From the Universe to You by Ofentse Motumi - HTML preview

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There are three categories of people in the world of achievement and everyone that sets out to achieve something in life will automatically fall in one of these categories.


1.   Those who don‘t achieve their dreams at all (including those who achieve very little so long as they did not achieve the full measure of their dreams).


2.  Those who do achieve their dreams but have to sweat blood, shed a lot of tears and suffer excruciating pain in order to get there.


3.  Those who achieve their dreams with great ease.


The first group is of those who just don‘t succeed regardless of their effort. Yes they work hard and they may seem committed but they simply see others around them succeeding and making massive progress but no matter how hard they try they can never be a part of the second or third group until they change their way of thinking. Yes they wish they could join the others who are achieving their dreams but they unconsciously don‘t think it‘s possible and since there‘s no principle for failure we can‘t really say why they aren‘t winning... they‘re simply not succeeding in life and we‘ll leave it at that.


The second group are succeeding, through handwork and lots of sacrifices. They‘re somehow using this system on an unconscious level but the mere fact that they believe in sacrifice and handwork as the ultimate way to success obliges them to succeed. Many of the people who fall under this category are those who grew up in hardships and poverty but continued to hold onto their dreams of one day being successful and they believe that they also deserved to succeed, through handwork. These are the people who had to adjust their thoughts and go against all 'odds‘. They believed in their ability to bring forth their vision of success and deep in their hearts they only knew the way to get there being through handwork and without handwork they would never succeed, not because handwork is the key to success but because they believe in handwork and sacrifice so much that the Universe would never respond to their desires unless they worked hard and sacrificed everything for their dreams. Their affirmations and their faith pushes them to success.


And the third group is of those who seem to attract success, happiness, wealth and all they want so easily you‘d call them 'gods‘. This is a minority among all achievers, less than 10% among all those who succeed in life. They don‘t know what is it that can‘t be done and they simply don‘t understand why others 'decide‘ to fail in life. For them 'failure‘ and 'poverty‘ don‘t exist, for this group failure is an illusion of the real truth and whatever they want they get. They‘re happy not because they have all they want , they have all they want because they‘re happy. There‘s so much gladness, gratitude and harmony in their thoughts and that can be clearly seen in all aspects of their lives. Yes they have challenges but they always come up on top. Yes they have to work for what they want but for them work is play. They work from the neck up and not the neck down. They know for a fact that success is the doing of their own thoughts. Their ambitions drives them through the hot weathers and the cold weathers, through early hours and late hours but it‘s still fun.


I‘ll assume you want to be part of the winning team and as such I‘ll help you get there.




Your personality is the determining factor on how much you will get out of life. Through the ages men and women have had the secret to an attractive personality and used this power to attract their desires and I know for a fact that you can acquire it too if you apply this system as you read on. Hermes Trismegistus was a great teacher of Egypt and his teachings were closely guarded and have come down to you over ten centuries. He lived in Egypt in the days when the present race of men was in its infancy but if you‘ll take your time to understand his teachings carefully you‘ll find that he taught what you‘re being taught right now.


The question is what do you want? Whatever you want you can get it and later in the book a clear system is laid out for you to put into practice.


Any intelligent person is interested in getting ahead and it is this desire to get ahead that forms a giant personality. I‘m not talking about an idle wish, I‘m talking about a burning passion and desire to get ahead, the kind of desire that will not let you quit until the goal in mind has been attained. A burning desire can be seen in a person‘s eyes, it‘s not a weak or a timid desire, it‘s a driving force behind their ambition. When s/he looks at you there‘s something that tells you that they‘re looking through you. When they walk into a room full of people they somehow fill up the entire room with their presence and when they open their mouths to say something you can hear it in their words and voice that they know what they‘re talking about though they do the listening most of the time.


One of the ways to make your personality impactful is to think of your desires most of the time until it becomes a burning obsession, until it reaches your subconscious mind. A man or woman that knows what they want and works  towards getting it develops a very powerful personality in the process and in most cases might be referred to as ruthless by those who don‘t know what they want or where they‘re going.


By holding the picture of the kind of person you want to become, the kind of person that has made happiness and ambition a part of his/her personality, you not only gain recognition but you also attract to you all that you want by simply being yourself since you will understand that happiness and ambition are a part of who you are. Don‘t wait for your dreams to be fulfilled in order for you to be happy, be happy now without any reason and happy circumstances will be attracted to you.


