American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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I'm buskin’ with my guitar at the Public Market in Seattle and not doing too badly.  Even though it's only late afternoon there's still plenty of hookers and queens hanging around who are always good for a buck tips or more especially if you play a request.  Everyone else leaves a quarter.  In two hours I've collected over $20 so that's two days I won't have to work for ManPower.  Also, there's been a cute little hippie chick whose been hanging around for the last hour giving me The Look.  Well, I've made enough for the day so let's see what happens.  I put my guitar away and as I do she comes over then tells me her name is Heather and how much she liked listening to me play and sing and blah, blah, blah...  I tell her how nice it is to be here in Seattle and how glad I am to meet her and blah, blah, blah...  Pretty soon she comes to the point.   She's got a house just south of Bremmerton and since it's getting late if I needed a place to crash, why she'd be happy to let me stay with her.  Sounds good to me so I accept, and after retrieving my pack we take the ferry across Puget Sound to Bremmerton, home of Big Mo, talking and getting to know each other.  She's in school and doesn’t know what she wants to do yet.  I've been taking rides to where ever they go and wound up in Seattle after some hippie Jesus freek gave me a ride here then let me stay at his commune, Praise The Lord!  She asked if it was the Peace Family.  I say that it was.  She tells me they’re famous in Seattle for doing that, and for they're using barter instead of money.  We dock then hitch the two miles south.  She tells the driver where to stop and we get out in what looks like the middle of the forest.  I figure she has a small cabin in the woods.  Man, was I wrong.

It's in the woods all right, but it is a fucking mansion, two stories high with big white columns in front.  There must be 20 rooms in it.  It's surrounded by acres of well kept lawn with a tennis court, swimming pool and horse stables around back. 

I ask, "You live here!" 

She nods saying, "Yeah, with my Mom and Dad." 

I ask how old she is.  "Fifteen.  Is that a problem?" she asks. 

I answer, "If it's not a problem with your folks, then it’s not a problem with me."

And amazingly it's not a problem with Mom and Dad.  They even act happy to see me.  Yes, Heather is always bringing home the less fortunate and they are happy to help out.  I am welcome to stay the night and even share their evening meal.  WOW! 

Heather says,  "Lets go check out the guest house where you’ll be staying.” then takes my hand and leads me over to a house that is way bigger than any place I have ever lived in.  The living room alone must be 40' X 40'.  It’s completely furnished and has a huge stone fireplace.  I can't see much more because as soon as we walk in the door Heather is all over me, kissing, hugging, squeezing...

Not three minutes later Mom and Dad come in, and Dad says hotly, "Heather!  We have told you about this.  This is just NOT acceptable behavior.  We do not mind you bringing these people into our home, but we will NOT put up with your sexual high jinx!"

 Heather lets go of me then whines, "But Daddy, we just want to have a little fun. So please don't spoil it." 

I sit on the sofa, an extra in a bit part, waiting for my line in a scene that has been played out here a hundred times before, and on this very stage. 

Dad turns to me and says, "How old are you, son?" 

Twenty-five, I tell him. 

"Do you know that in this state it is illegal to have sexual relations with anyone under the age of 18?" 

I assure him I do. 

"Then can you promise me that if Heather sneaks out of the house tonight that you will not engage in sexual activities with her." 

"Daddy!"  Heather whines. 

I tell him I cannot make that promise. 

"You young people have no morals." he tells me. 

I assure him that I have a very high moral standard, however, they're just not the same as his. 

"Well," he says, "then I'm sorry but you are going to have to leave." 

"But Daddy." Heather cries, "I've already promised him he could stay."  

But Dad says sternly, "Unless you promise me, Heather, that you will not have sex with him, he will have to leave." 

"It's for your own good, Heather dear." Mom chimes in. 

Heather, seemingly defeated, says, "Okay Daddy.  He'll leave, but at least let me drive him back to Bremmerton." 

Dad says that's acceptable. 

Exit stage left.

I tell Heather that she doesn't have to take me to town.  I'll just crash in the forest in my tent. 

