Common Sense Revisited by John C. Dean - HTML preview

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Science has no law for the creation of something out of nothing. So before the Universe started there had to be a power who could create something out of nothing. We traditionally call such a power God, as no mortal can create something out of nothing.

Different religions and myths and stories have identified their understanding of this power in various ways, but there is no single way that is universally accepted. The Judeo/Christian and Muslim religions combined share many of the same scriptures and are the most numerous together. The original source is the Jewish Torah and Old Testament is from about 1000 BC. The 10 Commandments are introduced here with a simple story for the creation of the world: land, water, plants, animals, & minerals. Buddhism is similar with the good behavior, harmony with nature, and the struggle of humans with their inherent natures which include the 7 deadly sins: Pride, Lust, Anger, Greed, Gluttony, Envy, and Sloth. In Buddhism the person is advised to free self from these temptations and live modestly with reverence for the rest of God’s creation. Taoism is from China and touts its own instructions for intelligent behavior, while Hinduism, from India, has many deities, but is also based in good behavior and warns of Karma (what goes around comes around), as the later outcome from actions of the past. Buddhism also incorporates karma. Love of God and love of neighbor as self are the original Greatest Commandments from the Torah. Native American religious practices identify a spirit for all components of nature and an attitude of gratitude for their livelihood from these spirits. So spirit worship is pretty universal. Atheism doesn’t believe in spirits with great powers but lives in the dilemma of the miraculous full creation and how that got here from nothing. I consider the notion that the creation evolved from nothing, absurd. It was a miraculous manifestation of great complexity from a very powerful Spirit, who deals in the miracles of something from nothing and governing scientific laws that are then hypothesized, tested and if true, become laws of nature and have scientific verification. These laws exhibit how the things God made, work.

Science = scientific historian of God.

Just Laws

Historically laws that govern societies are derived from morals in religion and the greatest commandment from the Torah was to love the Lord thy God with your whole heart, mind, and soul, and love your neighbor as yourself. Christian scripture added the love of enemies as self. A logical conclusion may be derived from these laws if one is allowed the premise: God only makes laws He/She agrees with and abides by. Or God would never order something against God's will!

Since neighbor and enemy could be anybody (by their choosing), then God loves every possible neighbor and enemy of anybody who receives this order (all mankind). The simple deduction from this is:

God loves all of His/Her kids the same. We're all created equal & loved by God equally.

That doesn't mean our DNA is all the same. It doesn't matter what color, race, sex, age, origin, or who your parents are and where you were raised, and what you learned growing up. It doesn't matter what strengths or weaknesses or abnormalities/diseases we have. God loves us all the same. It follows that God doesn't want us to fight with one another. He doesn't like to see His kids get hurt. He wants love and Peace on Earth, our paradise to share.

What you do in your life; shows your love (or lack thereof) of yourself and all others. Then try to avoid hurting others. God also made all the elements from which our products are made. Since He loves us all the same, so He wants us to equally share His/Her gift to us. There should be no poverty or hunger or wars. As it is the war industries and Big Oil and Big banking are making money while the lower and innocent masses of each country do the fighting and dying for them. So war is unjust to the lowest of all nations' people! On the other hand, love enables respect and restraint for all.


People we love, we esteem /respect. And we restrain ourselves and our tongues and pens at the same time. It feels good inside to love and to be loving. We're considerate when we love. We are empathetic when we love. We nurture when we love; we teach, our tone is mellow; we help people feel better with this treatment. We are generous when we love. When we see that our love helps others and they smile we smile back and feel better inside. It is positive behavior to be loving. It feels good & settles people around us. It enables laughter which is good medicine for the body. The New Testament says [1 Cor 13 4-6 Love is patient, kind, not jealous, is not supremacist, is not pompous, is never rude, is not self-seeking, not prone to anger, doesn't brood over injury, does not rejoice in the false, but rejoices with truth] [1John 4-16 “God is love”]

Without love, the world is glum. Or we need to rest, get something to eat, calm down, or talk with a friend. Then we resume with love actions. [Donald Trump's traits are mostly opposite to the traits of love: He's impatient, not very kind, jealous of anyone with a superior trait, he's a supremacist, he's pompous to the max, he's rude to the max, he's all self seeking, he's very prone to anger, He broods to the max and hits back hard, he pushes the false; he never acknowledges the truth unless it serves his purpose. If God is Love, then Trump’s the anti-god or anti-Christ.

