American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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There's a couple I know, Luke and Lulu.  Luke is a 40ish big burley redneck looking guy who drives a white Dodge pick-up with a camper on back.  He wears a Redman baseball cap that I've never seen him without and you can tell just by looking at him that he don't take no shit.  Oh, and one more thing, he loves his Lulu.  Lulu is a toy poodle, who weighs maybe two pounds, is pure white, always wears a blue bow in her hair and where ever Luke goes so does Lulu.

One day we see Luke but no Lulu and just have to ask, "Hey, where's Lulu?" 

Luke shakes his head and says,  "Lulu's in jail." 

We ask him how that happened and he tells us.  "I was driving down the highway and since there was almost no traffic, I was going along at 70 in a 55 when all of a sudden there's a CHP behind me with his bubblegum going.   I know that I'm going to get a ticket, so I pull over and stop.  Then I get out of the truck but the cop tells me to get back in.  I tell him that if I get back in and he comes too close then Lulu's going to get him.  He comes over to truck kind of cautious, looks in and sees Lulu.  He asks me if I'm some sort of wise ass and I say,  "No sir, but if you get to near the truck then Lulu's going to protect her property." 

"He says, "Yah right." then puts his hand on the windowsill."

"Lulu, whose been barking at him the whole time to let him know that she means business, jumps over and sinks her teeth right into the space between his thumb and finger.  The cop yells, jumps back and then pulls his gun."

"I yell at him  "Don't you hurt Lulu!  I warned you and so did she, so don't you hurt her or you're going to have to deal with me!" 

"The cop sees that I mean it so he cools down and holsters his piece, but says that he's taking Lulu and me to jail for assaulting an officer.   I lock the truck up and Lulu and me get into the back of the cruiser.  He tells me to keep a good hold on that vicious mutt and off we go."

"At the station, after they hear the story, cut me loose but say that they're going to keep Lulu for a few days to make sure that she ain't got rabies.  On the way out of the station I see the cop and he has his hand all bandaged up and all the other cops are ragging on him about the big bad dog that bit him.  I hitched back to my truck and here I am but with no Lulu.  I sure hope she don't get too lonely there without me. They said that they'd take real good care of her but I’m still worried that she’ll be scared.  I'm sure going to miss her." 

Three days later Luke went and got Lulu out of jail, and Luke and Lulu were together again.