From the Universe to You by Ofentse Motumi - HTML preview

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Whatever any great man or woman of the past or present has achieved, all they have ever done or attained has been done in full accordance with the laws of the Universe. The system that this book has introduced is nothing new and might possibly differ from the systems that religions use but at the end of the day both religion and philosophy operate under the same Universal Laws.


The man in theology may call it the Law of Faith while the other man calls it the Law of Attraction and they‘re both talking about the same law since you can understand that faith is "being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see" and the Law of Attraction is "feeling and believing that you have it now". In theology they may call it the 'Mind of God‘, in Quantum Physics they call it the'Quantum Ocean‘ and in one man‘s philosophy they call it the 'Formless Substance‘ and in metaphysics they call it 'Energy‘. At the end of the day we‘re all talking about something that caused everything to exist, something that‘s always been and will forever be, we‘re all talking about something that makes time, space and distance an illusion and something that only knows infinite, here, now, with no past, present nor future.


The substance we‘re talking about is no respecter of any human being, it simply responds based on the laws that it operates under and we know for a fact that it does respond to men and women that tap into its infinity. The message of this book has nothing to do with religion, science, or philosophy, this message is based upon a system and the facts that all the great people in history have used to achieve their greatness.


Others pray, others meditate and others visualize and imagine but they‘re all tapping into the same power of the Universal Mind. Others follow Buddha, others follow Jesus, others Mohammed, others Selassie, etc (don‘t be offended if your leader in faith is not mentioned, these are just examples) but even these great leaders in respect of their great teachings, all tapped into the same infinite source of power and wisdom. It doesn‘t matter what you call Him or whether you believe there is a God or not but one fact is undeniable, and that is there is an infinite source and in this book we will call it the 'Universe‘ in order to avoid controversy and to also accommodate all those in religion and philosophy.


The laws we will therefore place forth before you in this chapter are not necessarily the only laws that exist but we believe they are the fundamental laws that will change your life. You might know them by different names but that doesn‘t change what they mean and can do. The most important thing is  that you work in harmony with them and reap their fruits. All truth is the same, you might phrase it differently but it remains the same. There are laws that govern the Universe, giving them different names doesn‘t make much of a difference because they will continue to work in the same way. So let‘s get to work.




By thought you attract what you want into your life but by action you take possession of what you‘ve attracted. You can‘t find harmony in the world within without searching for it. And by finding harmony in the world within you cause harmony in the world around you.


By visualizing you open doors but you have to walk through the doors into your land of abundance, but first you must find the door. It won‘t be hard to find the door when you know exactly what you‘re looking for. You‘re not going to go around knocking on every door so that you can find the job you‘re searching for because by visualizing you already know what job is there for you and now you need to find it. The best part is that you know that it‘s already waiting for you but now you need to attract the way. By "attract the way" I mean that you will know what way to take, unlike looking for a way you don‘t know. This process will be fun, I promise.


Your priority should be to find harmony in the world within and you can‘t find it unless you search for it.


Finding is only reserved for the searchers and timing has everything to do with finding what you‘re searching for. Nobody knows the mystery behind this but somehow when the student is ready the teacher will show up. You will find it because you‘re ready, so work on yourself to get ready, learn the simple ideas and disciplines.


To find what you‘re searching for you don‘t go around turning every stone and knocking on every door, you go deep within yourself and find it there, then the next step will be shown to you. Finding is not for those who hope and wish. Finding is for the searchers. It‘s not really possible to find something you‘re not searching for. You only blink because your eyes are open, you sit down because you‘ve been standing and you find because you‘ve been searching. You might find something you‘ve not been searching for but you have to be searching for something to find anything at all.


By being happy in the world within you will find happiness in the world without so just search for reasons to be happy and you will find them, search for reasons to be unhappy and you will find them. Search for reasons to succeed and you will find them, search for reasons not to succeed and you will find them, that‘s how it works, you search and you find. Sometimes it takes patience and persistence but those who search long and hard enough will find what they‘re searching for while at other times it doesn‘t take any patience to find it , again, no one knows the mystery of time.


