American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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I'm camping in Mar Rosa Campground in Mazatlan.  It's late in the season so there's not too many other gringo campers here.  The place is mostly empty with maybe 6 of us semi permanent residents with always a few over-nighters.  This time of year it's real laid back and fairly quiet which is the way I like it.  I'm hanging out with my surf bud, Bruce when a van pulls into camp and parks at the end of the second row about 3 or 4 spaces from where my tent and hammock is.  When they get out we see it's a couple of gals so  Bruce and me go over and introduce ourselves.  It's apparent from the get go these ladies are not interested in us because were men.  No problem, everyone has a right to do whatever they want as long as it ain't violent and it don't effect me.

After they've set up camp they bring a medium size dog out of their van and tie him(?) to one of the palapa uprights on about a 10 foot chain which we think is cool.  But we shortly find out it's not.  It seems the dog will try and actually attack anyone who even goes near the lesbo's camp.  Barking, growling and even snapping at anyone who just walks by.  This is definitely not cool since the chain is so long no one can even walk near their camp.  Plus when the lezzie's ain't there the hound never shuts up barking the whole time they're gone.

 We try talking to the girls about the situation especially the length of the chain.  They barely acknowledge us saying all their dog is doing is protecting them and their camp so there’s nothing more to discuss. 

We complain to the management.  Which it useless because the only thing they care about  is; is the space rent paid? If it is then that's all that concerns them.  So Bruce and me come up with a plan.

Whenever the sisters are in camp we go over near their place and stand just out of Rover's chain range.  Of course, Lassie goes nuts which we just laugh at until one of the dykes yells at us to go away.  We don't and tease poor old Spot even more until she comes, gets the dog and puts him in their van all the time telling us how juvenile we're being because the dog's just doing his job. 

But fuck them!  If they're that paranoid then they should have stayed home and not inflicted their insane hound on us.  This go on for 3 or 4 days.

One night while the lezzies's are at din-din Bruce notices the dog has slipped his collar and is just laying in the sand by the van.  He tells me let's go tease Rin Tin Tin.  I asks him if he's lost it seeing as the dog is loose and will most likely attack and bite us.  Bruce smile and opens his hand.  In it are 4 cherry bombs.  He tells me when the hellhound attacks we each light a cherry bomb and toss it at the dog.  Then as soon as we can we do it with the second one.  Sounds like a plan to me we each light a cigarette and off we go in the direction of Skippy. 

Of course, as soon as Rex hears us coming he starts his run at us.  He don't even get close before we each light one off and throw them right in front of him.  Ole Shep then make a near fatal mistake, he stops to check out what's been thrown. And KA-BOOM! Followed by another, KA-BOOM! Right near his face.

Benji leap into the air then takes off for parts unknown at top speed and out of camp.  Hell we didn't even get to throw the other two cherry bombs before that cowardly mutt took off.  We watch him as he runs out the gate right into traffic and then gets clipped by a car.  He don't look too hurt because he's still ruining as fast as his paws with take him as he disappears in to the night.  Bruce and me go back to his palaps for some well deserved quiet and a few  beers.

When the sisters get back they can't find White Fang anywhere and ask one of the other campers if they'd seen him.  Well, of course they are told the whole depraved story in lurid detail of what us two maniacs did.  After giving us some major stink eye off they go in search of their poor mistreated doggie.

About half an hour later they walk back into camp with Old Blue in their arms.  Without a word they go to their van and pack up.  Within 30 minutes they are gone never to be seen again.

About half the camp thinks we're hero's with the other thinking we're heartless monsters.  Why what if the dog had been killed instead of just clipped by the car that hit it? Bruce and me just shrug, hey them's the breaks.

Now I know a lot of you animals lovers are going to agree with the second opinion. And I know it wasn't actually the dog's fault, he was trained that way.  But still there's is absolutely positively NO reason to subject anyone to you or your pets violent bad behavior.  If you're going to be out in public living with all of us other humans and animals then the very least you can do is leave the violent bullshit at home because the rest of us here on earth neither want it or need it in our lives.  All the vast majority of us want is a little peace