From the Universe to You by Ofentse Motumi - HTML preview

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Human beings need no permission to think great thoughts and so there is no excuse for living a small or average life. You can be as great as you want to be no matter how or where you grew up or your present social status. You can grow up poor, under hardships and still go on to become great because you were born with a principle of greatness within you. Here are two men who both grew up in poor families in the same neighborhood and went to the same schools and both received the same education. While the other man becomes rich, the other remains poor for the rest of his life. It is nothing but the result of their thoughts. The one who becomes rich and great has made great and powerful thoughts a habit, people look at him and say he got lucky but that is not so. The one who went through life as a poor man simply continued with his poor thinking, people look at him and say luck has not been on his side but they have no idea that that‘s the life he created for himself.


The man who made good of his life and became rich has nothing to feel guilty or ashamed of when he‘s living in luxury and his friend is living in poverty. On the contrary, the man who got poverty-stricken should feel guilty and ashamed for not living up to his potential as a thinking being. And given that you‘re 'poor' and reading this, you can still turn your life around and get the most out of it by applying the simple principles of the power of your thoughts and this chapter will teach you how.


Emerson said when God lets loose a great thinker on this planet, then all things are at risk. There is not a piece of science but its flank may be turned tomorrow; nor any literary reputation or the so called eternal names of fame that may not be refused and condemned. Many people spend their lives studying other men‘s ideas and inventions that at the end of their lives they have done very little thinking of their own while others have dedicated a portion of their lives originating thoughts and seeking ways to bring new things into being. Others spend their time thinking, others spend their time reading. It is good and advisable to spend much time reading because that‘s one of the best ways you‘ll get to understand how the greatest minds in this world work but it is even of greater importance that you think for yourself. Do not be afraid to question a great man‘s philosophy because every expert was once an amateur. There‘s nothing wrong with being wrong. The man who originated a thought is like a sun and those who study his ideas are like moons around him.


One new great thought will lead to a string of new great thoughts and this is the only way that greatness begins. One small thought that‘s conceived in your  mind will also lead to a string of new small thoughts. By a great thought I mean a thought of great quality, a thought of more than average in value and not in quantity. And by a small thought I mean a thought of little degree and little importance. Of the two men I mentioned, it goes without saying that the man that got the most out of his life had great thoughts and the other man had small thoughts. Your destiny to greatness will only begin when you start to expand your thinking, when you start thinking greatly even of small things. The secret to success has always been known as to act, but a person who acts does not necessarily succeed, it is the one who acts in a great way even in small matters that will succeed.


Here is a story of a worker whose chore it was to climb to the top of a steep and pound five hundred nails into board he knew fully that nobody else would examine. He pounded four hundred and ninety nine nails as straight as arrows, then bent the last one. He could have called it quits and gone home, who‘d know the difference anyway? But he extracted the errand nail and banged in a new and straight one. Wouldn‘t you want the man of this kind of thinking to be your lawyer, accountant or doctor? Months later he was promoted to supervisor of the whole employ, a greater and a more important job came to him... asking to be done.


“Take  my  first  big  client,  my  first  big  break.  I  was  24  years  of  age  at  the time, long on guts and short on brains. I paid a call to Jim Gerity, a prominent Michigan broadcaster whose father and mine were the closest friends. Jim was roughly twice my age-and easily 100 times as smart. I can't  recall  exactly  how  I  broached  the  subject,  but  the  words  somehow stumbled out that my purpose was to talk with him about insurance. I recall Jim's  response  in  a  nutshell:  “If  five  years  down  the  road,  you're  still  in the  insurance  business,  come  back  and  see  me  and  we'd  have  that  talk”.


