Common Sense Revisited by John C. Dean - HTML preview

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“This new world,” (America), “hath been the asylum for the persecuted lovers of civil and religious liberty from every Part of Europe”1 and around the world for a few hundred years. Its progeny, however, started with slavery, to complement their avarice to harvest the great wealth in natural resources therein. While a certain amount of greed stimulates hard work to achieve above average, excessive greed collects the wealth of others at a low price, and may even succumb to evil practices, like enslaving people to do the work. The goal to get the best for the least may even involve trickery, like slaves, or scams: making trade able stocks for real property (?). That game broke banks in the 2008 time frame when the housing market collapsed and Americans were suddenly paying enormous house payments for properties now worth half the size of their loans. The real estate stock holders had no equity in the property, because the lenders had the first position on all the properties. Fancy enticing loan practices had some of these mortgages offering lower payments in the earlier years with an increase in interest rate at a later time (trickery), re-instated usury by a republican congress. The stock seemed OK until it started to crash after many foreclosures. This was expected by bankers holding bad notes/trust deeds; because they knew they had made weak deals. Appraisals on the properties were going up way too fast and way overshot the average growth expected. International sales of this stock then stole moneys from abroad for this American banking/real estate scam, and government treachery bailed out the bank perpetrators with no conditions on how the banks would have to disperse these moneys. That's the people's money given to the bad guys who caused the crash. George W. Bush and the congress approved this gigantic rip-off package of $700 Billion for the banks. So high level bank conspirators were rewarded for this dirty trick on the public, that Barrack Obama, the Democratic President-elect, endorsed, so his cohorts in congress would help pass it. The U.S. Republican Government at the time, on George W Bush's watch, got the president-elect, Barack Obama, to promote this $700 billion dollar bail out with no conditions, to console rich banks who suffered losses. Now normally it's a Republican move to give money to banks to console them for their losses, but Barack was a Democratic President- elect who could make the gesture with bi-partisan support. But it was ripping off the people. Who represents them?

The switch in government sponsors for great gifts to industry is a move that is usually achieved every 8-16 years to change which party takes the blame and is more despised by the people they're supposed to represent. Switching the blame slows down the people from converging on the most wicked congressional perpetrators who screw the people the most. I recall changing from Republican to Democrat when Richard Nixon shot and killed innocent students (with his national guard from that state) protesting the war in Vietnam on the campus grounds of Kent State in 1970. Then, it was probably Obama's push to reward republicans for crashing the real estate/banking industries with their own fraudulent scheme, to get a free-bee from the government while continuing to collect inflated mortgage payments from those still in their houses, and having sold the real estate stock when it was still high before the crash. Do you think that Chase bank may have been a co- conspirator in that operation; while Washington Mutual was given the mushroom treatment (kept in the dark and fed manure)? That had me change to independent, where I remain. Also Obama failed to stop the wars in the Middle East, increase taxes on the rich, and cut back the federal budget. The worst part of that was that he pushed the federal government into debt faster than G.W. Bush. Some leverage was used on him to betray the platform he won with, in the election. It could have been at Camp David shortly after the election in November 2008. He would have been told that the military not only has a peacetime need, but that the budget is actually larger because there are especially advanced and expensive programs that are funded in the “black .” These are pursued to give the U.S. the lead against “secret enemy systems” in time and capability.

The super spy plane SR-71, still the fastest aircraft in the world ever, was developed in this manner to replace the U-2 that Russia learned how to knock out of the skies (Gary Francis Power's capture in Russia May, 1960). For the longest time the “ SR-71 Blackbird “ remained invincible in Soviet airspace. But it became cost ineffective when spy satellite developments got good enough and cheap enough to obviate use of it. Both the F117 tactical fighters and the B-2 bombers were developed this way, with new “low observables technologies” to basically make them invisible to the enemy. The drones are also basically undetectable. All such developments would be done in the black, where the public has no idea where the money comes from and how much is being spent secretly. Obviously the books are cooked in some way to keep the public from knowing the true federal budget in all areas and the true total income and debt. This is important to stay ahead of our enemies as it gives us a time and capability advantage. But what if the government is scamming to make insiders rich?

Also Colin Powell showed his stuff in the first gulf war: “First we're going to cut it off, and then we're going to kill it," he said of the Iraqi Army. And our losses were piddly. Americans loved him.

Unfortunately the CIA is still able to conduct secret military operations that the president may not be aware of. It became public knowledge that the National Intelligence budget and Military Intelligence budgets totaled $75 Billion with 200,000 employees in 2009. That's an average of $375K per employee. Disclosure of these numbers led Obama to fire his Director of National Intelligence, Dennis Blair in 2009, since the Military Intelligence Program, is supposed to be unknown to outsiders.

In the Kennedy era, before the infusion of combat troops in Vietnam, CIA Black Ops stimulated confrontations between North and South Vietnam that led to troop deployments (Eisenhower). Jack Kennedy studied the problem and was determined to be free of that conflict by 1965. Furthermore he intended to pare down the CIA for their Bay of Pigs disaster, that he had to take the blame for and apologize to the nation, and for their creation of hostilities in Vietnam. He fired the Director of the CIA, Allen Dulles. Jack was planning the scaling down of CIA in his second term so his actions wouldn't impair his re-election chances, while he'd still be able to keep CIA from ever after interfering in presidential foreign policy with their secret military type missions. But his murder prevented him from crippling the CIA from performing these “dirty tricks”. So they have continued to this day for another ~60 years. CIA was part of the plot that killed JFK.

If the US wants to live in peace with the rest of the world and be a shining example it must eliminate murderous ops. For not doing it in his first term he lent strength to his own assassination as the CIA had muscle over the media, the FBI, and Secret Service. CIA badges were worn by non- agents in Dallas.

