American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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The Big Lie has been going on ever since human beings have become civilized.  It's how the few control the many.  It's been going on for so long, passed down from generation to generation, that it's now believed as something completely real, something almost solid, something we possibly could not do without, "The Truth."  The Big Lie is taught to us from birth.  A belief so strong that billion’s throughout the ages have fought to the death to protect.  And what are we killing each other for?  For nothing.  For The Big Lie.

The Big Lie has two major components.  The first is even older than civilization itself and is the much more insidious of the two.  The other part of The Big Lie can only kill or imprison you, this part can steal your very soul. 

The first part goes like this: Man is basically Evil.  And since he is Evil, he can never be truly happy unless he accepts the fact that there is a Higher Power, a higher Good outside of himself.  But since he is Evil he can never perceive this Higher Power without the intervention of a special class of people, who can not only interpret the Will of this Higher Power, but are the only ones pure enough to communicate with It.  Also, our Higher Power is the only true Higher Power.  Any of the ones that are different from The One, which we believe in are in fact False and therefore, Evil.  So, how did this special class get so pure?  Were they not born like the rest of us?  Do they not have wants and desires?  Are they not human?  They tell us that they learn purity through study and contemplation of old writings, The Holy Scriptures.  But how can one learn to be pure?  Either you are, or you are not.  They tell us that they get purity from meditation.  But can we not also meditate, contemplate and study the Holy writings?  And if we do, will we not also become pure enough to communicate with this Higher Power?  “NO!” they say.  “It takes years of study under a knowledgeable teacher and a special mind set to learn how to do this.  Therefore” they lie, “you need us to tell you Good from Evil.  And if you do not heed our warnings then you will be Damned to Suffer for All of Eternity.”

This is a Lie!  We do not need these people.  Our nature is Good.  Our humanity is Good.  Even our wants and desires are Good.  Because the Higher Power does exist.  But not outside of us.  It exists inside of each of us.  In our hearts, in our minds and in our souls.  And we can communicate with our Higher Power any time we want.  Close your eyes, take a minute and listen to your Heart.  You already know Good  from Evil.  Draw strength from this knowledge and act in accordance with it.  We are our church, our religion, and we have never left Paradise, because we are Here right Now.

The second part of The Big Lie is: Man is Stupid.  Too stupid to know right from wrong.  Too stupid to even know what's good for himself.  So he needs another special class of people to govern over him.  Because, if left to his own devices, he will not only destroy himself but everyone and everything else around him.  But how did this special class get smart enough to govern not only themselves with all of their own wants and desires, but know the needs of all those over whom they rule?  They use the same arguments as the other special class, except they use history and the law instead of scriptures.  But again, if I study history and the law can I not become intelligent enough to govern myself and to know right from wrong?  “NO!” they say, “We have the right to rule over you because we have been given that power by you to do so.”  But power corrupts, so by having that power are you not corrupted?  Are not your interests in keeping the power for yourselves and for those who contribute to your power?  “No.” they lie, ‘We have only your best interest at heart.  So either do as we say or you will be punished!”

We do not need these people to tell us what to do or how to live our lives.  We, each of us, already know right from wrong.  We learn it from our mothers and fathers, from our brothers and sisters, from our teachers and friends, and from our lovers and our children.  We learn it from ourselves.

We do need government though.  We need it to regulate commerce and to govern business, which has no soul.  We need it to deal with the violent among us; the murderer, the rapist, the mugger, the truly violent.  We need it to provide us with the basic human services; affordable medical care, housing, transportation, to make sure our water, food and drugs are pure, to operate schools that really educate, to provide roads, sewers, utilities and libraries.  However, we do not need government to tell us how to live our lives as long as we live in peace with one another.

We have lived The Big Lie for 10,000 years.  We The People do not need it or the special classes who support it, though they do need us to maintain their very existence so they will lie to us saying that we really do need them.   We do not!  Do not listen to them anymore.  Listen instead to your own heart and your own mind and your own soul.  Worship at the church of your own humanity.  Govern your actions with consideration and mercy towards others. Cover yourself with compassion and understanding.  Love yourself and those you care about and those around you.  Be happy with your Life and Love one another.  It's all you really need.