American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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I was hitching in Ramona not going anywhere in particular when a guy in a newish panel van stops.  I open the door and he asks where I’m going. 

I tell him, “Where ever you are.” 

He says, “Well, I’m just out for a drive.  Get in and I guess we’ll go nowhere together.” 

I throw my pack in back and get in.  As I look him over I can see that for a youngish guy, he don’t look in too good of shape.  One of his arms is missing, his head is all lopsided and his face is scarred up, but hey, it ain’t none of my business.  I figure he’ll tell me all about if he wants to. 

We start chatting and at first it’s the usual “What’s your name?”

His is Wayne.

“What do you do?” 

He says he’s retired. 

Then he asks me my philosophy of life. 

I give him the short version; make yourself happy, clean up your own messes and don’t harm anybody or anything unnecessarily. 

We talk about this for awhile with him questioning me about it and me getting deeper into it.  Pretty soon almost an hour has passed and we’re headed out into the desert.

He pulls over and says, “You know Tai, you’re a real interesting guy.  How would you like to come home with me so we can talk some more.” 

I ask him where he lives. 

He says, “I have a ranch just outside of Santee.  Just me and a caretaker live there so you’d have plenty of room.” 

I tell him that sounds okay to me but since it was me doing most of the talking on the drive so far, just what’s his story. 

He says he’ll tell me on the drive there. “I’m a Vietnam vet.  I guess you can tell by looking at me that I saw some action.  Three years ago I stepped on a land mind.  It blew off my foot, my arm and part of my skull, but the worst thing of all, it blew out my memory.”

“What?” I ask. 

“Yeah,” he says, “when I woke up in the hospital I was just like a newborn baby.  I had absolutely no memory.  I couldn’t talk, couldn’t walk, couldn’t feed myself or even clean myself.  Actually they told me I was in Vietnam and got blown up because I sure don’t remember any of it or anything that took place before I woke up in the hospital.  It took them 6 months of working with me before I could even understand what was going on and what had happened to me.  After I was stable enough to move they sent me to the VA hospital here in La Jolla so I could be near my sister.  She would come almost every day bringing our family pictures and home movies with her to show me, to give me my memories back.  She told me that she was my only living relative, that Mom and Dad had died three years ago and that I had lived with her until I had gotten drafted.  She told me all she remembered about my life as a kid, our parents and living on our ranch in Santee.  The doctors told her that maybe her telling me these things and showing me the pictures would help me to remember, but even today I still don’t remember a thing.  The doctors say maybe one day I might get some of my memories back but for now it’s like I was born full grown in that VA hospital.  It took a whole 2 years for me to be rehabilitated enough to leave the hospital and move back home. That was a year ago. I still have to see the doctors every other week. I get full Army pension and benefits.  I live in my parent’s house with the caretaker all week and my sister comes every weekend so I guess I have it pretty good.  Well that’s my story.” 

Wow!  What could I say to that.  That’s one of the strangest story’s I’d ever heard and I tell him so.

I ask him what it was like to have no memories.  He tells me it seemed normal to him except when he was around other people talking about their childhood’s then he feels weird.  He asks me about my sex life because, he says, if he had one before he got blew up he sure don’t remember it now, and he hasn’t had any since. 

I ask him why don’t he just go down to Tijuana and screw a hooker or three.  After all, he has plenty of bucks and that’s all you need to get laid in TJ. 

He says, “I’m scared.  I’ve never even seen a woman naked and anyway, I think I might be gay.” 

I ask why he thinks that. 

He tells me, “Well, I’m kind of attracted to my caretaker and he’s a guy.” 

I tell him that’s a normal reaction. If his caregiver had been a female then he’d be attracted to girls.  Almost all long time patients become attracted to their primary care givers. 

He says, “He’s not my caregiver, he’s the caretaker of the ranch.” 

I ask him if he’d seen the caretaker naked.  He tells me only from the waist up.  Then he says, “I’ve only seen myself naked, never any body else.”  He pauses, then says, “Do you think when we get to my house I could see you naked?” 

