From the Universe to You by Ofentse Motumi - HTML preview

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Every day, you my friend, you move mountains, touch lives, and perform miracles. Every day you‘re a success, a hero, an example, and everyday you change the world. Actually there has not been a single day in your life when you‘ve been anything but Magnificent.


You might not always see it, but everything, always plays to your greater good. Things keep on getting better and better. And you‘re already the kind of person you once dreamed you‘d become.




In the process you‘ve been learning to disassociate your dream‘s manifestations from the illusion that now surrounds you, to release yourself from the burden of figuring out the 'hows‘ and to trust what can‘t be seen.


Those are the high watermarks of creative enlightenment.


And you, I must say, you‘re disassociating, releasing and trusting like never before.


Sometimes, when circumstances or  bump you off track, it‘s the beginning of an even bigger dream coming true, that could not have come true on the track you were on.


Yeah, always... always.


Actually, it‘s not that you want stuff that you don‘t have, but that you want stuff that you think you don‘t have.


And the best way to change this is to begin thinking that you have it now.


If you can get sure in your purpose, your dance with life, whether it‘s in your home or the far flung reaches of the earth.


Understanding and appreciating your sacred place in eternity for the moment and the unrecoverable time that‘s been bequeathed for the task, everything else will take care of itself.


And you‘re doing that so perfectly as you read this book.




So many people have never noticed the rhythm of nature, its flow or merely felt the breeze that carries the birds. They‘ve never wondered as to who taught the earth to keep rotating around the sun, or who told the ocean: "you can only come this far", neither have they observed the stars and the moon hanging on nothing.


Well, the same power that keeps the earth rotating is within you, yes, you. The same force that holds the ocean from breaking boundaries can be found in your depth and the same hand that holds the moon and the stars from falling has its origin in the purpose of man living harmoniously. Before you were born, you existed in my mind. I knew you would be needed at this exact time in history and without you, I your God, I the Universe, I your Higher self (whatever you may choose to call me), I would not be complete. Without you there would be a void in humanity, in your family, in your community, in your country and in me; to grasp this concept will be extremely difficult if you‘re on a different frequency but then again I‘m here to transit you into my frequency, because from the very start, from birth you were destined to discover the great secret of life. You were created with a special purpose that no-one but you could fulfill because no- one here on earth can do what you‘re here to do... for centuries this world has been yearning for your presence.


You have been destined for great things.


Regardless of your past failures and , have courage, have faith, be 'the kind of person‘ that sticks around, make them wonder why you‘re still smiling because the only thing standing between you and your magnificent life, the only thing in between you and your wealth is the person you‘ve become and you can always get better. You cannot become a great person by waiting for the world to recognize your greatness, live a great life and let the world catch up to you. Once you discover how great and powerful you are, then your mind, heart and soul will never let you give up. You‘re a person of substance, you‘re very important, in fact, you‘re the reason the sun came up today.


No-one else in the entire Universe can do a better job of being you than you, no- one can do what you‘re here to do, so put that smile back on your face, don‘t let anything bring you down, you hold in your hands your own fate, you just have to be willing to go through whatever it takes to get to where you want to be. This is not about how hard you get hit, it is about how hard you can get hit  and stand back up with a smile. And now having arranged and prepared for your arrival on earth for such a long time I could not let you get it all wrong and so I set out to place this book in your hands, I re-arranged myself, I touched someone


somewhere and the chain was intended at you! SMILE, because you‘re that important to me that I would go that far just for you. The powers that rest in you are beyond measure and yes you can just go through life settling for whatever that comes to you but why would you do that? Now is the time to arouse those slumbering powers within you and in the next few pages you‘ll learn how, believe me, you‘re going to surprise yourself.


And once you master the art of using these powers then your life will no longer be limited, all your thoughts will break their bounds.


Your consciousness will expand in every direction and you my friend will find yourself in a whole new, great and wonderful world. Yours will be the life that others dream of. Your family will be proud of you.


