American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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Although George would screw any female in any hole who'd let him he was a prude when it came to his own daughters, and this was especially true of his youngest, Anita.

Anita was in her mid twenties, average size and shape for a girl her age except she had auburn hair and pretty big titties. She had quite a reputation as a good time party girl who like to drink, do a variety of drugs and fuck any guy she took a liking to.  George didn't mind the tales of her drinking and doping but he sure hated to hear anything about her screwing.

It's summer and my girlfriend Kelly is in Hawaii for a couple months so I decided to spend part of that time up on the river with George partying with him and the river freeks most of whom live here year around.  Anyway, one afternoon Anita comes driving up to where George and me are camped.  How she found us I don't know since we're in an out of the way seldom used camp.

She jumps out of her car, sashays over to George and say, “Hi Daddy!  How ya been?”  Gives him a hug and kiss. 

George tells her he's okay so then she turns to me saying, And how are you ,Tai? 

I tell her that her Dad and me are just hanging out enjoying life. 

So after a bit of chit chat Anita says, “You got something to drink and smoke Dad?  Because I ain't had none all days and I sure would like to get a buzz on.”

George tells her he does and we all adjourn to his Airstream for a session of getting high.  After we've smoked a couple joints and drank a beer or two George finally asks Anita how she's been and she's been doing and says, “You know Dad, the usual except I ain't been laid in 3 weeks now so I'm pretty horny.”

Hearing that George cringes a little saying, “That's too bad honey.........”

But before he can say anymore me, being a gentleman who's always ready to help a damsel in distress I say, “Yeah, Anita, I hate to hear of that happening to anybody so if I can be of service just let me know.”

“Where's Kelly?” Anita asks.

I tell her.  So she looks at me a little more carefully then smile and says, “Maybe Tai, maybe.  Let's party a bit more and I'll let you know later.” 

I know her plan which is, if some handsome young stud shows up in before it gets dark then I'm out of luck, but if one don't then............

I'm in luck.  It's getting dark, we've had supper so when I see Anita look at me I say, “Well, what do ya think?' 

She gets up, takes my hand, looks at George and says, “See ya later Daddy.” and off into the night we go grabbing a blanket on the way out.

After we're done Anita, who's not at all sentimental about sex, tells me she going back to the Airstream so she can get some sleep because now that she got what she came for she'll be leaving right after breakfast.  She kisses me goodnight/bye and is gone.  I get up and wander back to my van for a well earned rest.

Next morning I wait until I see her car is gone before I go over to George's.  The second I walk in he says, “Damn it Tai, I do not want to hear a thing about last night so keep it to yerself, understand.”

I tell him that's cool and never mention it.  So we light one up and proceed with the day.