Many people give up when they‘re about to make a break through, so don‘t stop searching until you find it because you will find it, that‘s for sure. You‘ve found it in the world within now it‘s time for it to manifest in the world without. The world within is so important that a person totally dedicated to harmony in it will achieve greater heights than the person who‘s only focused on the world without and if I may add on that, nothing can be kept away from you that which has been attained through personal development. No matter how hard you prepare yourself to win the race, victory only begins in the world within.




This law states that 'Unity is plural at a minimum of two‘. In duality that exists there are two poles, or opposites, of everything. Polarity represents the two extremes of one 'thing‘ which is the same thing. For example, temperature has polarity evidenced by hot at one extreme and cold at the extreme.


The temperature 'thing‘ is the same 'thing‘ and it is evidenced by two poles, or opposites, or extremes-hot and cold. Along this same 'thing‘ degrees measure the perception of the attitude of the individual to what is considered hot and what is cold. Hot and cold mean different things to different people-so does rich and poor, love and hate, good and bad, etc.


What is important is understanding the Law of Polarity is the ability to understand the power of transformation. By choosing to change your perception and your resulting attitude you can shift your perception of someone or something from, say, 'bad‘ to 'good‘. This becomes your reality now. By seeking and searching for a higher frequency vibration of energy in this transformation process the previous lower frequency of vibration of energy gets replaced. 'Bad situation‘ can become 'Good situation‘, as an example. The choice made, the decision implemented automatically involves the Law of Cause and Effect- reaping what you sow-finding what you‘ve been searching for-depending on the  choice made in your responses. You can raise your vibrations and positively change others.


It is up to you to make a choice to change your perception and your attitude towards something or someone. Just as it is up to you to create the life you desire.


The other example of the Law of Polarity is the physical and metaphysical. The physical is what is visible and which you can see, hear, touch, smell and taste. The metaphysical is that which you feel, such as emotions, feeling and energy. In order for you to create what you desire you have to have both the physical and metaphysical. The physical part of you needs to take action to make things happen in the Universe, while metaphysical part of you needs to do the energy work. It is when you combine both the polar opposites that you create what you truly desire.


Action in the physical world, as well as the energy work in the metaphysical world need to take place in order for things to manifest. The Law of Polarity means that every subject is actually two subjects. There is the 'thing‘ itself and there is also the absence of it. Polarity exists within everything you can possibly experience in the Universe. Darkness and light, joy and sadness; pain and pleasure; wealth and poverty... all of these are examples of polarity. The Universe is literally made up of opposite forces. This means that whenever you think about anything that you desire-whether it‘s money, success, intimacy, fun, fulfillment-you are focused either on its presence, or its absence. When you‘re focused on its absence, you attract more lack. When you focus on its presence, you magnetize to yourself the things you desire.


Understanding this law is the secret to stop getting what you don‘t want, and start getting more of what you do want.




The Law of Attraction can also be called the Law of Vibration. This law says that whatever is broadcast or emitted out into the Universe is joined or in other words attracted to energies that are of an equal frequency or vibration. There are plenty of other ways to express the Law of Attraction, maybe like energy flows where attention goes, that which you think about expands, Like attracts Like and there are also a number of words that people who don‘t know or understand this law use to describe it. Like;


*   Out-of-the-blue.


*   Synchronicity


*   Serendipidity


*   Luck


*   Meant to be


*   Fate


*   Karma


Again, the 'Law of Attraction‘ states that whatever is broadcast out into the Universe is joined by or attracted to energies that are of an equal frequency, resonance or vibration. The Law of Attraction delivers both what is wanted and what is unwanted depending on the signal you send out to the Universe.


You attract what you are and that which you concentrate upon. If you‘re feeling negative emotions, you draw in and experience negativity. If you‘re feeling positive emotions, you draw in and experience positive life experiences. You attract to you only those qualities you possess. So if you want freedom and joy in your life, you must feel what it already feels like to feel freedom and joy in your life right now.


Seriously, take a second right now and see what it feels like. It may be hard to do it if you have a lot of distractions going on around you. Take a second and close the door, turn off the TV or your radio, or put on some headphones so that you have some peace and quite.


