Beyond the Word: An Awakening


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Pages: 336

Published: 14 years ago

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Book Description HTML

This journal-styled treatise is about a spiritual awakening that the author experienced in 1969 that led her to research biblical text to determine its true nature, even learning Biblical Hebrew to help her in her quest. Her observations and conclusions regarding both physical and mental involuntary nature events are detailed in straight-forward nonfictional prose. A few related events from her growing-up years are included in the 335-page FREE e-Book, that also contains 127 photos and/or other supportive illustrations. Download it today!

Reader Reviews
  • User image mayukias
    11 Dec 2014
    I have just completed reading the story and it is great except for the ending. It's quite tragic and I think it is too sudden. The death of the the co-protagonist should not have been made in the first place, the most powerful being in the story is the protagonist and it is quite contradicting. The incident in her town is abrupt too and there are many cuts that should not be there in the first place. Don't get me wrong, I love the story but it is just too painful to see the ending.
  • User image   fallenangeldmysterious1
    21 Sep 2014
    I have read the trilogy and have truly been captivated from day one. My heart is sad to see how the story ends. I fell in love with Dominic from the very beginning. I would love to see you bring him back to life for we all know the true love will never die even when you can't see that you love the most. Besides what's the use of being tomorrow or you can come back… LOL. You have truly captivated my heart in your writing and I look forward to reading more from the job well done…
  • User image   Guen Duplessi
    21 Sep 2014
    I have read the trilogy and can honestly say I enjoyed every minute. My heart is full of sadness to see how the story ends. I fell in love with Dominic early on. As an author you have truly managed to wow me and have left me wishing you could make a miracle and bring Dominic back. We all know that true love never dies even when we arent able to see that loved one anymore. Thanks for sharing and knowing how to captivate me wholeheartedly.
  • User image   Rimz
    19 Aug 2014
    The quality of the story which made my mind play a movie, clearly watching everything like its happening just in front of my eyes. every next thing coming was just unpredictable. i loved reading the whole series.
  • User image   Trisha
    05 Mar 2014
    This was such a good story even though it kinda breaks your heart. What a tear jerker. This author has a real gift and I would recommend these books to any one looking for a great read.
  • User image   Quinn
    18 Dec 2013
    OMG! I did not see that coming! OMG! I love this series, has been a pleasure to read, but OMG! Have tissues at the ready.
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