American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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My lover Kelly and I are sitting in the lobby of a small hotel off of Kao San Rd. in Bangkok having breakfast and chatting with a couple of German guys who we met a few days ago and who re also staying here.  Just as we’re finishing up a guy wearing only a towel around his waist comes down the stairs, looks around, sees us then says in an Aussie accent, “G’day mates, do ya know where the manager is?  I need to speak to her.” 

We tell him she went out for something but that she’ll be back shortly. 

He asks, “Mind if I join ya while I wait?” then sits down. 

We ask him what’s with the towel. 

He laughs, shakes his head then regales us with this twisted little tale. 

“Well mates, I’m traveling alone and this is my first time in Bangkok.  Last night I went out drinking while taking in some the local sights.  Around midnight I’d had enough for one night so I decided I’d get something to eat before going to bed.  I went in the restaurant/bar on the corner and had a beer with my meal.  As I was eating this cute little Thai girl came up to me and asked if I’d buy her something to eat.  She said she was from the country, didn’t have any money and had just gotten into Bangkok.  Since she was dressed in regular clothes and didn’t look like a hooker I told her I’d be happy to buy her some tucker.  She thanked me then sat down and introduced herself as Sahakit. 

After ordering she told me she was from a very poor village and that her father had told her he just couldn’t support her any more so she’d have to leave.  Having no where else to go she decided to come to Bangkok, get a job and find a small place to rent, but right now she had nothing.  I offered her a hundred Baht to tie her over.  She said, “Thank you for your kind offer, but I really just need a place to sleep tonight.” then smiled.  I told her to take the hundred Baht and not to worry, she could share my room as long as I was here.  She smiled even bigger, thanked me profusely, and said how very fortunate she was to have met me.  She finished her meal then smiling took my hand and said, “It’s getting late.  Do you think we can go to bed now?” 

"I told her we sure could then I paid to bill and we left."

"As we were walking to the hotel Sahakit said, “I’m sorry but I’m still hungry.  Do you think you could buy me a yogurt?” 

"I told her, no problem and bought her one at the store next door.  Then up to the room we went.”

“When we got into the room Sahakit said, “Since you are so very nice, if you want to, I would like it if we slept together.” 

"I told her I’d love to."

"She then said, “I hope you’re not offended, but would you take a shower before we go to bed?” 

"I smiled and told her, no problem then hit the shower."

"I’ll tell ya mates, I was one happy bloke.  I couldn’t believe my luck.  Here it was my first night in Bangkok and already all the stories I’d heard about the place were coming true.  Anyway, after I finished my shower I came out of the bathroom wearing only this towel."

"Sahakit saw me and said, “Now I think I will take a shower, then we’ll both be clean for bed.  Oh, by the way, I couldn’t finish my yogurt so you can have it if you want.”  Here she gave me a real big smile saying, “And you will need all the energy you can get for tonight.”  Then looking me right in the eyes and still smiling she took off her clothes, dropped them on the floor then entered the bathroom giving me a little backward glance saying, “See you soon.”

"Man, that about knock me out she was so little and so cute, just like a doll.  I tell ya, I grabbed that yogurt and gobbled it down then I laid back on the bed listening to the shower running and thinking about all the delicious things I was going to do with Sahakit.  And mates, that was the last thing I remember.”

“Next thing I know is it’s morning and I’m waking up alone on the bed with a vicious hangover.  I look around the room and I see that everything is gone.  I looked in the bathroom, nothing.  I even looked under the bed, nothing.  Everything I owned was gone, my backpack, my clothes, my passport, my money, everything.  There was nothing but the towel that I still had wrapped around me.  She robbed me of everything I had and now I don’t know what to do.”  The Aussie looks at us, hangs his head, shrugs then says, “Any suggestions, mates?”

By now the manager had come back and had heard enough of the story to know the trip.  She shakes her head saying, “Aaaieee, how can you boys be so stupid.  You think just because you’re white and buy her a meal a Thai girl is going to sleep with you.  Oh, you are so foolish.  Now here’s what you must do.  I will give you a sarong to wear but you must borrow enough money from your friends to take a taxi to you’re embassy and hope that they will do something for you.  It is a very bad thing to be in Thailand with no money. You will be arrested and thrown in jail if the police find out.” 

The Aussie tells her, “I’m alone, I don’t have any mates here.” 

She tells him, “You’d better find some or you’ll have to walk to the embassy and it is very far.” 

He looks at us then says, ”Do ya think you blokes could spare me a few Baht?” 

I say sure and give him a hundred then the Germans do the same. 

The manager goes and gets him an old sarong, which he puts on. 

As he turns to go he says, “I guess my Thailand vacation is over in only one day.  Thanks for the money.” 

We all wish him good luck. 

After he was gone the manager says, “I don’t know why, but this seems to happen to Australians more than any other people.  What you think?” 

We all look at each other and shrug.  Who knows?