American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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(For people who are in good health)

So Bunky, ya say ya wanna get high but you've wimped out in that 1980's Nancy Raygun "Just Say No!" Bullshit!  Well, have I got a high for you.  It’s as good as the best mescaline and not only is it clean and clear but it's good for your mind and body too.  And as extra bonus, it won't cost ya a penny.  In fact, it'll actually save you money.

So what is this wonder high that's been time tested and been found safe for mind and body. (Kelly and I have used this method well over 100 times in the last 20 years and are only the better for it.)  Are ya still with me Bunky?  It's Fasting!  Yes, that's right, Fasting.  But it's not the drink distilled water I'm hungry I feel weak fasting, but Fasting that'll make ya feel good, get ya high, make a man (or woman) out of you Fasting.  So ya wanna know just how it works, well not so fast, Bunky.  First, I gotta ask ya, do ya have the will, the guts, the stick-to-it-ness to make it work?  If so, then read on.

First, go to the health food store and get yerself a big bag of pure senna tea. This is the secret of any successful fast cuz ya gotta get them poisons out of yer body, Bunky, or they'll just keep circulating through you and that's what gives ya that sickly and weak feeling.  You're gonna drink at least two (2) cups of hot tea every morning to clean out them bowels.  Now yer cookin’ with gas.

 O.K. Bunky, this Fast is for 3 to 40 days.   If yer just gonna wimp out and not gonna do it for at least three days then just forget it. Of course, yer not gonna get high unless ya Fast for at least five days and ten is the suggested length of time to get the full benefits. (Kelly and I have gone as long as 33 days, but that was a little long.  Ten to twenty-one days seems to work best for us.)  Now are ya ready for those miracle ingredients? 

O.K., get yerself a quart bottle with a lid and put into it; the juice of 1 lemon or 2 limes, an equal amount of maple syrup (Yum), pure cane syrup (Okay) or unsulfered molasses (Yuk).  Do not use honey or any other form of sugar.  Fill with yer favorite H20, then add as much ground cayenne pepper as you can stand. (The longer you stay on the Fast, the more cayenne you can take)  Now you can take it all in one gulp or toke on it at yer leisure, but drink at least four (4) quarts a day.  Ya can't OD on this stuff so ya can drink as much as ya like, like every time ya get that I’m hungry feeling.  Also, drink at least four (4) quarts of plain water a day and more is better.

Now for the first three or four days yer gonna feel hungry Bunky, yer gonna wanna eat, BAD!  Don't, just drink yer juice and yer water.  On the fifth day or so yer gonna feel like yer fixin’ ta die, maybe even have a nightmare or two.  This is just yer bodie’s way of tryin’ to trick ya into eatin’.  Don't listen to it, just drink yer juice and add more cayenne.  This is where the men separate from the boys, cuz not eating is just an exercise in Will Power.  After yer body figures out that it ain't gettin’ fed, it'll settle down and quit buggin’ ya, then you will start to get HIGH!  Each day you will get higher and more clear, and unless yer work is physically demanding you will feel very little loss of power up to about 10 to 21 days depending on yer physical condition.  After 21 days yer mind will still keep getting higher and clearer but yer body will start losin’ steam.  After 30 days you will be very high and clear but you'll be sleepin’ and dreamin’ most of the time, and ya won't be movin’ around too much even when ya are awake.

Next is coming off the fast, and this is very important so pay attention Bunky.  Some Bozo awhile back did a 30 day fast then drank a glass of wine and dropped dead, so here's what yer gonna do.  Day 1; orange juice only, as much as ya like but drink it slow.  Day 2; orange juice, plain yogurt, some bananas and/or papaya.  Day 3; in the a.m., same as day 2, in the p.m., any fruit, cream of wheat, oatmeal, brown rice with a bit of maple syrup added to sweeten them.  Day 4; in the a.m. same as day 3, in the p.m., add steamed veggies.  Day 5 same as day 4.  Day 6-PIZZA!  No, just kiddin’ folks, just eat sensible and ya can stop drinkin’ the senna tea.

There ya have it, how to get high without using any of those evil drugs. (Kelly and I usually water fast one day a week, then go on a longer one twice a year, you can too.)  And if ya got the Will Power to do this Bunky, then maybe, just maybe, I'll tell ya how to use this technique in conjunction with another one that'll get ya so high that ya just might see the Face Of God.