I laugh and say, “No problem.  I rather go without clothes any day.  I’ll walk around naked the whole time if you want.” 

Wayne asks me if I am gay. 

I say, “No way.  I prefer chicks but I’m certainly not afraid of a little gay action.” 

He says, “I’d sure like to know which way I am.” 

I tell him, “If you’re straight then you’re lucky because nothing beat sex with a woman, but if you gay then it’s not too bad.  In fact, it’s much easier to get laid if you gay.  With a babe you always got to play a game to get her into bed, but with a dude, all you have to do is ask.” 

I ask him if he has any friends. 

He says, “I don’t know anybody other then the people who work on me at the hospital, my sister and Geoff the caretaker.” 

I tell him that’s a big part of his problem.  After that we ride in silence until we get to Santee.

He asks if I want anything special from the market before we head out of town.  I say no, so we continue to the ranch.  We turn into a dirt drive and have to stop to open, then close, a gate.  After a short drive we approach the house, and it look just like a ranch house, long, low and rambling with a large barn in back.  It was even painted a rusty red with dirty white trim.  We get out of the van.  As soon as we do a guy who looks in his late twenties comes up to Wayne and asks who I am.  Wayne introduces me to Geoff and tells him that I’ll be a guest for the next few days.  Geoff just nods and walks back towards the barn where I could see a couple horses in the corral.  I ask Wayne about the animals. 

He says, “That’s all we have now.  When my parents were alive, my sister tells me, this was a real working ranch.  And oh, since this is Friday, she’ll be here sometime tomorrow morning.” 

I ask if she’d mind me here. 

Wayne says, “I don’t think so.  At least, I hope not.” 

I think, ‘well, I might not be here long.’

We enter the house and inside it looks like a ranch house too with a low ceiling and rustic looking furniture.   Wayne shows me around the house then asks if I want something to drink saying that he only has water and Kool Aid.  I go for the water.  After he hands me the glass he says, “Can I see you naked now?” 

I just laugh as I whip off my clothes. 

Wayne stands there staring at me.  He circles me, comes back in front of me and says, “This is the first time I’ve ever seen someone naked.” 

I ask, “Haven’t you ever seen a Playboy?”  

He says he has but they all looked too phony to him, this is real.  He asks if he can touch my cock. 

I tell him to go ahead. 

As he’s staring at it Wayne reaches out and takes a hold of my tool.  Now since someone is touching my cock, it starts to get hard and very soon I have a genuine boner.  Wayne lets go of it saying, “That’s enough for today.  I have to go to my room and think about this.  Find yourself something to eat and you can sleep in the guestroom.  Good night.”  Since it’s already 9 o’clock I figure I mise well hit the hay early.

Next morning bright and early Wayne comes in my room, wakes me up and says, “That was the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to me.  After I went in my room I jacked off then thought about you all night.” 

I tell him if he thought that was exciting then just wait until he really has sex, especially sex with a woman. 

He says, “I rather have sex with you.” 

I reach out and through his robe grab his prick then start massaging it.  He gets hard not saying a word, just watching what’s going on.  Within a minute he cums.  Right after he does he says, “I can’t believe it.” then, “ I have to go to my room for awhile to think about this.”  He turns and leaves the room saying, “I have to be alone but please don’t leave.” 

I get up, take a shower, get dressed then go outside to check out the ranch.

 As I’m wandering around I see Geoff.  He seems to be standing around doing nothing.  I go over to him and we start talking.  He tells me he’s been the caretaker ever since the parents died, not that there’s much to do here anymore.  Mostly he just takes care of the horses and mows the grass.  I ask how he likes working here. 

He tells me, “Well, the pay ain’t great but it’s quiet.  The kid almost never leaves the house and the sis is only here on weekends.  They both pretty much leaves me alone so I guess it’s okay.”

We chat a little more then he tells me he’s got work to do and ambles off.  I wander around checking the place out.  It’s in a tree covered valley with no other neighbors visible.  All in all, a very nice spread. 

