American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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Kelly and I are sitting with our fiend Paul in the hop pools one evening when a car pulls up and a babe about 40 I good shape gets out, asks how the water, strips down and gets in with us.  We all chat until it start getting dark then it's time for Kelly and me to split back to our van for supper leaving Paul and the Babe who are getting along great all alone.

Next morning we see Paul and ask how it went. 

“Paul, who's usually a happy guy, explodes, “That bitch!  That cunt! That motherfucking whore!”  Before he can go any further we interrupt him and ask for the story.

“Well'” he starts “You guys saw thing were going good between us so I thought I would get lucky last night.   We talked for about 2 more hours getting alone fine. Then this other dude shows up and starts chatting her up.  And get this!  Within 15 minutes he asks her if she want to spend the night with him at his place.  She say yes! I couldn't believe it!  Here I spent 3 hour talking to her and in 15 minutes she's gone to fuck another guy she just met!.  After they left when I got out of the pools I was all pruney and all for nuthin!”  At which point he starts cussing her all over again. 

Kelly stops him and says, “But Paul,  why didn't you ask her to spend the night with you.  I mean you had a couple hours and she was liking you.”

Paul quits his rant, looks sheepishly at Kelly and says, “Well you know I didn't to insult her by askin' too soon …..”
Here I break in telling him, “Then it's your own fault, Paul, because after a few minutes a girl knows whether she wants to fuck you or not.  You just waited way too long to ask.  I mean, 3 hours, come on. I'd fucked the other guy too because it looked to  her you weren't going to ask.”

Paul knows it was he who fucked up and say, “Yeah, well. Next time I'll ask sooner.”  and he did.