From the Universe to You by Ofentse Motumi - HTML preview

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There is nothing as real as the thoughts in your mind, the only thing your mind can do is think and nothing else. An active mind is a thinking mind, therefore thought is mind in motion and circumstances are thought in action. All you see around you is powerless, inert and passive. Only the mind  carries power and energy and so we can conclude that the only thing that controls and shapes circumstances is the mind. All circumstances and matter are the expression of thought, although thought obeys and operates under definite Universal laws, it can set in motion these laws, it is important that you learn these laws and do your best to master them if you‘re to use your thoughts to constructively transform your life. Since all things around you take their form from your mind, it‘s quite obvious that if your mind carries a powerful vision then your circumstances will keep drifting in the direction of your vision.


You can originate thought in your mind and create for yourself the life you want to live, this has been the only way to create a fortune and a lifestyle others only wish to live. Although you cannot inherit thought, you can let your surroundings influence the way you think therefore leading to a chain of unfortunate events your ancestors went through, or you can build your vision from your imagination and thus live a life that you want to live. Your duty is to build your ideal lifestyle in your mind, make it the way you want it to be, make it cheerful, luxurious and beautiful, no-one can cause you to think what you don‘t want to think and that‘s the best part of it. You must desire this kind of lifestyle with all your heart, all the greatest inventions you see around you have their origin in the human mind, there‘s no denying this fact... imagine being the creator of your own destiny, is it not worthwhile to make the effort?


The source of wealth and happiness is from within, all the things you will ever have in your life are those things which you have the capacity and faith to attract, your lifestyle can never exceed your vision though you live under an unlimited supply.


The wind is air in motion, thought is mind in motion. Having implemented the exercise in chapter one then I believe your imagination ability has improved and now you‘re to focus  precisely on what you want, this one thing is to be your vision of the future, let your focus be on one thing that will be your definite goal, focus on the end results you wish to attain. Hold the picture in your mind and make it clear, think often of it with as much emotion as you can master, remember that this power can only be unleashed through constant use and practice. You may even carry a picture that will stimulate your emotions all  the time, that single idea might be worth millions of dollars so make the pattern clear and make it beautiful, don‘t doubt, make it grand. The only limits are the ones that you‘ll set in your mind, remember; the Universal supply can never be exhausted. It has to be in your vision before you can get there in person. As a young man Warren Buffet always knew this secret:” I  always  knew  I  was  going to  be  rich.  I  don't  think  I  ever  doubted  it  for  a  minute”, how exactly did he know this for sure?, the vision a man carries is his crystal ball into the future, and your vision is your crystal ball.


Your vision is the seed and the idealization will be your harvest, let your vision be complete, see the details, and ways to manifest this vision will begin to unfold, concentrate with all your might on that which you want and you will come to know how your future will be like.


The architect visualizes his building before it hits the paper or the ground, the inventor visualizes his idea before getting to work on it, visualize your conditions as you want them my friend.


Coming from the human tongue, no one has said it better than James Allen when he said: Your circumstances may be uncongenial, but they shall not remain so if you only perceive an ideal and strive to reach it. You can‘t travel within and stand still without. Here is a youth, hard pressed by poverty and labor. Confined long hours in an unhealthy workshop; unschooled and lacking all the arts of refinement. But he dreams of better things. He thinks of intelligence, of refinement, of grace and beauty. He conceives of, mentally builds up, an ideal condition of life. The wider liberty and larger scope takes possession of him; unrest urges him to action, and he uses all his spare time and means to the development of his latent powers and resources. Very soon so altered has his mind become that the workshop can no longer hold him. It has  become so out of harmony with his mind-set that it falls out of his life as a garment is cast aside. And with the growth of opportunities that fit the scope of his expanding powers, he passes out of it altogether. Years later we see this youth as a grown man. We find him a master of certain forces of the mind that he wields with worldwide influence and almost unequaled power. In his hands he holds the cords of gigantic responsibilities; he speaks and lives are changed; men and women hang upon his words and remold their characters. Sun-like, he becomes the fixed and luminous center around which innumerable destinies revolve. He has become the vision of his youth. He has become one with his ideal.


And you too, youthful reader will realize the vision (not just idle wish) of your heart, be it base or beautiful, or a mixture of both. For you will always gravitate toward that which you, secretly, most love. Into your hands will be placed the exact result of your own thought.


You will be what you will to be, no matter what comes your way.




