American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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Tijuana's pretty tame now days.  Oh sure, there are still the bars and you can always find a whore when you need one.  There are even disco's where the white girls from San Diego can go dance and party without too much hassle, but TJ in the 60's was wild, woolly and wide open.  Its streets lined were with bars and its bars were packed with whores, thieves, pimps, drug dealers, con men and of course, white boys from San Diego.  When I was growing up in San Diego in those days the most anticipated birthday was 18 when you could cross the border without your parents.  Sure 16 was big, you got your drivers license, but what is driving a car when compared to drinking and fucking.  So we crossed the border by the thousands every Friday and Saturday night.  We were boys in the US, but in MEN in Mexico.  The Mexicans opened their bars to us and fulfilled our wildest teenaged desires, and all at a very reasonable price.  Three double shots of tequila or two bottles of beers for a buck.  To keep us wide awake and partying, a roll of 10 bennies for another dollar.  A blow job at the back of the bar at your own table for only $4 or $5.  While you're sucking down a longneck, the whore under the table is sucking you off.  Your average looking whore charged $10 to go upstairs, a real pretty one $15.  If you asked, you could even sample her merchandise under the table with your fingers.  Of course, you had to know what the trip was or it could cost you a whole lot more than $10.

One scam was when a really pretty whore's price seemed low.  That meant that after you had already paid her and she took you upstairs, there'd be a huge 6'4", 300 pound Mexican dude who'd give you a choice: Either, you could go back downstairs unfulfilled, or you could choose from any of these much older more experienced girls.  Because the babe you picked was on her way back downstairs to bring up the next sucker.  Remember: You get what you pay for.  The other more popular scam involved the same gigantic hombre who would relieve you of all the money in your wallet either while you were in the act with your new love or immediately thereafter, charging you a kind of exit tax.  The way to avoid this situation was; After you and your honey had set the price, say $10, you take your wallet out in front of her, extract the $10 plus $2 for the room and $1 for a tip then count what was left.  Next hand your wallet to your best most honest buddy telling him that you will kill him if there's even one centavo missing when you get back then tell the babe “Let's do it."  When you finished and the 300 pound monster showed up, the babe would say something to him in Spanish and you'd turn your pockets out.  He'd grimace (smile?) then say, "Passe amigo.”

There was plenty to see too.  Lots of live sex shows that usually cost $5 which included your first 2 tequilas, plus a $5 taxi ride split between you and anyone else you could cram in the cab because these show were always out of the center of town.  You had your choice of entertainment too; a girl with a dog, a girl with a snake, a girl with a monkey, a girl with another girl, a girl with three hombres, one for each hole or the TJ classic, a girl with a donkeys.  The shows weren’t very good though.  It was too dark, it was too smoky, your table was too far away and usually, you were just too drunk to see anything anyway.  There was one show though that was not only free and well lit but was right in the heart of TJ.  In fact, it was the only live sex show I ever heard about in the entire world that had audience participation.  And it was at the Blue Fox.

The Blue Fox by day, meaning up until 11 p.m., was your regular Mexican bar/whorehouse. When you walked in it was all lit up with blinking colored Christmas lights.  It was two stories high inside.  The second floor having a railed balcony running all the way around with small rooms off of it for the girls to practice their trade in.  Downstairs along the longest wall was the bar with the whores sitting at the far end.  The other long wall was for booths and requisite the jukebox that was always turned up to maximum volume.  In back was the little spot lit bandstand.  Every other inch of floor space, except for the stage and dance floor was crammed with small but very sturdy wooden tables and chairs.  The stage was what set the Blue Fox apart.  While most bars had a very small stage, the Blue Fox's was huge.  It covered at least half the floor space.

Until midnight the Blue Fox had the usual assortment of stripers, topless dancers, a band, a comedian and a guy who shocked the shit out of you with a hand held crank generator, "Here hold these senior."  ZAP!  "Five pesos, por favor." 

If you didn't pay him then you'd be thrown out of the bar for the rest of the night.  And of course, whores.  Lots and lots of whores; big ones, little ones, fat ones, skinny ones, old ones, young ones, pretty ones, beautiful ones, and they were all dressed up like they were going to the prom.  It was a Nirvana for us boys whose blood was filled with raging out of control testosterone and other surging singing hormones.  It was midnight that really set the Blue Fox apart from all of its rivals.  For it was just after midnight that the real show began. 

Around 11 p.m. the bar would begin to fill up with the drunk, the rowdy, the ones who came to PARTY!  By midnight the place would be going crazy and was so jammed that you couldn't even get to the bar.  Guys were dancing on the tables, hanging from the railings, yelling, fighting, puking, screaming and having a wonderful time.  At midnight the lights would go off for a minute plunging the Blue Fox into total darkness and the us boys would go stark raving mad.  Then all the lights in the entire place would come on and it'd be as bright as day. 

The MC would get up on stage and ask, "Who is MACHO?  Who wants to prove they are real MEN!” 

By now we were all going totally ape shit.  We would be yelling and shouting like maniacs, encouraging our best friends to go and lie down on that stage.  The drunk and the insane would get up on the stage and lie on their backs.  When the stage was full, the band would start playing and a half dozen hookers would come out and standing on the bandstand do a fast strip until they had nothing on except their high heels, which they can't remove because it's illegal to be totally nude in TJ.  Each babe steps out onto the stage and stands with her legs spread apart over one of the prone.  She squats over a guy’s face, waits until he opens his mouth and sticks out his tongue.  By now the audience is in pandemonium with every one of us laughing and cheering the insanity of it all.  While chaos reigns, each girl lowers her pussy down onto that out stretched tongue then does a little hoochie coo right on the dudes face.  When the guy’s had enough she lifts herself up and proceeds on down the line.  Servicing each boy on the stage until all have been fed.  A few of the hard core will call out for seconds and some who didn't have the guts or weren’t drunk enough the first time will replace those who have left the stage.  The girls give each of these guys her elixir of life.  The MC asks if anyone else has the cojonies to eat at the Blue Fox?  A few more might, but by then the stage would be pretty much clear except for those who had passed out.  When the whores had finished with the all of supplicants they’d make a fast exit.  That'd be the show for that night, so let's get back to drinking and fighting and fucking because that's what us boys are good for and it's what we do best.

I've always wondered how many stars the Michelin Guide would have given the Blue Fox if their restaurant critic had ever sampled its cuisine.  Bon Appetite!