American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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‘That had to be one of the weirdest sexual encounters I ever had.’ I think as I’m walking away

from the babe’s apartment who I picked up last night. 

I was at a party in the Haight up on Masonic St. at some hippie’s place I’d met earlier that day in the park.  We were laying around Hippie Hill smoking a joint and getting to know each other when he told me he was having a party and I should come.  I did and it was a blast with lots of loud music, potent dope, cheap wine and cute little hippie chicks.  I got to talking to an older looking honey and found out her name was Sandra and she’s 36.  Since I’m only 24 this is almost ancient to me but what the hey, she still looks good and I never was a percentage man.  As the party progresses we get even friendlier and pretty soon are making out on the sofa going at it hot and heavy.  Sandra breaks it off and tells me that since it’s getting late, how would I like to spend the rest of the night at her place.  I’m high and happy so this sounds like a perfect plan to me and we leave the party arm in arm.   Sandra lives on the other side of the Haight across the panhandle on McAlister St. so we stroll in that direction stopping for a little kissing and fondling along the way.

We get to her place and as I walk in even though it’s dark, I notice that’s not only is the apartment real tiny but there appears to be someone else in the only bed. When I start to ask Sandra about this, she puts her finger to her lips and draws me into the bathroom.

Once inside she closes the door, turns on the lights, smiles at me then says, “We have to be real quiet because I don’t want to wake my daughter.” 

I ask if there’s another room.

She tells me, “No, this is just a small studio.  There’s only the bathroom and the living room/kitchen.” 

I say, “Well maybe we should sleep on the floor.“

But Sandra says, “Don’t worry about it, Brooke’s a sound sleeper and as long as we’re quiet and don’t move around too much then she shouldn’t wake up.” 

I ask how old Brook is.

Sandra tells me, “She’s a very mature 13 so stop worrying.” then she throws a vicious lip lock on me and soon off come the clothes. 

While we’re busy groping each other, Sandra reaches down and turns on the water for the tub.  As it starts filling we get in and spend the next half hour a splishin’ and a splashin’ until we’re both squeaky clean inside and out.  After we’re finished and have dried off, Sandra say, “Time for bed and remember, we have to be quiet.” 

I ask if we should wear something to bed. 

Sandra only smiles saying, “Don’t worry about it.” and taking my hand, leads me into the living room.

We get to the bed, she crawls in first then I get in next to her.  She kisses me goodnight then says, “Be good now.” and turns her back to me. 

I start to relax so I can get to sleep but Sandra starts rubbing her ass against my crotch, which, within a few moments, gets me hard again.  What can I do except stick it in her.  She pushes against me harder and we have a very pleasant gentle silent bout of sex.  I keep glancing over her shoulder but Brooke seems to stay asleep.  After we’re done we fall peacefully to sleep in the spoon position.

Although I’m still asleep I can feel something warm pressing and rubbing my cock.  I wake up remembering last night and see Sandra with her back still towards me rocking her body against mine.  It’s light now and it must have been warm in the night because all of the covers are on the floor so Sandra and I are laying there completely nude.  I can see Brooke clearly now and all she’s wearing is just a large oversized white T-shirt that’s rucked up to her waist and a pair of white cotton panties and she, like Mom, has her back to me. 

Mom’s still pressing her hot ass into my cock.  I get hard and slip it in so now here’s Sandra and me slowly and quietly going at it with Brooke not even a foot away.  I could easily take my hand off of Sandra’s tits, reach over and caress Brooke but I don’t because Brooke seems to still be sleeping and I sure don’t want to upset the status quo.  So here I am banging the Mom but watching the daughter, especially her firm round butt covered only by that scanty almost transparent white fabric that barely conceals anything.

As I’m fucking Sandra, I keep thinking Brooke has to know what’s going on and is going “wake up” any time now and some kind of weird scene will ensue.  Either she’ll start yelling, “Mother! How could you!” or, if I’m lucky, she’ll join right in.  I can only hope for the latter.  But no, nothing happens.  Mom and me finish up and Brooke stays where she is, asleep and unmoving.

Sandra and I get out of bed and head for the bathroom where we take a shower together then we get dressed.  We come back into the living room and there’s Brooke sitting on the bed awake but still not dressed although her T-shirt is now down to her knees. 

Brooke says, “Good morning Mom.  And who’s this?” 

Sandra says, “Good morning Honey.  This is Tai, a friend of mine who spent the night.  Hope we didn’t wake you.” 

Brooke answers, “No Mom, you didn’t.  I slept real good last night.  Are you staying for breakfast, Tai?” 

I tell her I’d be happy too, so mother and daughter make breakfast while we all chat together having quite a pleasant morning.  After breakfast Brooke goes into the bathroom.

While she’s in there, Sandra says to me, “See Tai, I told you everything would be okay because you know, I would never do anything that would hurt Brooke.” 

I had to agree. 

After a few minutes Brooke comes out dressed for the day and she’s a very nice looking teenager who really favors her Mom.

Well, it’s a new day with new adventures awaiting.  Sandra and I both know that this was just a one-night fling so we tell each other what a nice time we had together and maybe we should do it again some day.  I say good bye to Sandra and Brooke and out the door I go.  And as I’m walking down the street thinking how strange the whole thing was, I’m also thinking that from now on I will never again look at white cotton panties as just underwear. 

Now whenever I get a flash of white panty, not only will I remember Sandra and Brooke and the night we spent together.  But from now on white cotton panties will always give me a little sexual thrill thinking about how with my rock hard shaft deep inside of Mom, the daughter’s sweet young ass was pointing right at me covered only by a pair of thin white cotton panties.