Jeanette Sassoon was living in Los Angeles, CA, married to world famous hair designer Vidal Sassoon, moving with glamorous entertainment crowd, and frequenting the places to be seen. She also pursued her lifelong love and passion for horses, owning several, and taking instruction in the classical equestrian discipline of dressage, a ballet on horseback requiring the ultimate communication between horse and the rider. She decided to breed her mare and stallion with the hopes of their offspring becoming competitive dressage horse.


The colt that came from this pairing was skinny, frisky, and highly intelligent. She named him Valiant, and he was as beautiful and high spirited as she‘d ever hoped. But soon after Valiant was born, Jeanette‘s life took a sudden turn. She and her husband were divorced, she left L.A. moving to Florida, and began a serious training career with her horses eventually becoming a grand prix trainer, competitors and running a successful horse farm operation.


At six years old, Valiant was working on the first levels of dressage. But one day, on his way to the dressage arena, he stepped on a horse shoe nail. The puncture wound on the bottom of his hoof was quickly cleaned and treated, and the horse was given penicillin. Within a day, horrible obsesses became visible where the shots were administered on both sides on Valiant‘s neck. A voracious infection was raging inside him. Jeanette had to work around the clock, literally giving him treatments every hour of the day and night, to keep him alive. She noticed Valiant‘s eyes becoming cloudy and eventually opaque white. Valiant was diagnosed with an extreme form of uveitis, or moon blindness. He was loosing his sight rapidly, and the best veterinarians on the planet could not help him.


The prognosis for Valiant was blindness. Jeanette was given a choice, she could put the horse out in a pasture without any trees the rest of his life or she could put him down. She made her decision quickly from her heart. Valiant would live, be trained and she would see he had a good quality of life. She knew then and there she had made a commitment to the horse for life. She didn‘t know how she was going to do it as there were no books or people to help her. It was the beginning of a journey that took them further than even she could have imagined.


She put herself in Valiant‘s place, becoming sensitive to his feeling and body language. She taught him to become aware of his surroundings, using a stick to help him walk in a straight line, and cans strung in his stall so he could hear  sounds and know the boundaries around him. He had to relearn even the most basic skills all over again in total darkness. After a couple of years retraining him, she finally got the courage to get on Valiant‘s back. The horse immediately stumbled to his knees but Jeanette was able to rebalance the horse to his feet. That was the beginning of a new level of trust between them.


Jeanette spent part of the time in Wyoming and soon Valiant enjoyed being a trail horse, riding the mountains and crossing the rivers. Jeanette felt that her original dream for Valiant could become a reality. He could become a dressage horse... a very good dressage horse. It seemed crazy, but she had already put in thousands of training hours, shed thousands of tears, and whispered thousands of prayers. It would be a new challenge, but she knew in her heart it could be done.


The training began. It was slow. It was difficult. But for years after first getting on Valiant‘s back, Jeanette was entered in their first competition, a fourth level dressage test. They wouldn‘t win that day, but Jeanette would clearly see to her dismay how others saw her and Valiant. She couldn‘t believe the effect he had on people, they were an amazing pair, and what they‘d achieved evoked emotions of awe, disbelief, and respect. Many just broke down and wept.


By the end of his first season Valiant had won his first competition. Over the years, more and more people were exposed to this incredible horse and his magnificent achievement. Jeanette and Valiant were even invited to give a special freestyle performance at the world cup in Miami performance at the Festival of Champions at the United States Equestrian Team headquarters in Gladstone, New Jersey. Even though they only had two weeks to prepare, it was an emotional performance that many there will never forget. Jeanette has since developed the "Valiant Method" of horse training. It is grounded in the values she learned from Valiant: trust, kindness, loyalty, determination, courage, truth, patience and above all, unconditional love.


Without faith in her vision Jeanette would not have trained Valiant, neither would she have entered the competition and her life would not have inspired anyone. Now you my friend, it‘s your turn, be like a postage stamp that sticks to the envelope until it reaches its destination, you should stick to your vision until you step on your promised land. Hard work is essential and that goes without saying but your imagination and vision are more important and that‘s where the science of great achievement lies. The world is full of people that work hard and yet they have very little or nothing to show for it and if I may say... slaves work hard and yet they remain poor. You need more than handwork to achieve your dreams and that is creative thinking and a firm belief in your vision, your works  and hands are meant to assist your brain... not the other way round. It is said that from the neck down a man is worth $12, front the neck up he decides for himself. Wherever you are, whoever you are and whatever you may be following as an occupation, there is room for you to grow and go to greater heights and that is by developing and using the art of creative visualization.