Five  years  later  ,  while  I  was  paying  a  courtesy  visit  to  Jim's  elderly  dad. Jim poked his head in the room, learned I was still in the insurance business and invited me to come and see him in a week. When I appeared as  directed,  Jim  called  in  an  associate,  Alt  Woltlee  and  informed  him,”I want  John  to  take  care  of  our  group  insurance”.  There  were  20 other agencies  competing  for  this  contract.  I'll  never  forget:  It  brought  me $13,800 in commission. I was admitted to the million-Dollar Round-table. A gift, to be sure-yet Jim had established the ground rule: he wanted to see if I was great enough to survive  five  years  in  a  tough  game”


-John Savage


Any person can have a vision but only the persistent will win because sometimes strength and wisdom are not sufficient, sometimes all that is needed is patience. The thing about success is that she often arrives so late that only freaks and the 'odd ones‘(the ones who continued believing) remain to greet her. But with the knowledge you‘re now equipping yourself with and having the understanding that your thoughts influence circumstances, you‘re already ahead of those who don‘t know this secret. With the proper application of this system, you‘re likely to be compared to the person traveling overseas on a private jet while your friend without this system is traveling on a boat. With this system, you‘ll be controlling and choosing your own circumstances as a puppet master controlling the puppet. You can never be the victim of effects if you know their causes.


Even if you can be sincere, honest and hardworking, you‘ll never become wealthy, happy and great if your thoughts are not in harmony with the spirit of the things you‘re seeking. If you wanted to call your friend you would not just punch in ten numbers on your phone and expect the call to go through, you must first dial in the numbers in the correct and orderly sequence. Sincerity, honesty and handwork can help you succeed but they must be applied in the right sequence and great thoughts must take the top spot if you‘re to succeed and become great. You must think in a great way and everything will automatically fall into its place. A million dollar idea will never be found in a thousand bucks mind. If you have a mentor or someone you really admire it‘s a good thing, but know that you can become greater than him/her. Don‘t make his/her thoughts your thoughts because the whole aim here is that you remain yourself and not lose who you are in the learning process.


Remember: The world does not need another Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teressa or Abraham Lincoln, one of each is enough, what the world needs is you.




Great thoughts will not fail to manifest through great personality. Your personality is directly linked to your thoughts. You can find a man that you know as great being responsible for smaller tasks but take a closer look at how he carries out his responsibilities, he does it in such a way that in a very short period of time more greater and larger tasks will come to him asking to be done. Your thoughts could your personality and your personality will put you on a frequency of the thoughts you hold powerfully in your mind, and when you get to  that frequency, all those things that are in harmony with that frequency will be attracted to you.


Begin to think of yourself as a success and believe it in your heart that it‘s true. If you‘re a singer then begin to think of yourself as a successful singer, hold the image of how you want your career to be in your mind and ways to get there will begin to unfold because the vision you hold and the faith that it‘s happening are the causes of all that‘s happening around you. You will find yourself walking and talking in a certain way. And as all this begins to influence your subconscious mind, your personality will change, then ways will emerge, the right people will be there to help you and you‘ll suddenly become the golden boy or girl of the industry, many will flock to befriend you. And no, don‘t ask yourself where were they when you needed them because that‘s not how the great think.


Great people know that that‘s not how it works out here. The Universe does not respond to your needs, it responds to your expectations. This world operates on a simple premise: I‘m interested as long as you can do something for me. You should rather admire the ruthless practicality of this world-you should understand exactly what you‘re dealing with, these are the rules of the game of life.


Those who apply these principles whether purposefully or accidentally will succeed; while those who do not do things in this particular way no matter how sincere, honest and hardworking they are, no matter their profession or how able they are, will remain average or poor.


If you‘re a writer for instance, use this technique of creative visualization. Write constantly and form a mental picture, see yourself as a successful writer, a personality of power, an advancing man or woman and begin to work toward the realization of your vision. Live every page of this book and your life will drift in the direction you want. This is not some 'magical‘ procedure that everything will come to you without any effort in your part. You hold the image of what you want with the faith to make it happen and see how the Universe will make it happen. The 'how‘ is not your department, simply hold the vision and do what can be done then the right people will be there to offer you assistance and the right ideas will come to you asking to be implemented into the world of form.


A young man who wants to become a practitioner cannot become one unless he goes through the proper channels to get there. But he should also hold the image of himself as a great practitioner if he wants to become great in his career. Let him see himself performing successful surgeries and running a very highly regarded practice and he will move beyond average. This is the razor edge difference between a practitioner and a great practitioner. There are  achievers and there are high achievers, this system is for those who want to become high achievers.


