American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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I’d just gotten a ride to Texarkana from Little Rock where I had spent the night on the floor of a kind salesman's apartment who had picked me up somewhere in Tennessee.  I walked to the edge of town so I could stand right on the state line.  I didn't have to wait long before an old station wagon with a long hair driving pulled over and told me that he was going to Ft. Worth and would I like a ride. 

I said "You bet." since just three nights ago I had slept ass deep in snow in eastern Pennsylvania, and the further south I got the better I liked it. 

We chatted on the drive south.  I told him my trip of going where the rides went and he told me that he lived with his brother in a small house in Ft. Worth where they worked as sound techs for any concerts that came to the Dallas-Ft. Worth area.  He told me that working with musicians was always a pain in the ass but the money was real good.

By the time we got to Ft. Worth it was already dark so he said that I could spend the night at his place and in the morning he would take me to the freeway west.  This sounded good to me.  When we got to his house he introduced me to his brother who, as soon as we walked in, started bitching about a girl that he had met, bedded and now was trying to get rid of because she wouldn't leave him alone.  He said that she was coming over in about an hour and that he had no plans to be there so we would have to deal with her. 

I asked him what her trip was that he was so upset with her.

He said  "She's a fuckin’ nympho.  All she wants to do is screw and won't give me a moment’s peace.  I just can't take it anymore so I am out of here." 

His brother started arguing with him that he didn't want to deal with her either. 

I broke in on their discussion and told them that I would gladly spend the night with the lady since I hadn't had any sex for over a week and was horny as hell myself. 

The brother's said that they'd be happy to introduce me to her but warned me that if I did go home with her that I would get no sleep that night. 

I told them fine, bring her on.

About an hour later a baby blue Mustang pulls into their driveway and out steps a girl in her early 20's.  She's short but built with her blond hair cut shoulder length and blue eyes.  She's wearing a white blouse, a blue mini skirt and white cowboy boots.  She comes in and immediately start crawling all over the brother who is telling her that no way is he going to spend the night with her, and that if she don't cut the crap, then she's going to have to leave, so she settles down.  They introduce me to her as a good friend of theirs from San Francisco who'll be in town for a couple of days and needs someone to show him the sights since they'll be working. 

She checks me out, comes over to me and we start talking.  Am I a real San Francisco hippie? 

Yes Mam, I surely am. 

The brother's says that I’m going to have to sleep on their floor if I stay there so since she has lots of space at her place why don't she let me stay with her for the night.

She looks at the brother she likes and he says to her,  "You do what you want, but I am going to bed.  So good night." and leaves the room. 

The girl, who tells me her name is Arlene, says to me "Well, would you like to spend the night at my place.” 

I tell her that it'd be my pleasure.  I grab my pack, thank the guy for the ride and we leave.

As soon as we get in the car she starts asking me a lot of questions about the San Francisco hippie scene and by the time that we get to her house we have become good friends, laughing and enjoying each other's company.  She lives in an apartment house on the second floor.  We go up the stairs hand in hand, she opens the door and as soon as I am inside she is in my arms and has thrown a vicious lip lock on me. We never even make it out of the hall before all of our clothes come off and we are doing the hot and nasty right on the hall floor.  From there we progress to the living room for another bout of wild sex, then to the bathroom for a shower and a little rub-a-dub-dub.  After we're clean we take a break in the kitchen where she makes some hamburgers and tater tots.  I tell her that I'll do the dishes while she gets ready for bed but she just whips off her apron, which was all that she was wearing saying to me, "I'm ready right now!" 

I figure the hell with the dishes and we hit the sheets.

Arlene keeps me awake most of the night with her sexual demands that I am more than happy to oblige her with.  Finally about 4 a.m. she tells me that she has to get a little sleep because she has to go to work in the morning.  We snooze for a couple of hours but when the alarm goes off she is astride me saying "One last quickie before another dull day." 

I just say  "Well, ride’um, cowgirl!"

We get up, get dressed and have a cup of coffee.  Arlene tells me that I can spend the day there if I want to and when she gets home we can have a little more fun.  Even thought it was a mighty tempting offer, I really didn’t want to hang around with nothing to do all day when I could be on the road in search for new adventures.  So I tell her that it was a lot fun last night but that she plum wore me out and I wouldn’t be much good tonight. 

She looks a little sad, but says  "Oh well, would you like a ride to the freeway?  I can drop you on my way to work.” 

I say that would be fine. 

We get into her bitchen baby blue Mustang and she drives me to the freeway.  We hug and kiss good bye and she tells me that if I'm ever in Ft. Worth again to look her up and I promise her that I will.  Sad to say, I never went through the Dallas-Ft. Worth area again.