Your friends will call you 'blessed‘


Your neighbors and your competitors will call you 'favored one‘, enemies will be green with envy and all those who see you will call you "lucky", critics will assume it‘s fate but you, my fellow, will have tapped the infinite, right from within and it will spread unto the nations. And all this will come as a result of becoming 'a certain kind of person‘. If you have a singing talent you‘ll make a fortune by singing, if your passion is painting you won‘t dare do any other work but painting, you‘ll become rich, powerful and happy doing just what you love. If you‘re a great thinker you‘ll follow through the steps of Socrates whom was declared the wisest in his country and whom upon hearing this tried to prove it untrue by approaching those who had claimed some wisdom in order to question them about the virtues.


If you‘re a numbers person then you‘ll dedicate your life to mathematics and become greater than Pythagoras. The best book has not yet being written, the greatest engineer has not yet been seen, the best mathematician has not yet emerged because no man has yet used a quarter of his potential. About a hundred years ago everybody felt that there‘s nothing more to discover, today most of the people have the same perception; that everything has already been discovered, that everything that is there to be known is already revealed and maybe that‘s what you think but look at the world a hundred years from now and you‘ll understand. As Berton Braley puts it:


“For  the  best  verse  hasn't  been  rhymed  yet,  the  best house  hasn't  been  planned,  the  highest  peak  hasn't  been climbed yet,  the  mightiest  rivers  aren't  spanned;  Don't  worry  and  fret,  faint  hearted,  the  chances  have just  begun,  for  the  Best  jobs  haven't  been  started,  the best  work  hasn't  been  done.”


If you‘re a theology kind of person then you‘ll spend your life in theology and will possibly find a way to reconcile faith and reason like Thomas Aquinas intended: His theory for example, holds that the world is characterized by definite causal relations. According to him, if you use a stick to move a stone, then the stone is caused to move by the stick, which in turn is caused to move by your hand, and so on. In this chain of events, there are no uncaused causes; rather there are effects of previous causes, which then becomes causes themselves. However, the crucial point is that this backward chain of causality cannot continue indefinitely. At some point there must be an uncaused cause-the thing which started the whole chain of causes in the first place and according to Thomas, this uncaused cause is God.


The bottom line is, you‘ll spend your life doing what you love and if you desire, you will also accumulate wealth through that science as a result of applying the principles you‘re about to learn.


Because doing the work you love guarantees happiness in your work, not in your relationships and neither does it guarantee wealth. Wealth and happiness are the results of certain principles, principles you‘re about to discover.


Being happy and wealthy both at the same time is an art, it‘s a craft that anybody with a brain can master and perfect, it is mastered by 'being‘ and not 'having‘ and I will give you an illustration: For a moment think of several people you know who somehow seem to attract a steady flow of money. Don‘t they have something in common? Wealth and happiness seems to be a natural condition in their lives. If they lost everything, in a year or so they‘d be basking in money again, wealth to them is as natural as water is for a river. Why‘s that?


Now take another moment and think of those people you heard of or know that once won vast amounts of money, conduct a special research on the matter and you‘ll find that only one out of ten of them is still wealthy and the rest have lost all their fortunes in a very short period of time, herein lies the difference between 'having‘ and 'being‘. It‘s such a pity for a man that inherits a million dollars and yet is not a millionaire.


You attract success by the person you become, success is to be attracted and not pursued.


The power is in you, and today you‘ll learn how to use it.




If you‘re not happy the reason for that is because you‘ve decided not to be happy. But the good news is you can turn that around.


Your purpose in life is to be happy and that‘s more than achievable because happiness is determined by your mind and not circumstances.


And you can master the art of being happy all the time by dedication and practice.


It is the way you think, the way you choose to see things that will keep you in a state of happiness.


Make your happiness a priority, forget about what others will think or say because the only way to make those you love happy is by being happy yourself.


