Assorted Ramblings of a Different Young Adult by Santtu Pesonen - HTML preview

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11-05-2016: Less Perfect Than Everyone Else

I had an in-depth discussion regarding the new computer with my mother today. It started with me explaining my plan in detail and revealing the estimated cost. The initial shock from her was more or less expected. As I explained why I decided on that specific plan, though, she was starting to see it, if still not entirely convinced by the end of it.

With some further looking and comparing, I managed to cut the total cost of the build down to around €1,000. Some of the pre-built systems I’d been looking at prior would’ve been cheaper, but their specifications weren’t quite what I was looking for. Other pre-built systems in roughly the same specification tier as the current custom setup were at least €1,200, which is over my budget.

The maximum budget of €1,000 that I’ve set for the new computer is strict. I’m willing to stretch it ever so slightly, though, but not by €200. Not even €50, to be entirely honest. Maybe €10, but even that only if it’s
absolutely necessary.

My parents can be very understanding when they want to. I talk to my father less often than my mother, but I feel as though he understands me better out of the two. Had he been the one to discuss the new computer with me personally, he’d have taken my word and not asked much more. Now my mother, on the other hand...

Well, in all honesty, I don’t blame her. She is who she is. She doesn’t want me to go off buying the components without consulting her first. And I understand her in that respect.

I’m a man of my word. Every promise I make, I never break. I’m an honest man - sometimes maybe too much so. But I don’t immediately recall any instances where I’ve unintentionally hurt someone with my words. If anything, the one I’ve hurt with my words the most is me.

I’d be lying if I said I don’t make mistakes. I’m not any more perfect than anyone else. In many ways, I’m even less perfect. To this day, I keep beating myself black and blue over past mistakes.

One such mistake I made when I was 18 years old. I won’t go into the details, but let’s just say that I wasn’t thinking. Or maybe I was, but with the wrong organ - one not designed for thinking. I’ll only say that the organ I was probably thinking with was the heart. The rest I’ll leave up to you to guess.

I’ve never truly understood how love is supposed to work in theory. What I understand even less is how love is supposed to work in practice. I do understand the concept of love to an extent, but I fail to grasp it entirely. I’m not even afraid to admit it.

Maybe I just don’t love myself enough yet. Maybe I just haven’t found perfect harmony yet. In fact, I know I’m far from having found perfect harmony. If I still deprecate myself to the point where my past mistakes haunt me, how could I have?

The answer to that question is not simple. It’ll take weeks, if not months, if not years, to find.