American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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I got a letter from my food stamps worker saying that I had to come in to fill out some form or I’d be cut off.   At the time I was in transition living half the time in the house on 25th St. in the City and the other half out in the country in a big green USMC tent while waiting for the tipi skin I’d ordered to arrive.  As soon as I got the skin I was going to transfer the stamps up to the country, but for now they were still in San Francisco so it’s down to the welfare office I go.  When I get called into my workers cubicle I see that she's a really cute little hippie chick so I start jivin’ with her to see just how hip she really is.  Turns out that not only is she hip but she acts like she likes me.  She tells me that this is just a temporary gig and that she's quitting just as soon as she finds something better. 

I tell her about the tipi field and to my surprise she says, "I’d really like to see it.  Since today's Friday, why don't we get together tonight, then I'll drive you up there on Saturday."

I tell her that sounds real good to me. 

She looks in my eyes, reaches over, squeezes my hand, then says  "See you about seven tonight.  I'll pick you up at your house."

I give her my address and she walks me out.

At 7 I am ready.  I'm bathed and packed when she pulls up. 

She gets out of her car, come up to me and says,  "I'm sorry, but something really important has come up and I can't go tomorrow." 

]I ask, "What about tonight?" 

She says, "No, I'm busy tonight too, but I told my girlfriend all about you and she said that she doesn't care about your tipi field, but she would like to meet you and that you can spent the night with her.  I’ll drive you over and introduce you to her."  

Okay, let's go and we hop in her car.

We drive over to Pacific Heights and she pulls up in front of a Mansion that takes up about a quarter of the entire block. 

I ask if this is the place and she answers, "We have arrived.”  

We go up to the door and she knocks.  A hippie dude answers the door and she tells him, "We're here to see Crystal."

He tells us to come in then walks away.  We go up to Crystals room and there she is.  She's wearing tight jeans and an even tighter tube top, she’s short and petite with short black hair.  We meet, then my social worker says she has to run and leaves us alone.  We start talking and she tells me about the house.  She says that this was once the Atherton Mansion and now it's just a house full of freeks who rent out single rooms so it kind of like a giant hippie boarding house where every one knows everybody but with each doing their own thing.  She tells me that after dinner she'll introduce me to a bunch of the residents.  She's made us a simple dinner of fried chicken and a salad, which was more than I was expecting.  I break out some of my homegrown and we sit around smoking and chatting about the City's hippie scene.  After a while Crystal excuses herself and goes into her bathroom.  When she comes out she's dressed in only a sheer white baby doll nighty with her black panties showing underneath.  Looks like I'm in for some fun tonight. 

She says, "Let's meet the neighbors" takes my hand and leads me out of her room.

We spend the next few hours hanging out in different rooms with different freeks, doing different dope, just bullshitting with one another and having a good old time.  

A little after midnight Crystal whisper in my ear, "Time for bed, don't ya think?" 

I sure do. 

Her and I walk hand in hand back to her room.  Once we hit the sheets it's hot and wild sex until dawn with neither of us getting very much shut eye.  After we're too tired to screw anymore, I tell her I’d better hit the road.  She says okay.  She thanks for the nice night and tells me to stop by anytime I’m in town.  I tell her thanks too.  Then I get dressed, grab my pack, kiss her good bye and am on Lombard St. by sunrise hitching north up to the country thinking how much I am going to miss the City.