American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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I'm walking down the beach in La Barra De Navidad from the sand spit where I have my camp on my way to the fresh water lagoon about a mile out of town for my daily bath when I see in front of the big hotel a babe in a bikini sitting a towel.  As I come up to her I check her out, nice shape with long brown hair and looks to be in her early 20's.  I also notice that she also in checking me out.  Then she straightens her back which pushes out her sweet little titties, smiles at me and before I can even say 'Hi' she says, “So where's the fire, big boy!”

I immediately make a sharp right turn, walk over to her, sit on the sand next to her towel, look at her, smile and say, “Why it's right here, beautiful.”

She give a little laugh but seems to be at a loss for words so I say, “Hi, my name is Tai, and just how did you find La Barra because it certainly isn't on the gringo tourist route?”

“Hi Tai, my name is Angela.” she says, then shake my hand,  “I heard about it when I was in Yelapa.  A guy told me it was almost as nice as there but with less gringos plus it had electricity.  So I thought I'd check it out before heading to Palenque.”

We chat a little about ourselves then I asked her if she was traveling by herself.  When she told me she was. I asked her how that was going since you never see gringa's traveling alone in Mexico.  “Well,” she says, ”I was suppose to be with a friend of mine but she backed out at the last minute.  But then I thought I'm not going to let her ruin my vacation so I decided to go it by myself.  At first I was scared because of all the bad stories you hear in America about Mexico.  But once I got here I found that as long as I keep away from the baracho's then everyone else is real nice and I've been having a great time.  I'm really glad I came.  In fact I can't wait to get home and tell my friend what she all missed by being chicken.”

I agreed with her telling her the US press only reports the worst stories about Mexico, which are true.  How do you think the world would view the good old USA if the news was only about all the murders, rapes, mugging, robberies and other assorted atrocities that happened in the US every day leaving out all the good stories.  Hell, no one would want to visit there.

When I ask her how she's getting around she answers, “All by bus.  They're really cheap and fairly comfortable.  I just don't like to watch the driving.  The drivers are pretty reckless.”
I laugh telling her the drivers creed, “Pass on the curve, pass on the hill, just lay on the horn, it's worth the thrill”

Now she laughs saying, “Yeah, that's about it.  Is that how you get around too?”

“Naa,” I say, “I hitched hiked down here from Nogales.  It's kind of slow but it's has been both fun and interesting.  Plus I  now speak a little Spanish.”

She looked at me saying, “And I thought I was brave taking buses.”

I tell her it's no big deal and then I ask her what her plans were for the day?

”I don't really have any other than laying on the beach then gong for a swim.” she says, then “What do you have in mind?”

I say, “Well, I'm on my way to a very beautiful fresh water lagoon covered with blooming water hyacinths  that's separated from the ocean by only about 50 feet of sand.  It's about a mile down the beach so there's absolutely never anyone there.  Plus there's a fisherman's palapa on the sand for shade.  Wanna come?”

She does and asks what she should bring.  I tell her whatever she thinks she needs for the next few hours.  She gets up, stuffs her towel and other assorted girlie stuff into a large bolsa and says, “Well then, I guess I'm ready.  Lead on Dr Livingston.”

I smile and say, “It's better if we go together.” then take her hand.  She smiles back and it's down the beach we go chatting together and getting to know each other .

We get to the lagoon and she tells me it's everything I said it was.  There are so many flowers floating on the water that we have to push them aside just to get in the lagoon which is cool and clear with a nice sandy bottom.  For the next few hours its play in the lagoon, swim in the ocean and lie on the sand either in the sun or under the palapa in the shade.

After one of our jaunts while laying on the warm sand Angela props herself up on an elbow looks into my eyes and says, “What a wonderful day, Tai.  Thank you.”

In response I reach up and pull her to me kissing he gently on the lips, and the day becomes even more wonderful.

When we've finish we rinse off in the lagoon one last time before heading back to La Barra again holding hands but this time not needing to talk.

We get to her hotel and I ask her if she'd like me to spend the night with her.  She looks at me saying, “It's been such a fantastic day but I am a little bit worn out.  And I do have a pretty long bus ride tomorrow so if you don't mind I think I'd like to sleep alone.  Because if you spent the night I don't think we'd do too much sleeping.  Is that okay with you?”

I smile and tell her it's fine by me then lean in for one last kiss.  Angela then turns and with a final look back disappears into the hotel.  I then turn and walk down the beach into the night under a starry sky with the waves crashing on the shore back to my camp, happy.