Without turning this chapter into a science paper, the basic premise of Quantum Physics is that you create reality by observing it. Everything is in motion and is in a constant state of vibration. Vibration is moving at a specific frequency. Since each person is made up of energy, your thoughts and feelings are being projected out from you at a certain frequency. This will more likely make sense when you‘re around really happy people, they‘re operating at a higher frequency than when you‘re around unhappy and sad people who are operating on a lower frequency. You should also realize that it‘s not much the work that is being done but the attitude of the people. When you get a bunch of entrepreneurs that are all working on different things but because they share a natural affinity towards passion and inspiration it‘s going to have an energy that you‘re not going to feel any place else.


Have you ever had a conversation with someone where you just couldn‘t stop talking with them or came away feeling totally charged up? That‘s because the person is operating at the same frequency as you. You can also achieve healing through your thoughts because your subconscious mind has control over your immune system and your hormonal and endocrine system which raises your vibration rate and puts you in sync with other elements of that higher vibrational rate, raising you above all sickness. Your subconscious knows how to make you feel better fast if you just send that instruction.


You already have experience with this but you might not have realized that it is a law of the Universe as relentless and powerful as the law of gravity. The phenomenon of receiving a phone call or accidentally running into someone you have just been thinking about is another example of this law. If your heart is set on going to a particular conference, or visiting an old friend in another town where you don‘t have the resources, and you believe so much in this that you can already see yourself there, things will shift. I can‘t say what it will be that will enable you to go to the conference or to see your friend, but something will happen that would seem illogical and magical if you thought about it ahead of time. However when it happens, you might think of it as 'good luck‘. Yet, it is really the laws of the Universe responding to your thoughts. My advice would be to book your flight. After that, inspiration will guide you. "Take the leap of faith and build your wings on the way down".


You might have experienced making a list of what you want in an apartment, or a house, or maybe a partner. Sometimes you might put specific personal preferences like wall scones or a view of a garden facing a certain direction, or a partner who like to read science fiction. And then you find the exact house or  apartment, or a partner who fits the most important requests and the most unusual little details. Have you had that kind of experience? It was a law of the Universe responding to your thoughts, and it‘s called the Law of Vibration or the Law of Attraction.


There exists an infinite ocean of thinking, it is at the core of the Universe, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean, or the Mind of God, or the Universal Mind. Everything that ever was, is or will ever be is contained in the Quantum Ocean. There is no time there, no past, present nor future. Only the NOW. There is no space or distance there, only the HERE. Therefore the Mind of God or the Quantum Ocean is an infinite point in the HERE-NOW. You live in two realities, your physical one and the Quantum Ocean one.


“I  want  to  understand  the  mind  of  God,  the  rest  are  just  details”


-Albert Einstein


“My  brain  is  only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength, inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets  of  this  core,  but  I  know  that  it  exists”


-Nikola Tesla


Inside the Quantum Ocean are define blueprints, or energy patterns or energy matrices that project onto the physical plane and become part of your reality, and if followed correctly, the man who follows them will hit the headlines... they always do, they all become the talk of the planet, he becomes what people call 'a genius‘.


To understand your relationship with this core you must know that every human being is surrounded by an aura, an aura is a particular feeling or atmosphere and because thoughts materialize, what you think, you attract out of the Quantum Ocean into your aura. In this sense, your aura is the energy field that connects you to both your physical reality and your blueprint in the Quantum Ocean. Everyone‘s blueprint for life is to expand consciousness of what is good, noble and desirable, to grow and become more aware of who and what you really are, but this depends on the consciousness of the individual because life is a constant stream of choices, it is a choice from the very beginning.




The real meaning of success has been misunderstood by many of those who desire to make something of their lives. You hear a young man say "I want to  become successful", you can become successful at robbing banks or you can become successful at writing, acting, inventing, etc. Many people tend to think of success as material wealth or the accumulation of money but money and wealth are not success unless it‘s what you wanted.