Now you close your eyes and truly imagine... What does FREEDOM feel like? Does it mean changing your job, or moving and living somewhere else? What does ABUNDANCE feel like? Okay, now that you‘ve imagined it, close your eyes again and pretend that you already have it. Imagine that outside of the darkness of your eyelids is your dream home, your dream car, a safe full of money, a partner who loves and adores you, a healthy body, etc.


You cannot just imagine having it, you have to truly feel that you already have it, and that you deserve it.


Now let me ask you this, How many times throughout the day do you focus and live in the space that you are in right now, after imagining all these wonderful  things? And how many times a day do you focus on the negative things like; I don‘t have enough money, enough time, a good partner, I‘m fat, people don‘t like me, blah, blah, blah... trust me, you and I know that the list goes on and on.


How can you ever expect to attract a 'good life‘ when you‘re constantly focusing on the bad? The Law of Attraction is not a new concept or a newly discovered law. The Law of Attraction has been communicated through the writings and teachings of some of the greatest teachers in history such as Jesus and Buddha. This law has existed since the beginning of time just like the rest of the other Universal laws. You might have been aware that the entire book is mostly focused on this law but you should also understand that all the laws of the Universe work together, all laws do.


Working with the laws will make you invincible, these laws can‘t be avoided, you can‘t be above them, you can‘t negotiate with them, either you work in harmony with them and get what you want or you work against them and get burnt. Whether you understand them or not doesn‘t make any difference, they work on their own anyway. They‘re not man-made and they can‘t be changed. They‘ve been there since the beginning of time and they work for you if you obey and work with them, they‘ll work against you if you don‘t work with them, PERIOD.


The Law of Attraction responds to what you‘re conscious of so if you‘re consciousness is of poverty that‘s what you‘ll attract into your life, poverty. If you‘ve got wealth consciousness then that‘s what you‘ll attract, wealth. A person that‘s got wealth consciousness will attract ideas, events, circumstances that will bring wealth into his life. Have you ever realized how consciousness works? You might have always wanted to do something that you thought that not many people were doing like writing a book. Once you started writing it you begin to realize how many people were writing books, you began to realize how many classic books have been written in the past and it began to feel like everybody was a writer. While at first you thought you had a great talent for writing, suddenly you feel like there are people who are doing better than you. This is all because your consciousness for writing has been awakened and now you‘re beginning to see things that only writers can see. This might also be seen when you decide to start a certain business, you will suddenly begin to realize that there are plenty of people in the same business because now your consciousness on that particular business has been aroused.


By 'wealth consciousness‘ you attract ideas that will make your consciousness a reality. You begin to see what you can do in order to be wealthy, you see things that only those with the 'wealth consciousness‘ can see, it‘s nothing new but something that‘s been there all along just waiting to be noticed and no-one could notice it unless s/he first developed 'wealth consciousness‘ from within. That‘s  also another way that the Law of Attraction can be seen, when you‘re conscious of something then ways to manifest it materialize and at that point it‘s where the necessity to apply the Law of Polarity appears, or even before, it‘s your choice. So next time you see a problem in your family, business or personal life, you should know that it‘s time to apply the Law of Polarity as intense as you can and after that is done, swiftly move on to apply the Law of Attraction and change the course of your life and present situation. There‘s really no magic in this, all you need to do is study and master these laws and your life will never be the same again.


Regardless of who you are, where you are right now or who‘s going to be there to help you it doesn‘t matter because these laws operate for the rich as well as for the poor, the sun shines upon the weak and the powerful both alike, all you can and should do is align yourself and work in harmony with the laws and they will respond to you as they do for everyone else. So don‘t give your attention to what you don‘t want, be conscious only of that which you want. Be conscious of reasons to be happy, reasons to love, be conscious of wealth, power, success, abundance and the fullness of life. Live life to the fullest and hold nothing back, give it all you got.


When the Universe relates with you, the intention is to bring you up to its level. When the poor man becomes conscious of the Universal Mind, the intention, always, is to make him rich and it has been done from generation to generation, now it‘s your turn.


This Law specializes in turning beggars into princes.




