From the Universe to You by Ofentse Motumi - HTML preview

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Important notice: When the time is right the Universe will send the right book, to the right people. This is the book, and you‘re one of the few right people so when you read this book, know that it comes from the Universe, it‘s from the greatest authors the world has ever seen, from the finest philosophers that have ever walked the earth by far, world class athletes, business tycoons, famous actors and singers, from the biggest names that have ever lived, and from all the celebrated achievers in any field. Not all of them could write books but they all received lessons from life that they would love to share with you. When you read this book, take your time and read it like it was written for you and you alone, like the entire group of these high achievers had been watching your life on a big screen from the day you were born and they decided to all come together to share ideas on how to assist you as the author listened to what they had to say to you and took notes. This book came from the greatest men and women of the past and the living legends, all of them gathering together with one goal and mission in mind: YOUR PERSONAL SUCCESS AND HAPPINESS. Take it personally... it was written for you.


A happy moment, my friend, will seed a thousand more and you‘ll be receiving a few of those from today on... happy moments, not hoes.


Take it this way, you‘re invited to a party by a complete stranger to celebrate the life of someone you‘ve never met, when you had other plans. Should you choose to attend, however irrational it may surely seem, upon presenting your invitation at the gate you‘d notice that it was in your own handwriting. Then you‘d be warmly greeted by the most wonderful, familiar faces- everyone so excited, like you, because it turns out, you‘re about to meet the person you‘ve always dreamed you‘d one day become.


It doesn‘t matter how young or old you are, it‘s never too early or too late to become the person you want to become and the time to become that person is now, there are no time limits to this thing. If I may use Appleton‘s words:


“I  knew  his  face  the  moment  that  he  passed.  Triumphant in the thoughtless, cruel throng- I gently touched his arm- he smiled at me... he was the man that Once I Meant to Be!


Where  I  had  failed,  he'd  won  from  life,  Success;  Where I had stumbled, with sure feet he stood;  Alike- yet unalike-we faced the world, and through the stress he found that life was good. And I? The bitter wormwood in the glass, the shadowed way along which failures pass! Yet as I saw him thus, joy came to me- He was the man that I Once Meant to Be!


We did not speak. But in his sapient eyes I saw the spirit that had urged him on, the courage that had held him through the fight had once been mine. I thought, 'Can  it  be  gone?'  he  felt  that  unasked  question-felt it so, his pale  lips  formed  the  one  word  answer,  'No!'


Too late to win? No! Not too late for me- He is the Man that  Still  I  mean  to  Be!”


Having a dream is really an awesome experience in itself.


Having that dream and showing up everyday to make it happen, even when nothing seems to be happening, is priceless.


But having a dream and showing up everyday, while sauntering, winking, and hugging everyone, is when the floodgates begin to tremble. And I bet you didn‘t know that today is World Sauntering Day. Sauntering, however, is not to be confused with sashay, prance, trot, or lollygag. The Universe is still lobbying for their own days.


Just one thing before me and you get to work on your world and giving you the revelation that‘s intended to rock your world and change how you see everything and more, here is a hint of this great study:


It‘s not the dazzling voice that makes a singer.


Or clever stories that make a great writer.


And it‘s not piles of money that make a tycoon.


It‘s having a dream and wanting to live it so greatly that one would rather move with it and 'fail‘ than succeed in another realm.


You so have what it takes. And at which point, of course, failure becomes impossible and joy becomes the real measure of success. I love you.


“A  craven  hung  along  the  battle's  edge,  and  thought,  'Had  I  a sword of keener steel- That  blue  blade  that  the  king's  son bears,-but this blunt thing! And lowering crept away and left the  field.  Then  came  the  King's  son,  wounded,  sore  bested  and weaponless, and saw the broken sword, and ran and snatched it, and with battle shout lifted afresh he hewed his enemy down,  and  saved  a  great  cause  that  heroic  day”


-Edward Rowland Sill


“Thanks”,  on  behalf  of  all  those  in  your  life  right  now  who  are just too busy, or stressed, or sad to see how much you add to theirs. You mean the world to me.