about the fast and the Vision Quest.  Of the hundreds that I've told, maybe five have actually done it and they all found exactly what they were looking for, what they needed to sustain themselves in their lives and are content.  The others all say that it sounds interesting but like too much work, that they'd rather be unhappy and anyway, what would happen if they really found what they were looking for, then what, huh?  I know a few folks who do the Vision Quest.  One young guy I know does it every year.  He says "Sometimes I just gotta go up on the mountain and show my soul to God and see what He has to say about how I'm doing in my life." now that's the attitude to have. 

I've done the Vision Quest many times, some of them you might read about in these stories, other's I'll just keep to myself.  I've done them in every kind of natural setting, the Green Cathedrals of the forest and jungles which are truly majickal, on the Mother's bare body in the deserts where the Power lies, and on the shore engulfed by the immensity and eternity of the Ocean. Each ones a different path to the same end, so pick whichever one suites you best to find yourself.

So, if you're not going to just read about it and do it then here's what you'll need to prepare yourself.  First you have to ask yourself if you really want to do it.  Are you physically, mentally and spiritually ready to risk your life and your sanity in order to accomplish it, and do you have The Will?  If so then read on, if not then wait, if you truly want it then the time will come, for this is not something not to be lightly undertaken.  Choose your favorite time of year and of the month, full moons are majickal, new moons mystical.  Choose your favorite type of setting, just be sure that there will be no other people around to bother you.  If you work, choose the least stressful time of the year and take your vacation around it.  I guarantee it'll be one that you'll never forget.

 About a month before your chosen date with your Fate, do the 10-day fast to clean all of the poisons out of your body and to get your Will ready.  For the rest of the months eat only natural foods, fruits, nuts, legumes, vegetables, beans and whole grains.  Eat as much as you like, you'll need your strength.  Eat no meat, dairy, processed foods, nothing preserved, canned, frozen or freeze dried, no white sugar, only the natural sugars that you used in your fast or honey, no chemicals, drugs, alcohol or psychedelics except maybe a little grass.  Some people I know drink only distilled water but I've never noticed any difference.  Stay away from stressful situations.  Stay away from the horrible media; no TV programs, no newspapers, Time, News Week or National Enquirer, remember no news IS good news.  Listen to only music on the radio, again no news or talk shows.  Instead, read a book, listen to music, call a friend, your parents or your children for a chat, watch one of your favorite videos or take in a nonviolent movie, make love with your spouse, play games with your kids and loved ones.  Talk to people but stay away from politics and religion or the news, watch the sunrise and set, and the moon and stars spin around the sky at night.  Do some low impact exercises, like yoga, biking, swimming or walking, and meditate a little.  Relax and enjoy your life and those around you.  If you have spiritual advisors, consult with them.  You should be happy and at peace, then when Fate comes, you will be ready.  In fact, you might be so contented with this type of life that you might not even want to do the Vision Quest, and I say good for you, because being happy and content is what this life is all about.  The Vision Quest can wait until next year or the year after that, there's no hurry, you've got your whole life to get around to it.

Okay, you've had your month of clean living and are ready to go for it.  Take your pack and put into it: a change of clothes, a hat, a jacket/raincoat, a towel, your basic toiletries but leave the razor at home. Then some bug juice, some medical supplies including a sharp knife and tweezers, matches, a lighter, a 2 gallon collapsible water jug (or two if your going into the desert), a quart water bottle.  For nighttime, your sleeping bag and a tarp big enough to cover yourself in case it rains and a foam sleeping pad.  And lastly, a few pounds of trail mix (no sugar added).  Take a pint of maple syrup for quick energy.  Leave your watch at home. You've chosen an area to do it in but not a specific place because you'll want your instinct, your Will and your Fate to lead you to the exact spot.  Don’t tell anyone what you are going to do, just tell everyone that you love them, thank them for all they've done for you then go.  When you get to the area, start walking and look for a stick that suits you that you can use for your walking stick.  Keep walking, munching the trail mix as you go.  If you see a way that appeals to then take it, follow your instincts and your Heart.  Relax and enjoy the walk, don't think, just go the way that pleases you.

After a day or two of walking you will find your place, you'll know it when you see it.  Sit down, tell the place why you are there, ask if you can stay.  Meditate on it, feel it, if it's right you'll know, if not then keep walking until you do find the right spot.  If the place tells you that you are at hOMe then go back to the closes water source and fill your jugs.  You may want a small fire so collect some sticks to burn at night.  Draw a circle about 10 feet in diameter with your stick, clean all of the loose debris out of it, leaves, rock sticks, etc.  Set out your stuff, make sure everything you will need for the next couple days is inside the circle, because you are not leaving until your ordeal is over, or you die

As long as you stay inside of the circle you'll be safe.  There aren’t many man eating predators left in the wild so the only dangers that you will have to face inside the circle will be from your own Mind.  But let me tell you folks, they can be killers.  Now all you have to do is wait.  Find a spot that you feel the most comfortable in and sing some songs that have meaning to you.  If you brought your advisors with you, consult with them, meditate, do yoga, pray, chant mantras and watch the miracle unfold all around you.  Try not to think.  If your mind is too active, I've found a good way to quiet it is to simply count your breaths.  The mind will want to intrude upon your counting but just ignore it, soon it will shut up and you will have peace.  Eat nothing, drink a sip of water only when you are really thirsty.  If you feel that you must sleep then take a 20 minute nap otherwise stay awake, watch and wait.  When night comes if you feel the need, build a small fire and meditate on it, but it's better if you can just watch the night.  Stay awake.  Do not sleep or eat.  Pay attention to what is going on all around and within you.  Within the next 1 to 3 days it will happen. What it will be for you I can not say.  That is for you to see, but it will fulfill you and all of your desires.  After it's over you will know what to do.  Usually it's pack up, erase the circle, thank the place and leave the way you came but sometimes not, in any event you will know.

See, it's not so hard to become part of this miraculous totality.  All you need is a healthy body, an accepting Mind, a strong Spirit, an open Soul, and a Will of ice on the verge of melting. Then you too can look upon the face of God and be complete.