One thing to understand is that you will only attract those things that are in harmony with your feelings and the nature of your personality. So when you‘re happy you will attract those things that correspond with your feelings and even if it seems like it‘s not working, it‘s actually working but just like a seed that takes time before it can be seen on surface your circumstances are being prepared in the unseen. You have nothing to loose, just believe in this system and apply it with all your heart because it works.


Imagine attracting your desires without any effort on your part; imagine attracting success by being yourself, wouldn‘t that be worth the investment now? Remember that you‘ve been living your entire life without the application of this system on a conscious level until recently so you can‘t really expect to see the results in your life overnight, what‘s the rush anyway? You‘re giving your life a new turn, you‘re going where you‘ve never gone before and for some people it will be hard at first but as you go along and build momentum you‘ll find that this system really works.


The most important thing about all this is not really about what‘s in store for you (though there‘s so much in store for you) but it‘s about the person you become in the process of achieving all that you desire.


Yes it‘s important that you be known for your achievements, but it‘s even more important that you be known for the value you bring.


There are always things coming into your life and it‘s all due to your personality and the person you‘ve become and the more you grow in personality the more greater things will be attracted to you because nothing can come into your life unless you can handle it... it‘s a Universal law.


Some people achieve success and get lost in their achievements because they loose the lessons that they were supposed to learn and as a result tend to go back to where they first started, people loose their success only because they  lost the lessons of their past unsuccessful attempts but you my friend, amongst all you‘ve achieved and are still going to achieve make sure that you treasure the lessons that life leaves you with, the lessons you learn are more valuable than what you achieve.


I advice you to carry and have a personal journal where you will only write down the lessons you learn everyday, where you will record your experiences and make your life count for something because if a lesson is worth learning, then it should be recorded. Don‘t rely upon your memory to keep record of these valuable lessons of life, write them down.


There‘s no way I can emphasize the importance of having a personal journal and writing down your insights and lessons but it is my intention to open your eyes. Imagine if Ralph Waldo Emerson hadn‘t written down his essays somewhere? What if the disciples of Jesus never wrote down their master‘s teachings? What if the greatest scientists, discoverers, doctors, philosophers, poets, prophets, authors, etc never wrote down their insights and lessons? The purpose of writing down your insights and lessons might not be for public reading but do it in order to reflect on the lesson learnt at the end of each week, month and year.


You might not want people seeing your journal or reading what‘s in it but let it show that you‘re a serious learner, let it show that your life is worth living and is meant to count for something.


Imagine taking ten journals from the past ten years and reading about what you‘ve been learning all along and taking all the lessons from the past ten years and investing them into one year? How powerful would your life be?


What about if you were to give those same journals to your children? They might not want to listen to the stories of how you grew up but how powerful would it be if they were to learn in one month what you learnt in ten years? It would certainly give them a new sense of respect for you, and you will respect yourself more for being such a serious student of the lessons of life.


I want you to know today that you were not created to add upon the planet‘s animal species, your life is meant to count for something, to stand out and impact all those you meet along the way. The lessons life leaves you with are important.




1.   Why didn‘t I give it my all?-Many people live their entire lives scared to give it their all in certain aspects of their lives because they‘re scared of either getting hurt or failing hard. In relationships many men and women are holding back because they‘re afraid of being hurt incase the other person messes up. Yes it‘s gonna hurt more if it doesn‘t work out, but it won‘t really work out unless you give it your all without knowing what might happen. Give it your all, all the time. Either in business or relationships, hold nothing back, just throw yourself to life, aim high, laugh hard. Nothing needs to be explained, justified, or even understood, to move beyond it, transformed, wings afoot, chariots aflame, angels on high, sparkles trailing, fuzzing dice on the mirror... just get carried away.


You say big corporations scheme


To keep a fellow down;


They drive him, shame him, starve him, too,


If he so much as frown.


God knows I hold no brief for them;


Still, come with me today


And watch those fat directors meet,


For this is what they say:


“In  all  our  force  not  one  to  take


The new work that we plan!


In all the thousand men we've  hired


Where  shall  we  find  a  man?”


