American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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I’ve been camping  for the last couple weeks on La Barra De Navidad in Mexico a small town that has almost no gringo tourista’s.  When I first got here I found I really liked the place so I thought I’d stay awhile and built myself a small palapa.  It’s only 8’X 8’ and 6’ high with a sand floor. The walls and roof are palm fronds that I chopped from a coco palm then tied together to some large sticks I found in the jungle.  I built it about a quarter mile from town on a sand spit.  Very few of the local inhabitants speak English so my Spanish has been improving rapidly. 

Lately the talk of the town was all about the Post Mistress.  There’d been complaints about her stealing mail so the Post Master for the entire district fired her.  In response she took all the mail, all the stamps and all the postal equipment that wasn’t nailed down then locked up the Post Office, took the keys and fled the village.  She went into hiding then called the Post Master telling him that if he wanted all the Postal stuff back he would have to not only give her her job back but guarantee her she wouldn’t be fired again.  And he’d even have to apologize to her for firing her in the first place.  The Post Master told her that ain’t happening so now everyone here has to go to the next village to send or collect their mail.  The locals are of course, are on the Post Mistresses side saying it’s totally understandable that someone in her position would steal a little, she’s paid such a paltry sum that it’s just part of the job.  As long as she doesn’t steal too much and otherwise does a good job, well then, that’s life.

I was generally having a good time here until yesterday when I met Terra and her 5 year old son, Sam.  I was sitting in a small restaurant having a breakfast of huevos revoltos ala Mexicana with tortillas and refritos when she and Sam walked in.  She saw me, came over to my table then introduced herself and her son.  She told me they had just gotten off the bus and asked if I knew of a good and cheap place to stay.  I saw she was wearing a backpack so I told her it was safe here so, if she wanted, she camp on the beach for free.

She asked what about toilets and showers.  I said the locals would let her use any of their toilets just for the asking.  For a shower she could pay a few pesos to one of the hotel managers and he’s let her bathe in one of the vacant rooms.  She said that sounded good to her then asked if she could join me for breakfast.  I told her I’d be delighted.  We each chatted about our adventures in Mexico so far.  Terra told me she and Sam had left the USA 3 weeks ago and were just traveling around going where ever the wind blew them.  She said she was having a really great time. She could hardly believe the kindness and generosity of the Mexican people.  Everywhere she went people opened not only their homes but their hearts as well to her and Sam, and they wouldn’t accept even a centavo in return.  I told her that was because the Mexicans loved children.  However, they even treated me, a single male, with more respect and generosity than any other country I’d ever been.

After breakfast I showed her my palapa and told her she could camp next to it if she wanted.  She told me she’s think about it but for now could she just stash her stuff inside the palapa.  I said fine.  Terra, Sam and me spent the morning playing in the sand, swimming in the sea and just relaxing.  A little after noon Terra told me she wanted to take a shower so Sam and her went to the nearest hotel and didn’t return for 2 hours. When they did I saw Terra had Ramon, one of the local beach boys, with her.  I greeted them.  After a quick chat Terra asked me if she I’d do her a favor. 

I said sure. 

Terra said, “I’ve really hit it off with Ramon and I’d like to spend some time alone with him.  So, would you mind watching Sam for a little while?  I promise I won’t be too long.” 

I told her I’d be happy to and to enjoy herself. 

She smiled and thanked me.  Then she told Sam he would be staying with me and that she’d be right back.  She and Ramon then walked down the beach hand in hand.  Sam was a neat little kid and we got along fine.  He even took a nap in the palapa.

Just before sundown, over 3 hours later, Terra comes back down the beach alone.  I ask her what happened. 

She said, “Nothing.  Ramon is just one of those love’um and leave’um type of guys that’s all.” 

I laughed. 

She then asked about Sam. 

I told her everything went okay and we had a great time together.  I asked if she had any dinner plans because I knew of a restaurant that served up a half lobster and a petite fillet with all the rice and beans you could eat for only $4. 

She said that sounded good to her so off the 3 of us went.

By the time we got back to my palapa it was full dark and Sam was sleepy.  Terra asks if she could put him down inside. 

I said go ahead. 

She unrolled his sleeping bag, put him to bed then stayed with him until he went to sleep then Terra joined me outside.  We sat side by side on the sand where we smoked some mota and talked while watching the white stars spinning over the black sea.  After a while Terra said she was ready for bed. 

We entered the palapa and I asked Terra where she wanted to sleep. 

She said, “If you don’t mind I think I’d like to sleep with you.” 

I told her it’d be my pleasure. 

We laid our sleeping bags together then got undressed.  Me down to the buff, Terra wearing only her panties.  We talked a bit more then I started giving her a message while she told me how great it felt.  I rolled her over and we began making out. 

However, when it started getting hot and heavy she pulled away saying, “I’m sorry Tai, but I wouldn’t really feel comfortable having sex in front of Sam.” 

I thought she was kidding so I said, “He’s sound asleep and anyway, we can be quiet.” 

Terra pushed me away saying, “No.  Sam needs me to be here for him.” 

Now I got a little upset and said, “What the hell are you talking about?” 

Terra said, “I thought we could just be friends.”

I smiled and said, “Well, it’s always been my philosophy that if you can’t fuck your friend then who can ya fuck, so let’s become real good friends.”  

Terra smiled back saying, “Sorry, but no.” 

This got me mad so I said, “Then get the fuck out of my bed.  What kind of crap is this?” 

She looked at me saying, “I guess you just don’t understand.” 

“I guess I don’t.” I answered, “You leave your son with me, a complete stranger, while you go off all afternoon and fuck one of the locals.  I mean, you don’t know me.  I could easily be a kidnapper and child molester.  Yeah, tell me about how much you care about your precious son.” 

Terra looked hurt then whined, “You really don’t understand.” 

“I understand you’re lucky Sam’s here or your ass would be sleeping out on the sand.  Now get the fuck out of my bed, and first thing in the morning get the hell out of my life.  Go find yourself some other sucker.” 

Terra opened her mouth to say something but I interrupted her saying hotly, “I don’t want to hear it.  Good night!” 

Terra got up and moved her bag over next to Sam’s and I didn’t hear another word out of her.  In the morning I pretended to be asleep while she packed up and left.

Unfortunately I’ve met quite a few women like this in my travels.  Women who smile and touch and compliment to get you to do whatever they want you to.  And you know, I wouldn’t mind it so much if they were simply honest with me, but when it gets down to the real nitty gritty they punk out showing they’re really just selfish manipulating bitches.

Basically, I’m a fairly nice guy who doesn’t mind helping folks either male or female, but like most people I hate to be conned, especially when it comes to sex.   I mean, if you’re not going to fuck me then at the very least, don’t get into bed with me.  I simply don’t understand it. 

A lot of women reading this will say, “Well, men use women all the time so no harm, no foul.”  But women also say they’re much more thoughtful and considerate than we men are. 

I say, prove it.  If you want something from us then stop leading us on and just ask.  Most of the time we’ll be happy to help you out

Fortunately however, there are a lot of real nice and honest women out there who don't lead men on for their own selfish interest and just want to have some fun, as this next tale illustrates.