The Law of Germination says whatever is planted requires some time before it comes to fruition. Everything and I mean absolutely everything you plant needs time, it‘s a law and it‘s stupid to plant a seed and sit back watching the soil waiting for the plant to sprout immediately. Thus every idea, thought and all seeds you plant need time and certain action before you can reap the fruits of your work. This is the principle of less action and of no resistance. The application of the Law of Germination will bring absolute freedom in all your life, either in business, family, with your spouse, kids or even your boss. You will feel free in all your relationships to just be you.


You will have the freedom to pursue the career you want knowing that in the unseen everything is working out for you. And you will also have the freedom to  create in your life whatever you desire without looking over your shoulder for results every hour.


There might also be a few ways to apply or use this law but first is the way to allow others to be as they are, don‘t try to change them or anything. And second is the way you allow the Universe to deliver to you all that you desire. To be yourself you must let the others be themselves.


Be you and let them be them.


There can‘t be two people that are the same, even though they can share many similar traits they are all very different and unique. By learning to accept, and not simply tolerate other people‘s different or similar traits, then you understand the Law of Germination. If you‘re not in harmony with the Law of Germination you think that everyone or those close to you need to think, feel, believe, and act according to how you believe they 'should‘, and this destroys your chance of happiness and will cause great suffering in your life and relationships. It means that you have not accepted another as they are.


Not being in harmony with the Law of Germination in terms of the relationships means that you have deep rooted fears that everyone who doesn‘t think, feel, act and see things in a certain way, 'your way‘ in particular then they are somehow wrong and you don‘t think that they‘re growing, you then judge them. Judgment is a very low level of emotion and based on the Law of Attraction, you will attract more negative people, events and circumstances into your life. The Law of Germination knows that everyone is always growing and evolving or then they must be dead already. You can never get the rest of the entire world to act and think the way you think they 'should‘.


Just be you, and the best way to do this is to let others be themselves. The Law of Germination is one of the laws that govern the Universe-these laws are Universal, which means they are everywhere. They are absolute, whether you know them or not. They exist whether you accept they exist or not. They influence your life, whether you know they do or not.


When you have a burning desire for something to manifest from the unseen Universe to the seen Universe, and you‘re feeling negative emotions, you‘re blocking that creation from manifesting in the world of form. It is the negative emotions that hold you apart from it all. When you release the resistance, you‘re back in the state of germinating and all the abundance, happiness, wealth, prosperity, success, joy, freedom, etc can flow to you. Can you see so far how the Universal laws work together? It was designed that way.


To learn the Law of Attraction is a perfectly good start, but it is knowing and applying all of the other laws that will give you the life you dream of, if you just let them germinate.


Does it get any better than this? Yes it does. This law is an outworking of an inward influence, this doesn‘t mean everyone will like you though because some will even criticize you, but every well-meaning person will be attracted to you. You might be the new kid on the block, but everybody will want you. Furthermore, harmony with the Law of Germination brings joy and ease into your life knowing and trusting that all you want wants you back and is also being prepared for you. Many people don‘t understand the power of this law and thus refuse to give it expression. But when you‘re in harmony with this law it reveals itself in joy unspeakable and full of power, others won‘t understand how come you‘re ever happy, and keep making consistent progress; it‘s because of what‘s inside of you-the world within germinating and seeking expression.


This law also brings liberty into your life; it opens you up to a two way channel: a giving and receiving channel. Giving is the Law of Germination seeking expression. As this law is working inside of you, you begin to give and giving is never without receiving. As 'germination seeking expression‘ inspires you to give, so does it inspire others to give to you... everything germinates back into your life. The Law of Germination doesn‘t only cause you to bless everything and everyone around you, it also causes everything and everyone that‘s germinating around you to germinate into your life and be blessed in return.


This law is a seed of an extraordinary ability in you to do and see what others can‘t do or see. It may be a seed of designing, singing, acting or the ability to fix things; look into the world within and you‘ll be amazed what abilities have been deposited in you.




The Law of Opulence says you only get your share. But the good news is: You decide how large your share will be.


By living in harmony with the laws especially when it comes to wealth, it is essential to abandon the idea of competition and thinking that the Universal supply is limited because you already have everything within you right now to make your life a magnificent piece on earth. People who are competing in business are competing because of the idea that the supply of customers or wealth are limited. They are thinking "if I don‘t move fast I‘m gonna loose out because there is not enough to go around" so they compete with each other for  what is there. You live in a Universe of abundance, although the majority of people have learned to view it as a Universe of scarcity.