The opposite of love is hate. It hurts, we feel bad. We are mad. We have a resentment. We think about hurting someone to get even. It consumes us. We can't help but replay what happened in our minds to re-justify the way we feel or what we intend to do about it. We get nasty; we get foul, we burn bridges, lose friends; we cry. War is organized hate at the highest level.  It alters one's life forever. We're depressed and can't do anything productive. We're paralyzed. We internalize it and then develop acidic stomachs, or splitting headaches, or mental illness. It's only one of our negative emotions: then comes sorrow, regret, guilt, jealousy, envy, sloth, and parental voices of our youth that tell us what's wrong with us.

Active military/Vets have the highest suicide rates, because their cause is destructive & they're stuck in it.

The message is to receive love from God to calm us; then carry it everywhere as we live in it.

This takes the edge off of communications and keeps people at peace and they remain teachable.

Punishment /Amends/ Justice

How do we make up for our bad deeds? What's fair?

The Old Testament was pretty hasty with “an eye for an eye”. It only doubles the blindness already created by error. It is punitive. The best justice is amends. The perpetrator recognizes his error and negotiates with the victim what would be a fair good deed by the perpetrator to help displace the loss due to his offense. They figure it out or contact an Amends Reclamation Center” for listings of various offenses identified and for the various products and services available to remediate the hurt. Maybe there are products or services there that will please the victim enough to help to settle their differences. The perpetrator apologizes & works for the standard rate in points per day that anyone would get for what they're able to produce in one day, or if he has a special skill or product that will yield more points per day and the Center can use his product or service for those points, then he does it up to the days/points that satisfy the victim's point needs, to fulfill the amends.

In operation the perpetrator may wear an ankle alarm bracelet to indicate his location and is otherwise free to go home after each work day, while he remains out of any prison, faces no guards and feels fulfillment when he completes his amends. He lives with friends or family who can support him or in a dispersed mini-home near a homeless sleeper unit complex3 that provides meals, bathrooms, and showers. Or he is able to work some overtime to speed up the process. That's justice that doesn't require prisons or worthless detention time, or guards but covers the debt in a manner productive to both the perpetrator and the victim. Both sides get a better deal than the usual vengeance justice, with no remuneration to the victim. The perpetrator never suffers the ill effects of prisons, likely experiences no homosexual rape or vengeance attacks, no need to make a weapon for survival, as in prison, no need to be in a joint where viscous unstable criminals are kept. And after fulfilling his amends he/she is welcomed back into the world, born again, to serve his/her own purpose and/or continue to help others. We all need to take responsibility for our feelings, so we can possess a positive attitude. Resentments are like being owned by a brick that we trip over in the street and decide to kick it until it turns into dust. The best solution is to pray for the person who hurt you that he may receive the attributes he needs from God, to make him/her a better person. This kind of praying is also ok for selfish prayer and self- improvement, as God does help His/Her kids thru life and loves to hear from them. A prayer of gratitude sends love back to God. An attitude of gratitude is what keeps people content and happy. I've learned to cut my losses, dump a resentment, and get on with the celebration of life.

The victim is somewhat requited and may choose to be grateful for the amends. This makes for fewer prisons, happier endings and takes the edginess out of people's lives. After all, vengeance is mine, saith the Lord (to remind God of Mercy).

 God doesn't like humans doubling the hurt. Amends is always way better justice. An Amazon type Amends Reclamation Center would be perfect. This is best done without lock-up, courts, life threatening arrests, and enables smaller police forces in our communities to deal with the arrest of real felons. A Reclamation Center chart & counsel with the victim and perpetrator can guide the arrival at a compromise that is a fair for both sides. Drug users would not be criminalized, only pushers who might get civic work tasks. [And state laws could allow slowing to 2-3mph while inspecting an intersection before continuing safely with or without a complete stop. (Heck pedestrians do that all the time.) So the complete stop law could be altered to require the complete stop when people or traffic or animals are there at the intersection. Money should not be made by police at stop traps. Safety should be the issue. If it safe to continue, there should be no ticket. ]


Boosting economic support/income for the lower part of the economy helps to reduce the incidence of drug use, gangs, and crime in neighborhoods throughout America if it allows for 1 worker per family, so a parent may be home.




The “historic Oswald” has been dis-proved by hundreds of researchers and investigators ever since his murder. Below is an autopsy photo that shows a skull flap of bone.


This can only be achieved by 2 shots from separate locations, created by the intersecting fracture lines from these shots. The 2nd shots' cracks do not propagate past their intersection with the other shot's crack.