Success in life is getting what you want, be it a great career, a house, money or a mere pair of shoes. If you get what you want, that‘s success. It doesn‘t matter what you get, if it‘s what you wanted then that‘s success. So if success is getting what you want there must be something that triggers success and this means that success is an effect of a certain cause. The cause of success must always be the same, always.


By knowing the cause of success you can become massively powerful and you can get all that you want, anytime you choose.


Look at all the successful people in all industries, and by successful people I mean people who get what they want. And you will find that their success always has the same cause, and this particular cause can be found in you also. There‘s nothing that another person has achieved that you cannot achieve if you apply the same cause.


This cause cannot be environmental because you find the rich and the poor living side by side. And if environment was the cause of success, all the people who come or reside in certain areas would  all become successful while the rest of the world rots in failure. You can succeed anywhere at anytime when you discover the cause of success. Those who know this cause will soar above any kind of disaster and recessions, there are no limits to what the man who knows this secret can do. Hard work is not the cause of success or all slaves would be successful. Success is not an inheritance, anyone that wants to succeed can succeed because success is an effect of a certain cause.


The cause of success can only be traced as far back to the mind of the person that succeeded, no further than that. Ideas are the cause of wealth, power, influence and all you might want. All the wealthy and the really successful people had their wealth and success born from a single idea that was natured and loved until it became an unstoppable force.


There‘s no telling what a single person that is ready to implement their ideas can achieve.


To use Victor Hugo‘s words he said:


All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come. One resists the invasion of armies; one does not resist the invasion of ideas.


There are no boundaries, you can conceive an idea worth millions of dollars lying on your bed. Take a look around you right now, go ahead. Look around you right now and observe all that surrounds you. Everything you see around you was once an idea before it could be brought forth to the world of form. Everything, absolutely everything you see around you was once an idea and it made the person that implemented it rich.


If you use your mind, really use your mind, you cannot fail to succeed because the application of sufficient use of your mind cannot fail to produce a given affect, an effect we call success. If you fail in any way, it‘s because the cause (the use of mind) was either not sufficient or was not properly applied. The Laws of the Universe are perfect, faultless and completely reliable.


You carry in you the cause of success and you can develop this power to a limitless extent because there are no limits or boundaries to the human mind‘s power, those kind of boundaries do not exist.


Trees can only grow in one direction to a certain limited extent but you can become anything you choose to become, you can grow to a limitless extent.


There is no end to mental growth, you can increase the strength of this power indefinitely. You can always get better.


Have you ever seen a professional perform? Watching a professional perform is one of the most satisfying experiences in life. It makes no difference what the professional is doing; they fascinate you with their skill and precision.


Watch professional motor bikers, they leave you with your heart in your mouth as they go into some of their jumps and yet they land with ease. You would almost believe they were born with bikes.


Another example is that of a professional sales person, a sales person is like poetry in motion. They go through their presentation calm and confident, overcoming objections, leave with the sale in hand and you never even heard them close the sale. Professionals make it seem so easy but you may wonder how did they become so great? That question will be answer on the chapter of taking action but it‘s simply because they did the little things in a great way everyday.


What you must understand is that success has its throne on the subconscious mind. Once great thoughts are subconscious you‘re well on your way to greater things. Make it a habit to hold great thoughts and visions in your mind even when you‘re busy with you daily job. Success is a result of great predominant thoughts in your mind.


Say for instance you would like to raise a million dollars and at the end of the week you have not attained the desired amount, that can‘t be failure because you can still get it next week. So long as you‘re still working to get that million dollars, you have not failed. Failure is a decision to stop trying. Failure is a choice. What if Andre wants to go from point A to point B and at the end of the day he has not reached point B? Does that make him a failure? Absolutely not. The day he decides to quit on his goal then, and only then has he failed.


Take it from Thomas Edison when he said “I  didn't  fail,  I  just  found  ten thousand  ways  that  didn't  work”


You have not failed until an unsuccessful attempt has been accepted as a reality.




You‘re always going to have people that don‘t approve of your way of doing things, people who are going to end up hating you for no apparent reason and we will term them as 'enemies‘.