-St. Clair Adams


2.  Why didn‘t I have a bigger dream?- Some think that it‘s possible for others but not for them. They think success was meant for their neighbors but not for them and so they settle for less than the best. They spent their lives settling for less than the best only to realize it at their deathbed that they could have had the best all the way. They did achieve all their dreams but they now realize that their dreams were too small. They didn‘t necessarily fail, they did achieve their dreams and saw  it later that the Universe only responded to the dreams they had and had they had a bigger dream it could have come true. There are no limits to what you can achieve if you only have a bigger dream. It‘s all possible. Don‘t die and wish you had a bigger dream. It‘s not the dazzling voice that makes a singer, or clever stories that make a writer. And it‘s not piles of money that make a tycoon. It‘s having a dream and wanting to live it so greatly that one would rather move with it and 'fail‘ than succeed in another realm. You so have what it takes. At which point, of course,

failure becomes impossible and joy becomes the measure of success.


“I  bargained  with  Life  for  a  penny,  and  Life  would  pay  no more, however I begged at evening when I counted my scanty store.


For Life is a just employer; He gives you what you ask, but once you have set the wages, why, you must bear the task.


I  worked  for  a  menial's  hire,  only  to  learn,  dismayed, that any wage I had asked of Life,  Life  would  have  paid”


-Jessie B. Rittenhouse


3.  Why didn‘t I just be me?- She was so in love with her spouse that she changed who she was not knowing that he could‘ve loved her as she really was, she never knew that there was always someone out there who could have moved mountains and crossed the oceans just to be with her. In some cases she thought it necessary to shrink in order that she may fit in and not outshine the others, she didn‘t understand that she was meant to shine and stand out instead of fitting in. I advice you to be you, that‘s why you were created in the first place. Invest in your personality but remain yourself because that‘s what the Universe was after when it manifested you into life... you are, truly, one-of-a-kind.


Every single blade of grass, And every flake of snow-


Is just a wee bit different...


There's  no  two  alike,  you  know.


From something small, like grains of sand, To each gigantic star


All were made with THIS in mind: To be just what they are!




How foolish then, to imitate- How useless to pretend!

Since each of us comes from a MIND Whose ideas never end.




There'll  only  be  just  ONE  of  ME


To show what I can do-


And you should likewise feel very proud,


There's  only  ONE  of  YOU.




That is where it all starts With you, a wonderful


Unlimited human being.


-James T. Moore


4.  Why did I fuss about this, that and that?-Some others spent their lives worrying about things that wouldn‘t matter in a few months or years. Of course at that time they thought it mattered so much that they were consumed by worry and stress. They thought it mattered what people would say and think so they built their lives around people‘s opinions. The others were only focused on what was going wrong that they lost the bigger picture. Whatever you‘re going through right now can‘t be that bad, some people have had it worse. Stop sweating the small stuff, you‘re bigger than that. Arguing, worrying and getting angry never works. Understanding and loving always works. Of course, the work at hand, my friend, is your own happiness.


I get discouraged now and then


When there are clouds of gray,


Until I think about the things


That happened yesterday.


I do not mean the day before


Or those of months ago,


But all the yesterdays in which


I had the chance to grow.


I think of opportunities


That I allowed to die,


And those I took advantage of


Before they passed me by.


And I remember that the past


Presented quite a plight,


But somehow I endured it and


The future seemed all right.


And I remind myself that


I Am capable and free,


And my success and happiness


Are really up to me.


-James J. Metcalfe


5.  Why did I go around asking 'why‘instead of 'why not‘?- Many people ask 'why should I read the books?‘, 'why should I keep a journal?‘, 'why should I blah, blah and blah?‘. Well, I‘d really love to answer that question but I think it‘s best you should answer it for yourself and the best way to answer that question is to let you ask yourself the second question, and that is 'why not?‘. So the next time the question 'why‘ springs to mind, swiftly move onto the next question, 'why not?‘... 'why not read the books?‘, 'why not keep a journal?‘, 'why not visualize?‘. If you asked me: The answer to every question beginning with "why" begins with "Because, I love you". Actually, I love you anyway. And the answer to every question

beginning with "How", my friend, begins with "None of your business..."


When  you  have  made  up  your  mind  what  you  want  to  do,


Say to yourself a thousand times a day that you will do it.


The best way will soon open.


You will have the opportunity you desire.


If you would be greater in the future than you are now, Be all that you can be now.


He who is the best develops the power to be better.


He who lives his ideals is creating the life that actually is ideal.


There is nothing in your life that you cannot modify, change or improve when you learn to regulate thought.