“Take  care  of  you  for  me,  and  I  will  take  care  of  me  for  you”


Get your priorities straightened out, and put happiness at the top of the list because if other things take precedence, they will interfere with your efforts to feel good, it‘s not selfish to focus on your own happiness, it‘s noble. So just like a well managed business needs a plan of action, design your own plan of happiness because those who fail to plan, plan to fail and they will surely fail.  A successful pursuit of happiness requires a plan, so set happy goals and make certain your goals are specific, reasonable and relevant.


Do those things that make you happy because happiness is not a destination you arrive at, it‘s a journey, it‘s a process that never ends and you can‘t be done being happy. Set yourself tasks from which you‘ll gain satisfaction and have fun but make sure that you‘ll gain a sense of achievement, because the more you achieve greater success, the happier you will be, and the happier you are the more you‘ll achieve. And once the circle of happiness and achievement begins, it will only grow wider and wider, it never stops.


Learn to control what you can control and let me deal with what you can‘t control and be wise enough to know the difference. Spend a few minutes each day in a quite place where you can be alone and undisturbed; sit erect and comfortably for at least ten minutes and let your thoughts roam around your dream land, think about the things or people you love, think about those things you appreciate and are grateful for, do your best to remember the best moments you‘ve had in your life, especially with those people you love, if you focus with all your might, chances are they‘ll call, send an email, or make contact sooner or later, do it. You might find sitting still and focusing on these things extremely difficult or you might conquer with ease but this practice is of great


importance, do this preferably in the morning, it will put you in a positive state of mind for the day, feel the joy deep inside, smile and take ownership for your own happiness.


You may take this practice a step further and during this time use your imagination, see yourself with the good that you desire, close your eyes and wonder how you‘d feel if all that was already yours, feel the joy and observe henceforth your thoughts will nudge you in the right direction, the direction of wealth and happiness.


It is not the industry you‘re in that will determine your happiness because there are people in your industry that are happy and there are those that are not. Happiness is right beneath your worries just waiting for arousal, don‘t feel sorry

for yourself, that won‘t help.


There‘s absolutely no relationship between your happiness and circumstances unless you believe there is. So instead of being sad or feeling sorry for yourself, remind yourself that happiness is a choice, embrace the little things that make you happy and see yourself blossom with joy from inside out. The saying that money reveals a man‘s true colors isn‘t true, it‘s happiness that magnifies one‘s character, happiness does not build character, it reveals it.


Your happiness is not something you‘re going stumble upon along your journey of life, you were born with it but now you have to uncover it, uncover it like a diamond in the rough, and all your experiences will turn to be the polishing process. Fortunately most people get so pre-occupied in the polishing process that they lose sight of the main purpose: HAPPINESS. "He‘s missing the forest for the trees" is a well known saying meaning that a person can get so  caught up in the details at hand that he misses the main point. All the unhappy people fall into this trap when it comes to the main purpose of life. What is man‘s purpose here on earth? To be HAPPY! But what do they do instead? They focus on the details at hand- climbing the corporate ladder, accumulating wealth first, running children to every conceivable sporting event, participating in this or that committee. They‘ve lost the bigger picture.


Take a moment, take a harder look at your to-do list.


Is there anything on it that is meant to make you happy?


What can you cross off and exchange for something of real and lasting significance?


The purest ambition is to be HAPPY!


And if you‘re not happy, you can start being happy. Now!


So take your foot off that accelerator and relax.


The best part about starting this process now is that like a gold coin that you thought you had lost years ago, and find it at the back of a drawer while cleaning,  not only will the coin be beautiful as it once was, but you discover that it has become even more valuable than it used to be.




It is not going to be achieved or accomplished by any work you do but simply by choice.


Happiness, this greatest of study, is not the work of your hands but the work of your heart.