Your heart is too precious to hate and your mind too noble to wish anyone harm or accommodate worry. Hate and worry are misdirected energy, the energy that could be best used loving and manifesting the things you want. Why do you think Jesus advised his disciples to love even their enemies? That‘s because any man can love those who love him but it takes a man of power to love his enemies.


It‘s a call out of normalcy, a call to walk away from the majority.


Love your enemies and see what it‘s going to do to them; not long from now you‘re not going to be thinking of them, but they‘ll be hiding from you, all of them.


Your heart is meant to love and adore, to care and show kindness. Hating is like holding a burning coal and waiting for the right moment to strike your enemy. Love so much that hate can‘t stay in your heart. Replace hateful thoughts with thoughts of love by only focusing and thinking of those thing that you hold dear to you. When you begin to fall in love with life and love your thoughts you‘ve become powerful enough to make anything happen because the use of your  imagination is not going to attract the positive without the emotion of love. Without love, it‘s like having all the ingredients to bake bread but have no water.


How can you know if your thoughts are full of love? The best way to answer this question is probably to ask you the next question and that is how are you feeling? Your feelings are the response from the Universe letting you know if your thoughts are full of love or not.


Love brings everything together. The positive things in life can only come to you through love, love is attraction. At this very moment you‘re at a stage where you can stop asking for things from the Universe, you may not have them in your hands yet but all the things you want were attached to your name from birth, there are so many blessings that comes with just being you and you can‘t escape them because they‘re within you but the only way to claim all that is yours is to fill your heart with love.


Don‘t give away your power by hating anything... it‘s not worth it.


Fall in love with yourself as you are. Fall in love with life as it is. Fall in love with winter when it‘s winter, with summer when it‘s summer and with spring when it‘s spring. Not doing so will result in you repelling what is rightfully yours. You cannot change the seasons of life but you can learn how to deal with them when it‘s their time.


Hating winter is not going to stop winter from coming. Tearing it off from the calendar won‘t do the trick either. You must learn how to handle it.


For six thousand years of recorded history winter has been coming every year so by hating it you only destroy your chances of happiness in winter when it arrives. If you hate winter does that mean you‘re going to spend three months every year being miserable and unhappy? That would mean 12 years of unhappiness if you live another 50 years.


I‘m not talking about the weather, I‘m talking about those things in life that you can‘t change. Like the economy, the government, school system, your family, etc.


Learn how to love and master what you can‘t change and you will have mastered the seasons of life.


You‘re too important and too precious to spend a second being unhappy. Promise yourself that from now on you‘ll love like crazy and show love like it has never been shown before, only you can and no-one can do it like you will. You don‘t need to straighten the world, there‘s just so much to love in the world as it is. The  world might not be complete but it‘s perfect for what it is. Everything in the world is moving towards completion but it‘s perfect as it is. A broken and cracked glass is perfect in its own sense and although it‘s not complete, it‘s still perfect. You might not be exactly where you want to be right now, but for the kind of person that you are, you‘re perfectly situated and you‘re moving towards a complete life.


Nothing is wrong with your life, it‘s just not complete, yet.


Here is a young lady that once came to the author in tears and shattered saying that everything in her life was falling apart. She had lost her job, her husband had left her for someone else and no family or friend was anywhere to be found to help her. Creditors were calling and threatening to reposes all that she had and she was really devastated. All she wanted to know was why all these things were happening to her. The best response the author could give  was not hypocritical: "Well, lady. These kind of things always happen to people like you, but the good news is if you will change I can guarantee that everything else will also change"


Certain things happen to certain people. Whatever that may be happening in your life right now is not a coincidence or some mistake, there are no mistakes in the Universe. Those kind of things always happen to people like you. Nothing is new. What‘s happening to you happens to all those who think and act the way you do. If you will change your circumstances you must first change your thinking. If you will continue thinking the way you do then you will continue getting the results you‘ve always got.


Everything that‘s happening to you is meant to happen to anyone that thinks the way you do. If you want a complete life then fall in love with life as it is, fall in love with who you are and move towards a complete life. For the people of the past who didn‘t have the technology and resources that you now