Heather says, "You're not going to town.  I’m taking you to my sister's house where you can spend the night. Tomorrow I'll cut school and then we can be together all day.  Courtney's already been through this with Daddy so she understands."

Heather drives us to Courtney's place, a two bedroom trailer in a field, and we get introduced.  Heather tells Courtney of her plan.  Courtney says it's all right with her.  Courtney's not much older than Heather but already has a baby about a year old.  Heather tells me that Daddy gives Courtney just enough money to live and not go on welfare.  Heather kisses me, tells me to rest up for tomorrow because shell will be back in the morning bright and early then leaves.

Courtney asks if I’d like something to eat.  I see her sink is full of dirty dishes so I say sure as long as she lets me do the dishes afterwards.  She tells me I don't have to but I tell her I like to because I get to put my hands into hot water. This pleases her so she smiles and says okay.   After dinner and the dishes, Junior is put to bed for the night and as we're watching TV, Courtney puts her hand on my thigh.  I put mine over hers and remind her that I have to rest up for Heather for tomorrow.  She gives my thigh a squeeze saying seductively,  "Well then, we'd better go to bed right now so you can get plenty of sleep." then she smiles.

8 a.m. next morning there's a tap, tap, tapping at the kitchen door, but thanks to Junior we've been up since dawn so I am ready for Heather.  She comes in and gives us a look, then says to me, "Lets go.” 

I ask where. 

She tells me, first to the nursery where her oldest sister Kim works, so Kim can check me out then to Kim's cabin for a little recreation.  I say good bye to Courtney and the kid.  Heather and I get in her car and drive to a nursery in Bremmerton.  Kimberly is not much older than Courtney but looks totally different from the other two sisters.  She's blond, they're dark, she's built, they're slim, she's tall, they're short. 

Later I ask Heather about this but she just shrugs and says,  "So what?" 

We all chat a little, no I am not a rapist in waiting or an ax murderer.  She gives Heather the keys to her cabin and tells us she'll be home around 6 p.m.  Heather and I leave.

We park off the road, walk maybe a quarter mile through some really beautiful woods then come upon a lovely big old log cabin.  It's surrounded on three sides by big trees and on the fourth side is Puget Sound.  Very pretty indeed. Heather tells me that we can dig clams for dinner at low tide.  

As we approach the cabin Heather says, "Look out for the geese." 

She should have said to look out for the Rabid Nazi Killer Attack Geese who hate every one except Kim.  There are only two of them, but they’re big vicious brutes who get me a couple times before I make it to the safety of the porch.  The cabins as pretty inside as out.  It's one huge room with Kim's bedroom and the bathroom attached to the back.  Heather leads me over to a brass bed that's by a big picture window over looking the Sound and she does not let me out of it until Monday morning.  Kim comes home and makes us all supper then retires to her own room while Heather and I eat in bed.  That night except for a few short catnaps neither Heather nor I get very much sleep.  Heather may only be 15 but she is one experienced little chick who knows all the right moves and ain’t afraid to try them.  Next morning Kim's boyfriend comes over and after quick breakfast, he and Kim spend the entire day in her bed while Heather and I spend the day in ours.  Other than bathroom and food breaks, the cabin is just filled with sounds of happy continuos love making.  Next morning, after Kim and her boyfriend get up, they tease us about Heather and me still being in bed and still going at it then Kim makes us all breakfast.  Kim and her beau take off for the day leaving me in the warm welcoming clutches of Heather.  We are sore, but except for an occasional nap, we ain't stopping. 

When they come home in the evening Kim asks, "Are you two still at it?" 

After dinner Kim tells her boyfriend she’s too tired for him to spend the night so, “Good night.” then she goes to bed by herself.

Early Monday morning Heather and I are still in that bed screwing though with a lot less energy.  When Kim gets up she tells us enough is enough.  She's got to go to work, Heather has to go to school so it's time for us all to leave.  Heather and me get out of that brass bed, tired and sore but happy and satisfied.  We get dressed then Heather drives me to Bremmerton, drops me at the ferry, tells me how much fun she had, kisses me good bye then makes me promise to write her and stay in touch.  I promised.  I even wrote her once but I never did see or hear from Heather again.