American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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Gyro has a 1950 Willys for sale.  He traded a pound of dope for it and is now asking $800, advertising in the paper even.  He's got lots of calls and people looking at it but so far no one could cough up the bread and Gryo don't give credit.  He gets a call from a guy who wants to come out to see it.  Gryo gives him the address of Joanne and Kerry’s where we are all staying at this time.  We're sitting in the kitchen, burning one when Kerry comes in acting real nervous and says  "Hey Gryo, there's two cops at the door and they're asking for you."

Gyro, who's neither the most legal nor the most sane person I know, freaks and says "What do they want?" 

Kerry says  "They said something about the Willys.”

Gryo thinks that maybe he's illegally parked or maybe it's stolen but anyway, he'd better check it out.  We all go to the door and sure enough there are two cops there in full uniform.  Gyro asks what do they want with the Willys.  The cops tell him that they just called and are here to see about buying it.  Everyone's relieved and Gyro says,  "Well then, let's go check it out and take it for a test spin.  Shall we?"

Gyro, the cops and me having nothing better to do, walk over to the car.  The cops like what they see and want to drive it.  We all get in, Gyro and the cops in front, me in back.  We cruz around the City, the cops taking turns driving and chatting with Gyro.

They really like it and ask what's the least that Gryo will take.  Gyro says "$750 cash."

They ask Gyro for the cop discount and Gyro thinks a minute and says, "Okay. $700 cash today, and she's all yours." 

The cop says,  "You got a deal.  We'll go to the bank after work and get the money then meet your back here around 4 p.m.  Make sure you have all the paperwork in order."

Gyro tells them  "No sweat".

On our way back to the house I think that these look like two pretty hip young dudes, lets see how hip they really are so I lean over the front seat and ask,  "Would you like to smoke a joint?" 

Dead silence. 

No one is saying a word so I ask again. 

One of the cops turns to me and says,  "Sorry, we can't right now, we're on duty."

So I say, "Well, how about when you pick up the pink slip this afternoon?" 

They look at each other, then say  "Okay, sounds good." 

We drop the cops off at their cruiser, and Gyro starts in on me right away "What are you?  Fucking Nuts!  Do you want us all to go to jail?  Pot is illegal, you stupid motherfucker! Now they know we have grass and where we live!" 

I tell him that just by looking at us the cops know we're holding.  And that he's the one who told them where we lived, and either we treat everyone as a human being or we're just another bunch of hippycrits, but Gyro's still pissed. 

When we get back in the house Gyro tells everybody what I did so now everyone's angry with me. 

I tell them to fuck off, that they're nothing but a bunch of paranoid wimps and if they're so scared, then they can just not be here when the cops show up. 

Everyone except Gyro, Joanne and me think this is a good idea and splits for the day taking their stashes with them.

At 4 p.m. the cops are back and this time in street clothes.  They do the deal with Gyro.

When they're finished I ask,  "Now what about that joint?"  and brake out my stash then roll one up. 

They're cool and say, "Okay."  

After we smoke it, they say, "We couldn't believe you asking us to smoke some grass in the car today.  Nobody’s ever said anything like that to us before." 

I give them my human beings rap and they agree, they just want to be treated like people too, so I tell that we'll be having a party this Friday and why don't they come? 

They say that sounds good to them, they'll be here. 

After they leave Gyro's on me again "Are you totally insane!  It's bad enough that we just smoked a joint with these guys, but inviting them to our party.  I can't believe even you are that fucking stupid!"

Joanne agrees that it was a dumb move on my part so I remind her that she's fucked cops before.  She says that fucking them isn't the same as partying and doing dope with them. 

I tell them both that if the cops had wanted to bust us they'd have done it right there, and then gotten the Willys for free instead of giving Gyro $700 in cold cash. 

When the rest of the house members come back home Gyro tells them what I've done this time.  Some rag on me and some just shake their heads, no one is on my side.  Tai's lost it, they say, gone totally wacko but what can they do but await their fates on Friday.

It's Party Time but the word's out that I've invited two cops so there is only about a dozen folks here instead of the usual 25 to 30, and the only drugs available are grass and beer instead of the usual cornucopia. The cops show about 9 p.m. and hang for a couple hours.  Being dopers, the only contact that we have with the boys in blue are either getting hassled or when we're in jail.  They have a few beers and smoke a joint or two but mostly we just talk to each other, trying to see what life on the other side is like.  We find out that we are both just human beings with the same hopes and fears as everyone else but with totally different lifestyles. 

They say it's time for them to go.  They had a real good time and were happy to have met and talked with us.  

We tell them the same and I invite them to next week’s party. 

They say thanx and maybe they'll come but we never saw them again.