American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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My girlfriend Kelly and I are up in Alaska for the summer.  When we got her we stayed with  T.B. Sheets, a friend of ours who has a log cabin 2 miles from the nearest road.  Since I was quite a hike in and out each day, and there was a bad bear in the area, we decided after a few days to camp on the beach instead.  Although we did visit T.B. Every now and then.

One one of our visits T.B. Asked us if we'd like to stay in Alaska longer because Jack's small fully furnished trailer with a partially finished log cabin up near the road that we passed on our way to his place had just been abandoned.  We said we didn't think so seeing as we like warmth and the sun and all but then ask him why Jack, who we'd met a couple times, had been abandon the place. And here's the tale he told.

“Well,” T.B. Starts, “Jack and the gang were hanging out at the Alibi (a bar in town) last night when this cure young babe walks in.  Jack said him and the boys knew they didn't have a chance with something that choice especially since there were plenty of young studs there too so they were just content to look.  But the chick just ignores the young dudes and after a while walks up to them asking if she can join them.” 

“Jack says they were surprised but delighted and bought her a beer.  Pretty soon it's apparent that it's Jack who interests her.  He chats with her for some time before she whispers “let's get out of here.” in Jack's ear.”

“He takes her home, makes her dinner then she want to go to bed.  Jack told me he said, “You mean with me?” and she just got naked and then into bed.  Jack told me he joined her and the two of them had a real good time.  Next morning he said they had a real good time again then he got out of bed to fix her some breakfast.”
“Now”' T.B.  Says “Here comes the good part.  While still laying there naked on his bed Jack heard her say, “Thanks for the nice night, daddy.” 

“Jack says he thought she was just being funny seeing as he was so much older than her but she says again, “Gee daddy, didn't you have a good time too?” 

“Jack turns to her telling her it was real good and how he couldn't believe his luck that she picked him to spend the night with.:

“Now Jack says the girl still naked got up, went to her purse, got out a photo and handed it to him. Jack told me when he saw it he almost fainted but then got hold of himself and asked the girl just where the hell did she get the picture.”

“Jack said the girls says to him, “Why daddy, don't you recognize yourself, with the woman and child you abandoned 20 years ago?”  She then pointed at the photo saying, “See, that's you, that's mom and that's me, your baby daughter.” 

“Jack said again he almost fainted.  He just looked at the girl, speechless.  She took the picture back, put it back in her purse and started getting dressed.  After she got dressed she said, “What's the matter, daddy, cat got your tongue?  Jack told me he couldn't believe what was happening let alone speak.”

“The girl she looked me up and down Jack said, then she said, “I just wanted to see what kind of bastard would abandon his wife and baby daughter.  And never once in all these years even try and contact them to see how they were.  How could you do that?” 

“Jack said he just stood there and hung his head he was so stunned and ashamed.”

“Finally, Jack said she looked at him one last time as she headed out the door saying, “Well, I guess know what kind of bastard you are now, someone who'd fuck his own daughter!  I'm going and don't worry about me getting a ride.  There will be some other son of a bitch along shortly to pick me up and take me back to town.” and without another word she left leaving me to myself.”

“So T.B.” says, “After he recovered he packed everything he could fit in his pickup, came down  and told me he was leavin' Alaska for good and I could have any of his stuff including the trailer that I wanted.  When I ask why he was leavin' at first he didn't want to tell me but then he broke down cryin' and spilled his guts.”

“I asked him where he was going to go now but he just said, “Somewhere nobody will ever find me again.”  then without another word he left.”

“I checked out Jack's trailer.  He didn't take much so you guys could move in if you wanted.”

We told T.B. 'Thanks but no thanks', there's way too much bad karma in that place and besides, like I said,we like the warmth and the sun way too much to stay in Alaska.