Assorted Ramblings of a Different Young Adult by Santtu Pesonen - HTML preview

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10-05-2016: Musical Rain

It rained today. Naturally I was inside most of the time, though, so it didn’t really bother me.

I’ve never liked rain. There’s something about it I can’t quite put my finger on that makes me annoyed. Maybe it’s its unpredictable and sudden nature. Maybe it’s the water that falls down and soaks you.

Yes, I really don’t like rain as an entity, but I do like the sounds it makes. In its own way, rain turns the world into a musical instrument. The sounds produced by different surfaces as rain pours down on them... It’s truly beautiful. It’s like an aria of natural sounds, where the rain is the conductor and the world is the orchestra.

My family has never really been musical. You could say I’m the first in the bloodline to take a passion to music. I listen to practically everything, from classical and folk to progressive rock and metal. Even the music I make covers a wide surface of genres. I’ve made metal music. I’ve made acoustic ballads. I’ve made electronic dance music. I’ve made ambient music.

And yet, I find myself unsatisfied with my repertoire. I want to learn more. I want to familiarize myself more deeply with more genres. I want to mix more genres together into more elaborate musical explorations. I keep wandering the landscape of music, and the more I do it, the further I want to go.

The question is, though: once I’ve traversed every single inch of it, then what will I do? I fear I don’t know the answer.