Jack did sign the secret National Security Action Memorandum (NSAM) # 263 in October, 1963, just a month and a half before he was assassinated. This would get the US out of Vietnam by 1965. His reasoning was sound. The French failed to colonize Vietnam with a presence of 250,000 troops, and he did not want to waste American soldiers' lives in an attempt to subdue a people on their own turf as they would never give up fighting invaders to their country to re-unite with home rule. Besides in the south, the people were Viet-Cong at night and not being educated into the concepts of democratic government, despite the moneys the U.S. spent with the Diem regime to achieve this end. He was being lied to by Diem who was dispersing U.S. dollars to his political and military cronies and not using it to convert his people to democracy. Jack wanted out (as would the American people under LBJ and Nixon). Jack was for his people and his nation, & for peace and tolerance.

But there were even bigger warnings of an efficient and ruthless covert and monolithic conspiracy that had all the capabilities of a small nation, with political, industrial, military, scientific, media, intelligence, and diplomatic capabilities that was working to take over the world in 1961. His speech regarding this threat and his plea with the newspaper publishers of America to please ask themselves whether their news impacted upon national security was given at the Waldorf Astoria, in New York on 27 April, 1961, at a formal gathering in black tie and tails (tuxedos) 2. He entertained with humorous stories, before he got down to the business of alerting the guests of the imminent nature of his subject. He said: “Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe”. “The survival of our friends is in danger, and yet, no war has been declared.”

“No borders have been crossed by marching troops. No missiles have been fired. If the press is waiting for a declaration of war.....

“I can only say that no war ever posed a greater threat to our security. If you are awaiting a finding of a clear and present danger, then I can only say the danger has never been more clear and its presence has never been more imminent.” Jack was telling the press that shadow governments around the world were taking over. He showed his respect for the 1st Amendment to the Constitution, while challenging the media to check their news for impact on national security, and that he trusted their plan without seeing it. That was in 1961. Unfortunately the press is held in check by the CIA and works for the benefit of the far right wing elite, who own it & skim the cream off the top in the world's markets, while nudging supporting activities of governments in the nations they control. That's how the U.S. has undermined its moral and fiscal obligations in the U.S. and around the world over the last 60 years and forced poverty on the lower end of the work force everywhere.

What JFK didn't yet realize is that the threat he was briefed on was from within our nation with ruthless traitors in high places already: Allen Dulles brought in Nazi Intel agents after WWII to train his men in the CIA, their dirty business; the Secret Service was filled with racists killers, as was Southern law enforcement. J. Edgar Hoover was beholding to Big Oil and hated JFK. LBJ was a pawn of Big Oil and an obsessed power monger and murderer, responsible for the deaths of his sister, 3 polling agents where he added votes in their register to win the primary for the 1948 Democratic Senate primaries in Texas, Henry Marshall a federal investigator in 1960, and many more. He only went for the VP spot to plan to kill JFK before the end of his first term, so he could ascend to the presidency, his ultimate goal. He was supported by his hit man, Mac Wallace, and his attorney, Ed Clark (thee kingpin in all Texas), to organize JFK's assassination in ‘63. The City was involved with Dallas Police and Sheriff's department shooters: Roscoe White and Harry Weatherford; plus GHW Bush and Nixon who both contributed on site personnel (shooters: Cubans and Frank Sturgis, communications, signaling, movie support, paymaster E. Howard Hunt, Jack Ruby...) Gerald Ford filtered out witnesses who knew the truth while acting as a middle man from Hoover to the Commission, and changed the written report to move JFK's back wound to his neck when it was at T-3 in his back, to enable a slim chance of the magic bullet theory to keep Oswald as a possible lone assassin suspect. Even that, however, was not enough as timing and bullet trajectory anomalies ruled out the magic bullet; and the last two shots went Bang Bang, per Roy Kellerman JFK's body guard, rt. front seat in limo, testimony to Warren Commission, and couldn't have come from the same weapon as there was no time to reload. This is not to mention that Motorcycle Officer Marrion Baker was probably in view of the lunch room after a little more like 45 seconds from the 3rd shot and saw Oswald there, and any shooter on the 6th floor had too many things to attend to before he could even start to come down the 4 flights of stairs and make it back up front to the lunch room. where Baker saw Oswald, calmly drinking a coke.


Simple JFK Murder Proof

The simplest of proofs on how JFK was killed is visible from film frames and simple modern reprocessing of these frames and still camera shots shown on pgs. 23-26. But JFK had more to go thru before he was assassinated.

Right after his discovery of a covert worldwide conspiracy, he was hit with the Bay of Pigs debacle (A Nixon/CIA/ GHW Bush plan) to invade Cuba with Cuban refugees who were gathered and trained by the CIA in and around Florida. Two of Nixon's personal hit men, CIA agents E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis, helped train the commandos for Bay of Pigs. The landing vessels were the “Barbara” (GHW's wife), The “Zapata” (GHW's oil company on an island near Cuba) and the “Houston”(the world command center for Big Oil, a sponsor of terror for the new worldwide covert conspiracy, that constantly needed new oil grounds for drilling around the world). The invasion was a dismal failure, but scared Castro into asking for Russian missiles for Cuba: missiles loaded with nuclear payloads to hit any East Coast City in the U.S. In ~5-10 minutes, should the U.S. Attempt to invade again. Khrushchev obliged. This created the “Cuban missile crisis of 1962”.

The U.S. and the Soviet Union were poised to end it all in October, 1962 if Kennedy only followed his Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)' recommendation of a nuclear first strike against Russia. JFK asked what the death toll would be in the U.S. The reply: 30