Just as I’m walking back to the house a new looking car pulls in and a woman very nicely dressed in her late 20’s gets out.  She sees me and waits until I get up to her.  I introduce myself. 

She says, “My name is Annette.  Wayne called me this morning and told me you were here.  Do you know where he is?” 

I tell her as far as I know, he’s still in his room. 

She tells me, “That’s where he spends most of his time.  I’d sure like to see him get out more and mix with people.” 

Just then Wayne comes out of the house, comes up to Annette, hugs her and tells her he’s glad to see her. 

Annette says she’s brought some groceries and tells Wayne to get them.  We all go into the house and head into the kitchen.  Annette says, “Wayne would starve here if it wasn’t for Geoff and me.” as she puts some of the food away leaving some out to make lunch with. 

After lunch we all sit around talking.  Annette tells me she has a house in San Diego and works for a book publisher.  I tell her I just hitch around the country going where ever the rides take me working as little as possible.  Wayne doesn’t say too much.  After awhile he goes back into his room to take a nap.  

After Wayne leaves Annette says, “So what do you think about Wayne?” 

I tell her about him being sexually curious but also being confused.  I say I think he’s very lonely out here by himself and badly needs some friends and some female companionship. 

She says she knows.  She’s tried to get him to go out more but he just too frightened. 

I ask if she has any sexually liberated female friends who’d be willing to show him the ropes.  After all, technically he is a virgin and that does turn some women on. 

She says she thinks it would be too dangerous.  It might freak Wayne out too badly.

I tell her I believe it wouldn’t harm him at all, and in fact, would do him a world of good.  Even if it did turn out poorly, he probably wouldn’t be any worse off. 

Annette says she’ll think about it. 

Annette and I spend the rest of the afternoon just hanging out chatting with each other while Wayne mostly stays in his room.

That evening all of us, including Geoff, have dinner together that Annette and I made.  Afterward Geoff goes back to the bunkhouse.   Annette and I get Wayne to play some cards with us but he’s acting funny and says he wants to be alone.  He goes back into his room.  Annette follows him in and after a few minutes comes back out. 

I ask what’s the problem. 

She tells me, “Wayne’s upset with me for being here.  He thinks I’m trying to steal you away from him.” 

I tell her this is not good.  After all, I’m just a hitchhiker who he picked up yesterday.  I tell her that maybe I should leave in the morning. 

She says she doesn’t think that’s necessary because she’s been thinking about what I said to her about having one of her girlfriends come over and have sex with Wayne.  She now thinks it’s a good idea.  She goes and makes some calls.  Later she tells me her friend Leah is coming over tomorrow, that Leah’s a free-thinking girl who knows Wayne’s story and she’ll be happy to try and have sex with him.  We talk a little longer becoming friendly until she tells me good night and retires to her room.  I go back to the guestroom.

Next morning I am again awaken by Wayne standing in my room.  He asks me how I feel about him.  I tell him, “Wayne, you’re a nice guy but I’m basically I’m straight and anyway, I’m just a guy you picked up 2 days ago.”  I end it by telling him about a real girl coming over for him to meet tonight thinking this should make him happy but instead he just looks frightened.  He leaves the room. 

I get up and go into the kitchen.  Annette is there so I tell her about telling Wayne about Leah and how he reacted to the news.  She says she’d better go talk to him.  I seriously think about leaving.  This is getting just too weird. 

A little later Annette and Wayne come into the kitchen and Wayne now looks happy.  He says that he’s still scared but he also excited.  After all, he’s going to see a real woman naked. 

Annette tells him not to get his hopes up because that might not happen but Wayne’s not listening, he’s thinking about seeing a nude female. 

I tell them I think I’ll split but they both tell me they want me to stay. 

Annette says, “If it wasn’t for you none of this would have happened, so you should stay and find out how it all turns out.” 

I agree to stay and we spend the rest of the day mostly hanging around talking, playing cards or wandering around the ranch.