There are different phases when it comes to happiness, it‘s happiness in your marriage, happiness in your job, happiness in your finances, happiness in your relationships with your family, friends, colleagues, etc. But it all begins with being happy with yourself, each phase has a graduation ceremony. Be sure to meet me in each stage. I am the Universe.




A smile is infectious and happiness is contagious. This is a scientific fact: That happiness acts like a blessed disease, it can pass or spread from person to person through social encounters. On average, being a happy friend increases your friends‘ chance of being happy by nine percent!


Nobody wants to hang around people who are sad and depressed all the time or those people who are always complaining.


People want to surround  themselves with happy and positive individuals.


For instance: Close your eyes and for a few seconds think of one person you love right now, through the eyes of your mind look at your loved one‘s countenance. Go ahead and do it before you continue reading this.


I bet that person is either laughing or smiling in your imagination! And if not then their facial expression is a happy one. See? That‘s because love and happiness go hand in hand.


Being happy with yourself is loving yourself, that‘s the highest form of emotion. And one thing that all fascinating people have in common is that they‘re all in love with life. Those that come in contact with you will remember you for a very long time only if you are happy. Yes you can‘t make them remember you but people have a tendency to remember or miss a loving and a happy individual.


Where-ever you are, be really there. Give the person you‘re with the gift of attention, and let it be from a happy heart.


Just like on a summer day, when skies are blue and there are no clouds, when the heat is intense and the sun rays are scattered. That is, they have no particular focus. If one person in that kind of weather condition could use a broken root beer bottle or a microscope to focus those sun rays onto a paper, in seconds the paper will ignite. This is the power of focusing the gift of attention from a happy and loving heart to all those you meet. I, the Universe, I repeat myself. When something works, I use infinite variations of the theme.


The focus of the sun and the focus of your attention are two such variations of a natural law.


The scattered sun rays can be focused to increase its power and bless the receiver. The way you feel is extremely important in order to impact others in a positive way. Remember; to have a positive impact on others by the words you say, emotions must be involved because twenty percent of what you say carries with it eighty percent of how you feel about it and of more importance than that is the fact that people are more likely to remember how they felt when you said it than the exact words you said.


BE HAPPY, THINK POSITIVELY AND EXPECT THE BEST and others will know you as the best, your life will serve as an example and not a warning to the observers, men and women will take your words and with them they will remold their characters. Your life will be a central point were all come to refresh and recharge their powers. Your radiation will be so powerful that your presence alone will bring comfort to the troubled minds. With everyone you meet, sensations will be pleasant and the flow of life and energy will never cease. If you find yourself in an unfavorable situation, perhaps in prison, you may as well break down the walls and start a new religious movement. If perhaps you‘re sick or in hospital there‘s no need to refuse to be sick... just say yes to healing and see what happens... feel the health coming through your bones. With this massive power consciousness though, comes great responsibilities.


You cannot discover all this truth and your life remain the same, nothing will ever be the same again, ever. Nothing in this world of substance has any power over you. If you happen to die and find yourself in hell, then hell will never be the same again! This might sound controversial, but it‘s the truth.


Just stick to the basics, apply these fundamentals on a day to day basis, read this book everyday and do what it suggests, this system has been used effectively for centuries. It has never failed, not even once. All the powerful  leaders know this, it works like a charm and failure is impossible, all you need to do is know your powers and know how to use them. This is your season of breakthrough, yes, you‘re going to a whole new level, this here is what you‘ve been looking for.


You might have spent years in search of this simple truth, in philosophy and in religion.


Along the way you might have gotten discouraged and weary. At some point you might have thought you have found it, in some great teacher or some great book.


And here you are now, with this book in hand, still in hunger and not knowing where to go.


The same applies to the man or woman that has already felt the presence of that great truth within but is in need of confirmation.


This is it, You have arrived!!!


Lift your head up high, broaden those shoulders, take a deep breath and pat yourself in the shoulder, say this smoothly; "FINALLY"


Hold on and together let‘s have a ride of your life!!!!