American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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Scary Mary was one of the biggest baddest women that I've ever known, and when I say biggest I ain't talking about size.  She was only an average sized girl, maybe 5'6" and 130 pounds, around 30 years old, and not bad looking either but she had a huge appetite for everything.  Sex, she'd have anytime with anyone, male or female, in any combination and in any number.  She could go through three or four partners in one night and still be looking for more the next morning.  Drugs, she'd take by the handfuls, not caring what they were as long as they got her off she was happy.  Booze, she drank like a man, whiskey straight from the bottle, beer right from the can and wine out of the jug.  She was a true maniac.  And when I say baddest, you know that no one, not man, woman or dog fucked with her. Anyone stupid enough to do so soon found out why her pronoun was "Scary".

She came out to the desert and set up camp then proceeded to screw every single male out there just to see who was good and who wasn't.  She could out drink, out dope, out fuck and probably out fight almost everyone out there, until after a while only the hardiest would hang around her.  There were rumors of why she had to leave Apple Valley in a hurry, and how she'd been run out of Kernville, but since this was just vicious gossip and I have no first hand knowledge of these events I won't report them to you.  The tale I have to tell and did witness is strange enough to stand by itself.

Mary had been at the springs for a full season, raising hell and playing havoc with the local and the tourist alike.  She left for the summer for even Mary wasn't crazy enough to spend a summer in the desert where temps can stay at 120 degrees for three or more months. 

When she returned in the fall, she had a brand new boyfriend, Rick, with her and an old well used trailer that she and Rick set up house in.   They parked the trailer only about 100 feet from the pools, right next to Mike, one of her favorite lovers, a fact that she didn’t bother to tell Rick.  Rick was a young handsome guy around 25 and only a little bigger than Mary, so they made a cute couple.  Mary must have really been in love because as far as I know, and there were no secrets at the springs, she was faithful to Rick for at least three months, but even true love gets boring after a while so Mary started screwing around.  Not behind Rick's back mind you.  Mary was never dishonest.  She would just tell Rick that she was going for the night then leave with some other guy.  This saddened Rick but what could he do, Mary was the most exciting woman he'd ever been with and, as he told us, he loved her.

One morning as we were soaking in the pool Mike came over with what he said was one hell of a story. 

We said, "Tell us" and he did,

"I was making breakfast this morning when I hear Rick calling my name  "Mike, Mike, come here.  I need you." 

"I go over to their trailer and say,  "Hey Rick, you in there?" 

"He says,  "Mike, come in.  I need your Help?"

"So I go in and there's Rick tied to the bed spread eagle, and that ain't all.  He's got one of Mary's teddy’s on, plus her stockings and garters.  His face is all made up with lipstick, mascara and the whole bit.  I say, "Jesus Christ Rick, what the holy hell happened to you?" 

"He says to me,  "This is just Mary's new game.  Now untie me." 

"But I want to know more so I ask,  "What the fuck is she up to now?”

"He says, “She likes to dress me up then tie me to the bed.  Then she leaves, sometimes for a few minutes, sometimes for a couple hours, then when she comes back she screws the hell out of me then unties me.  But this is the first time she ain't came back.  Now untie me."

"But first I got to harass him a bit more and say,  "But what if she comes back and finds you untied, she ain't going to like that." 

"Rick says,  "Fuck you Mike, and fuck her too!  Just untie me!"

"So I untie him. Have you ever heard of such a story?” 

We agree that it's pretty kinky. 

We ask Rick about it later and he says,  "Yeah, so what about it?  And anyway, it's none of your fuckin’ business." 

After the first incident, according to Mike, he has to rescue Rick at least once or twice a week, and according to Rick, Mary's staying gone for longer periods of time, sometimes as long as three days.  After a couple months of this Rick decides to show Mary what it's like to fuck around.

There's another woman at the spring whose sexual appetite is as great as Mary's and has also gone through every single man and some of the women that there is to be had.  Lauren is around 40 and loves sex.  She does a few drugs, mostly grass and acid, but drinks little.  Her and Mary are good friends, sometimes sharing the same man, then they’ll sit in the hot pool discussing his technique, his quirks and staying power.  We all learned a lot more than we ever needed, or wanted, to about the sexual practices of the folks at the springs.  Well, Lauren was hot to try Rick out but up until now Rick had been faithful to Mary.  Now Rick has had enough, the next time that Mary's gone for more than one night Rick tells Lauren to come over to his place and visit him for the night.  Lauren, of course is happy to oblige him.  When the fateful night comes what Lauren doesn't tell Rick is that she's on the rag. And once Rick starts in, he thinks that she's just really hot and wet for him so they go at it all night long bumping uglies.

In the morning Lauren leaves and Rick discovers that his and Mary's bed looks like somebody was murdered in it.  He goes and gets Mike to help him get those sheets and the mattress out of there before Mary comes home and sees them, but as luck would have it, Mary comes home while they’re still removing the incriminating sheets.  She walks in the door, sees the sheets and knows exactly where the blood came from and how it got there.  Mike gets the hell out of there as fast as he can, he's seen Mary in action before and wants no part of this.  And action is just what Rick gets.  She's screaming, yelling, hitting, scratching, biting and kicking Rick, who runs out the door with her or his back.  He tries to run into the desert but she stays right with him.  She chases him and beats him whenever she catches him until finally she gets tired enough for him to escape.  The whole time she's yelling about how could he fuck another woman in their BED!  That all the time that she fucked around on him that she never, never once ever fucked another guy in their BED!  And if he wanted to fuck some other whore that she didn't give a damn as long as it wasn't in their BED! 

Mary seems to calm down and walks back to their trailer.  She goes inside and pours a gallon of kerosene, which they had for their lamps, on the desecrated bed, lights a match, drops it and walks out the door.  We all watch as the trailer with everything that Mary and Rick own in it, burns to the ground.  Mary didn't say a single word, she just stood there and cried.  Rick comes back, all he has on are his jeans, stands beside Mary, puts his arm around her and watches the flames not saying a word either. 

Finally, Mary takes his hand, looks at him and says,  "Fuck it Honey. Don't worry about it.  We'll get another one." 

Rick, still speechless, just nods. 

When the trailer is done burning, Rick kind of pokes through the ashes but nothing's salvageable. 

They move into the bushes, get some clothes and a tent then hang out together.  In a few months they've traded their was up to an old green Ford pick up with a small camper on back and spend the rest of the season in it. 

Mary still goes off with other guys and Rick now bangs other girls but neither of them do it even remotely in the area of their camper. 

They don't live at the springs anymore but still come through every now and then to say  "Hi." and catch up on the latest gossip.  They're still together in that old green pick up and are still in Love.  Mary's even mellowed a bit so I guess it's true what they say:  Love can conquer all.