About 4 o’clock another car comes up the drive and parks.  Out steps Leah.  She’s a nice looking girl who looks to be about Wayne’s age.  She’s dressed for the ranch in tight jeans and a checkered shirt tied at the waist.  Annette introduces Leah to Wayne. 

At first Wayne acts shy, but Leah takes him by the hand and starts asking him questions about himself and the ranch.  Soon Wayne starts relaxing.  By dinnertime he is talking to her without any coaxing or hesitation.  After dinner we all play cards and talk for a couple hours until Leah says she tired and would like to go to bed.  She gets up, takes Wayne’s hand and says, “Will you show me where to sleep, Wayne honey?” 

Wayne looks scared but he gets up and lets Leah lead him away leaving me with Annette.

 We chat awhile longer about nothing then Annette says, “I wonder what’s going on in there?”

I tell her I don’t know but at least Wayne ain’t chased Leah out of his room yet.  That has to be a good sign.  After a while we hear some definite moaning coming from Wayne’s room. 

When Annette hears this she says, “Oooh, sounds like they’re having a good time.  Listening to them is making me horny.”  Then looking me in the eyes says, “And where would you like to sleep tonight, Tai?” 

For an answer I get up, take hold of her hand, pull her up and kiss her.  Without another word she leads me into her bedroom.

Real early next morning Annette wakes me up and tells me she has to work today.  She gets up then goes to Wayne’s room, knocks on the door and tells Leah she has to get up.  As we’re sitting at the kitchen table drinking some OJ, Leah leading Wayne by the hand wanders in.  They both have big stupid grins on their faces.   As they sit down Annette asks how their night was. 

Leah says, “Well, at first Wayne was kind of nervous, but after he calmed down everything went just fine.  Didn’t it, Wayne honey?” 

Wayne tries to speak but he can help himself from giggling so he just shakes his head yes. 

Annette says, “Oh, I’m so happy for you Wayne.  Thank you Leah.” 

Leah says, “It was my pleasure.” 

Wayne finds his voice and says to Leah, “Does this mean you’re my girlfriend now?” 

Leah answers, “Well Wayne honey, I can be one of them, but I know you don’t want to be tied to just one woman now that your a real man.” 

Wayne looks stricken so Leah adds, “Of course you can call me anytime you like and we can get together every now and then.” 

Wayne doesn’t look a whole lot happier but he relaxes and says, “I guess that’s okay.”

Leah says she has to get back to the city, she has to work today this being Monday.  Annette says she has to be going too.  With that Annette and Leah each kiss Wayne.  Leah tells Wayne to call her and Annette tells him she’ll call him after work.  Wayne follows them out to their cars and waves bye-bye as they pull away.

When Wayne comes back into the kitchen I ask him, “Well Wayne, do you still think your gay?”

“Heck no.” he answers, “I couldn’t believe it could be like that.  I thought it would be like jacking off, but it’s so much better.  At first I was real nervous so Leah said she’d give me a bath to relax me and then you wouldn’t believe what she did to me.  Why she...” and he launches into a very descriptive narrative of his night with Leah.  A real woman!  I was happy for Wayne.  He deserved a little joy in his life after what happened to him.

Later that morning Wayne asks me what I want to do.  I tell him that our time together is over and I’d like to head out.  He looks real sad saying, “I thought we were friends and that you’d stay here with me awhile.” 

I tell him, “We are friends Wayne, but I just can’t hang around somewhere too long.  There’s too much happening out there and the open road is calling me with new adventures.”  then, “But you can come along with me if you want.” 

He thinks awhile then says, “No, I’m not ready to leave here just yet and besides, I have to call Leah tonight.”

I laugh clapping him on his shoulder then say,  “That’s right, I bet she won’t be able to keep herself away from a stud like you.” 

Wayne laughs too. 

That afternoon Wayne gives me a ride out to the highway that goes up to Ramona.  As I get out he makes me promise to stop by any time I’m in the area but I never passed though Santee again.