Our destiny is not mapped out for us by some exterior power;


We map it out ourselves.


What we think and do in the present determines what shall  appear  to  us  in  future”


-Christian D. Larson


You see, success is not really about what you possess, success is about the person you‘ve become on your way to what you possess. It is seen in the results you bring but it has its roots in a certain kind of mindset and personality. A certain state of mind will drive you to doing things that will bring certain results.


You only get one shot in life, why waste it being average? This is your life we‘re talking about. Become a high personality, the kind of person that will attract people, events and success by just being yourself. Let the magnificence of who you are be shown by the results you bring.


You won‘t achieve greater heights of success by responding to circumstances around you, you will achieve greater heights of success by causing circumstances to respond to you.


Life should respond to you and not the other way round. You‘re just too powerful.


Things are not meant to happen to you, you are meant to happen to things.


Set goals and go after them, your activities should not decide what your goals are going to be, your goals are the ones that should decide what your activities are going to be-that‘s what we call a life of purpose.


Don‘t fear to take risks because life in itself is a constant state of risk assessment. You can control any situation or circumstances if you first learn to control your thoughts. Don‘t wait for circumstances to change in order for you to be happy because there‘ll always be reasons for you to be unhappy if you look for them. There‘s an island of reasons to be unhappy in an ocean of reasons to be happy, you decide for yourself what it‘s going to be. If you wait for circumstances to change in order for you to be happy, chances are you‘ll never be happy.


If you can‘t find any reason to be happy (which can‘t be true) then be happy for no reason at all and reasons will be attracted to you, real reasons.


If you‘re going through a trial right now that has forced you to your knees, it‘s because you‘ve not given yourself entirely to the lessons that the trial is trying to bring to your attention. Forget about the trial, the Universe will use anything to get the message across and until you‘ve learnt what you must learn or understood the lesson behind the trial, nothing will change.


This system is not about a temporary relief, it‘s about a permanent solution. In answer to your desires you will only be given enough light so that you can take the next step because in reality, that‘s all you need.


Remember the golden rule of prayer?: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God... and all the other things will be added unto you". The kingdom of God or 'heaven‘ as others know it means harmony and that‘s all you need, and Jesus went on to say "the kingdom of God does not come through careful observation, the Kingdom of God is within you" Success and happiness does not require advanced education, only a burning desire and willpower. To succeed, harmony within is not a mere option, on the contrary, it‘s imperative.


Carefully mark this on your mind: It is possible to be happy without your dreams. Grasp this concept and the Universe immediately responds. In your time of trial, through patience and visualizing, the Universe can either move the obstacles or give you the strength to go through it. Either way you win, but if you were to ask me, I‘d say ask for strength and get stronger, better and wiser  instead of going through the trial as a same person you were before you went through.


Move me, challenge me, take me high or low, make me cry or make me laugh... just don‘t leave me as I was when we met.


Some things you will never get until you want them enough to visualize them with faith and purpose to get them. A vision should be specific, shouldn‘t be so vague that, within minutes of visualizing you have forgotten what you‘ve been visualizing. If so, perhaps you really didn‘t need it. In times of discouragement and distress... look back to the many blessings you‘ve received in your life and in recent days, including getting this book. Let these thoughts soothe your anxieties. In the midst of each day, stop and just listen, you will absorb define instructions from the Universe concerning particular matters for that day.


Next time you visualize your dream, why not come equipped with a pen and a paper? It says to the me, 'I believe You will truly talk to me, and I have come prepared to record the instructions and the blueprints to get what I desire‘. Perhaps the greatest challenge to this system of creative visualization is to adopt and maintain an ongoing vision in your mind after the meditation has ended, relax, as you keep doing it, the vision will automatically be registered in your subconscious mind that you will soon be able to see every detail of your dream without much effort, there is much you can do after you have visualized, but not much can be done before that.


When you stand on this system, and stand on it unwaveringly... it will carry you through. You know that children love to imitate, what an influence, therefore, when a child catches his parents holding hands in the act of visualizing. You may not be privileged to graduate with PhD, but in the school of life you can achieve it when you Practice harder Daily. Failure is no match for even the weakest human being with a will to succeed. The world does not need to know what you‘re going to do, it wants to see you doing it.




In ancient times, a king once had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the large rock. Some of the king‘s wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the king for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way. Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. Upon approaching the boulder, the peasant laid  down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much