All those who are not in harmony with this law suppose that it can‘t be avoided that some should be poor so that others may be rich or have enough, and they blindly believe that wealth is only possible for those who have the power to attract to themselves a larger portion from the 'limited supply‘. Nothing is limited in reality, so those who go poor don‘t go poor because the rich took more than enough and left the rest of the others to share what‘s left remaining. There is an abundance of unlimited supply of every good, wonderful and perfect things in life. There is enough for everyone! More than enough actually. There‘s always been and will always be far more than enough for everybody. People have bought into a lie that there is not enough, the lie of scarcity and limitation. No- one on the planet can ever be wealthy or free from fear if s/he recognize any scarcity and limitations because if there is not enough of everything to go around then they know that their turn to starve may come anytime soon.


Of course there are people who acquire wealth thinking that the supply is limited because their faith gives them just the energy and optimism which are necessary in competition. So those who succeed with the scarcity mentality succeed because their faith tells them that they are worthy of a larger portion in the Universal supply but they are also the group of people whose wealth always fluctuate and the lapses and failures of these people are traceable to their idea of a limited supply; to the idea that great fortunes and success are possible only to a part of others.


The truth is you‘re completely abundant and are able to create whatever you desire. You live in a world where there is an unlimited supply of everything. You were given life, and you have access to the power that you need in order to create the life you want to live. And you‘re in no way hindered or cheated out of your 'portion‘ of prosperity and wealth if someone else achieves or acquires it. You‘re an eternal being in physical form; well-being and abundance are the basis of the Universe.


Wrong beliefs based in lack will affect your ability to manifest your hearts‘ desires, from ease and effortlessness. This lack or scarcity mentality controls people by keeping them longing for what others have, or fighting to do better than others. Competition is unnecessary unless you‘re competing with yourself.


Apart from the fact that we want you to be optimistic, truly, there is no scarcity of things, there is no lack of work that ought to be done. There is absolutely no necessity in nature for competition, either for things or for jobs. There is enough useful and beautiful work to be done by each person to keep  everyone busy all their lives. It is time that you learned to tap into the truth of your being. This truth is that you‘re enough. In this very moment you‘re perfect and whole just as you are and because you‘re a growing and an expanding being, you will always desire to have more in your life, but if you‘re coming from a place of 'not enough‘ you will truly feel that whatever you manifest or bring into your life is also not enough. With such abundance in the Universe, you don‘t need to compete for anything; you do not need to worry about tomorrow; you don‘t need to experience panics or reverse.


If you‘re always looking at the outside world, at your circumstances and situation to get better than they are, you are not in the present and appreciating what you have. If you keep running after things in the outside world in order for you to feel that you‘re enough, you will never in your life feel truly satisfied because there is always more to achieve, acquire, and do. When you come from a place of feeling that all you have right now in your life is sufficient, you will know what it means to have inner peace. When you begin to feel grateful for what you currently have in your life, while simultaneously feeling excited for all the things you desire to manifest, the you will know complete joy.


What if you aligned your thoughts and emotions right now with abundance and the Law of Opulence? What if you felt that you are enough? That you deserve it all. You have everything that you need right now inside of you to build a fortune and to reach your goals. You have all you need inside of you to create your ideal job. You have everything inside of you to attract your ideal mate. You always have enough. Life was made for abundance and abundance was made for life, it‘s the Law of the Universe- anything was made to multiply. Drop a seed in the center of a field; the life in the seed at once becomes active, it ceases to merely exist, and begins to live. Soon it produces a plant, and a seed head, in which there are thirty, sixty or a hundred seeds, each containing as much life as the first seed contained.


Again, you see how it all comes together? Even the Law of Opulence works hand in hand with the Law of Germination. But how can you start applying this law right now? Be satisfied in the now. Don‘t wait for anything in order for you to be satisfied. By now you‘re beginning to see that the Law of Attraction doesn‘t operate on its own, it needs the other laws to switch it on and they all work together, for you.


Put your hand over your heart right now and say to yourself; "I am satisfied with what I have. My love, my happiness, and my security comes from within, from the creator, as my source and su