American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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Well lookie here, coming down the lava tongue on to Little Beach Makena are two tourist babes with back packs and it's not even tourist season yet.  In fact, except for us half dozen or so semi permanent residents it's been kind of dead during the weekdays.  We've pretty much had the beach to ourselves lately so it's always nice to have visitors. Especially of the female variety since it's been the usual 4 dudes, me, Power, Silent Sam & Chaz, to 2 gals, K.B. & Annie, for a while now, not that I'm complaining

And these two girls couldn't be more different.  One is a short well built blond with shoulder length hair and the other is a very tall thin brunette with hair down her back.  Though as long as they're friendly and like to party it really don't matter too much how they look.  We'll find out soon enough since the six of us are laying on the sand nekked. 

We wave.  They see us and wave back, a good sign,  They walk right up to us, smile and say 'Hi'.  We all say “Hi” back then Power says, “Well girls, take a load off and join us.” 

Without hesitating the blond says, “Don't mind if we do.”  They drop their packs and in short order have their towels spread out on the sand.  Then they strip down to their birthday suits and sit on their towels and introduce themselves to us.

Hi, I'm Stacy, and this is Ashley.  We're from Colorado and thought we'd get out of the cold for awhile.  It's our first time to Hawaii, and we love it!” she says ecclesiastically.

The Ashley says, “We heard all about Makena beach being full of crazies so we knew we couldn't pass that up.” she laughs then, “And here you are.”

We all laugh at that one and for the next couple hours spend out time either swimming in the warm clear blue sea or just sitting in the sand chatting.  A very pleasant time had by all. 

After we all watch the sun set Power invites the girls to dinner at his camp telling them he has the nicest one around.  And if they want to they can even stay at his lace for the night.  The babes say it sounds like a plan to them so we all adjourn to Power's camp.  Power wasn't lying either , his place is the nicest.  It's up on a lava flow but back far enough back so the ground is soft.  Plus it's surrounded on 3 side by kiavi trees leaving the clear side with a great view of the ocean.  Power offers all of us a before dinner hors-d’œuvre of bread and honey and a cocktail of tequila straight from the bottle which we accept then he gets to cooking his usual one pot meal of whatever there is.  Surprisingly it's usually pretty good.

We have a nice dinner finishing up with more tequila and an unfiltered Camel then Power breaks out a hooter, fires  it up and passes it around.  Yes indeed, a very nice time.  But just when things are getting mellow Power sides over next to Stacy and whispers something in her ear.  Right away the mood changes.

Stacy jumps up and looking down at Power says in a no uncertain voice, “No Power I don't want to have sex with you!  I came here to relax and enjoy Maui, not to get laid by some beach bum. So no, and don't ask again.”

Of course poor Stacy doesn't know how Power is.  He is tenacious and relentless when he gets an idea in his head, and he want to fuck Stacy.  The only thing she can do is leave Makena Little Beach where we live and go over to Makena Big  Beach to camp because Power won't follow her there since his camp is here.  So after being rejected by Stacy he starts bugging her with the same stupid question; Why won't she fuck him?  At first Stacy's flustered and tries to explain but of course her explanation mean nothing to Power, he just keeps asking her over and over again.

The rest of us find this little play fairly amusing  because after a few minutes it very apparent to everyone, except Power, Stacy is not going to give up her pussy and she has no intention of running away from this creep so the arguing ensues.  However, it's not continuous.  Power after bugging her for 10 or 15 minutes then backs off for about the same length of time to let her think about it then stars all over again with always the same result.

Well it's now full dark, the tequila and weed are seemingly gone.  The rest of us have heard enough and are no longer amused so it's off to bed we go.  As I'm leaving Power's camp, Ashley comes over to me and says,'”Tai, would you mind if I slept near you tonight because I sure don't want to listen to this all night.  And since it's my first night here I am a little scared to be by my self.”

I assure her it'd be my pleasure to have her spend the night with me but then she says, “Not with you , Tai.  Just near you, if that's okay?”

I am a bit disappointed but tell her that's fine and to follow me.  We walk down to the other end of the beach where I show her how to make an elevated sand bed so the crabs won't pinch her fingers at night.  She builds one a few feet from me then spreads out her sleeping bag then thanks me and tell me,'Good Night” 

I get in my bag and fall asleep looking at the billions of stars overhead, smelling the salt spray coming off the waves and hearing the wind blowing through the kiavi trees.  Ahhh, another night in paradise, who could ask for more.

We arise bright and early to hear Power and Stacy still going at it.  She's not giving it up and Power not giving in  Except for breaks they go at it all day long.  At first we all thought it was kind of funny but then it got boring until finally by sunset it gotten very annoying  Where ever Power and Stacy are, we arn't.  If they do come near any of us we tell them both to cut the crap saying Power should leave Stacy alone or Stacy should just fuck Power to shut him up or Stacy and Ashley should go camp on Big Beach.  But they're both stupid and stubborn, neither will quit.  Why it's now become a matter of principal.

In the afternoon even Ashley tells Stacy just to fuck Power because she's ruining their vacation with all this arguing.  But Stacy glares at Ashley then says, “I noticed you spent the night with Tai, did you fuck him?!”  Ashley tells her no, so Stacy then says, Well, if fucking is no big deal to you why don't you just go and fuck  him right now.”
To my surprise Ashley gets a little pissed glaring back at Stacy saying, “Well maybe I will!” then turns to me and says,”What about it Tai, wanna have some fun with me?”

I don't have to be asked twice so I grab Ashley's hand and it's down the beach we go. I lead her off into the kiavi forest where I know a nice secluded spot with soft sand to lay on and for the next hour or so a great time is had by the both of us especially at first because Ashley's both mad and  apprehensive.  But then she relaxes and we really get into it.

Afterward Ashley marches over to Stacy and says,”Well I fucked him and it was no big deal.. In fact it was quite pleasurable.  You should try it because it a hell of a lot better than fighting about it all day.”

Stacy giving Ashley the stink eye says, “Well, if it no biggie then why don't you fuck Power. I'm sure you'd find that nice too.  Maybe then he would leave me alone.”

But Power breaks in saying,” I don't want to fuck her Stacy. I want to fuck only you.” As if that's a big compliment and now she'll change her mind.  Which of course it don't.  With that the whole ugly scene starts all over again.  It goes on for the rest of the day and into the night.  Everyone on the beach now avoids them.  They are total bummers no one wants near.

Although for me it was a good night because Ashley tells me that since we've already 'done it' we mise as well sleep together.  An idea I'm wholly in to.  So again it's down the beach we go where this time it's just one sand bed with one sleeping bag on the bottom top and on top with us in between.

Next morning even before sunrise we're awaken to the sounds of Stacy  and Power verbally going at it, and they're coming our way.  Stacy tells Ashley to get up, get dressed and get packed because they are leaving.  And she means right now!

Ashley tells Stacy to go away, leave her alone, it too early.  But Stacy is adamant so Ashley reluctantly does as she's told with an impatient Stacy waiting and Power standing next to her still asking for sex. 

Ashley's dressed and packed.  She tells me she had a nice time with me then gives me a little kiss.  She shoulders her pack telling Stacy she's ready and it's up the lava tongue the 4 of us go with Stacy and Power in the lead. 

When we reach the top Power finally realizes he's not getting any and gives up telling the babes to come back anytime.  The girls go down onto Big Makena and are soon gone out of sight.  Just then the sun rises over the pua.  Power spins around, squints at the sun, takes a pint of tequila out of his back pocket, unscrews the cap, takes a hit, passes it to me then staring into the sun he says, “Let there be light!”