You can choose to gain personal knowledge and experience by failing and learning from your failures or by assimilating the knowledge gained through experience by those who have been through it all. Only if you‘re a serious person and are willing to dedicate at least a portion of your time to the business of succeeding in life will you use creative visualization, other than that, there is no any other science behind wealth accumulation. With the use of this system, when in harmony with the infinite, it is where then the master plan will appear, the doors that have been shut will begin to open. All the lights will turn green. Ideas will flock in your mind, ideas that will revolutionize your life... they will come to you and the right people will be there to help you through. Have a definite major purpose and write it down in one paragraph, this will be your purpose in life. After the death of one of the greatest philanthropist of all time, Andrew Carnegie, a note with his definite purpose in life was found: "To spend half my life making as much money as possible and the second half giving it all away".


Challenge yourself to produce more ideas than you can use for yourself so that you can share and give them away. Produce more in terms of substance and money and treasure and all things that will be valuable to all those that surround you, far more than you can use for yourself. There‘s a story of a man who built the big earth moving machines; it was his goal to someday give away 90% of his income. Giving away far more than anyone could possibly imagine. 90% is an awful lot to give away, but you should have seen the 10% that was left.


Once abundance starts to come, once someone becomes massively productive, it‘s amazing what the numbers turn out to be. It‘s amazing what it finally totals. So make sure when you have the opportunity, that you turn your response into results and become more fruitful and more giving.


Your vision will become a magnet, it will attract all you need for it to materialize. Nobody is going to eat for you, dream for you, act for you, or think for you, you‘re the only one that can set these powerful and infinite forces in motion. Understand this: Your imagination is like electricity, it‘s meant to serve and simplify your life but it can also be hideously catastrophic when used without caution, forget about the "hows", that‘s not your department and you‘ll only waste your time trying to figure them out, your duty is to hold the vision of yourself inside the life of your dreams, the rest is up to the Universe, the rest is up to me. Imagine if you had to make a plant sprout? It would keep you up all  night trying to figure out how that could be done but you know what‘s amazing? You job is to plant the seed and water the ground and the soil will do the magic. All you need to do is imagine with faith, doing all you can do and the Universe will take care of the rest, and it shall come to pass. In the eyes of the Universe, you‘re the only human being alive, pretty cool huh?


Life is unfair? You‘re right! In a sense that you hold all the cards, have the entire Universe on your side and for the fact that all it takes is a thought to manifest what you want, wondering how many guardian angels you‘ve got? all of them... they insisted. Soon it‘ll be clear: you had enough time, you weren‘t alone, and all in the unseen worked double-time to make possible the time of your life. God designed the Universe for it to work in your favor and when you tough it out and stay the course, there‘ll come a day when you look back and seriously wonder what all the fuss was about. Just do what you can with what‘s been placed before you on a daily basis and leave "spectacular" to the Universe... okay?


Your presence makes the world a better place, day by day and when you pass to the other side, we will be rocking with you!


No matter what happens today or any other given day, the sun will always rise, birds will continue to sing and you‘ll have another chance to love again, you have billions of last chances stored up, just for you. It is understandably human nature to think that this is too much to digest, until you stop seeing yourself as just human and by the way, whatever activity you‘re going to engage in from now on, do it to the best of your ability, as if it was all that mattered because while you‘re doing it, it will be.


There are so many people you know nothing of, people you‘ve never seen or heard of, who know of you through your friends and acquaintances, that your life has inspired.


And when you feel low, like your wings have been clipped, maybe there‘s more to learn where you are. Maybe not. You decide.


When the time is right things will begin to change, but you decide when‘s the right time... the ball is in your court.


Wherever you go, you are the eyes and ears of the Universe, seeing and hearing what could not otherwise be seen or heard... I love you so much, we love you to bits. Everyone here is a giant, everyone is powerful, everyone is trying, everyone is learning, everyone is worthy, everyone is loved, and everyone loves you... everyone is me, the Universe... and I, is you. OK, I am you.


In your wildest dreams, did you ever expect it would all be so real? Yeah, it‘s all real.




A brief story of two sisters with a long awaited dream


(by Victoria Phelps, as courtesy of Bob Proctor)


It was a Sunday afternoon and my sister Hollie and I got cozy on the sofa to watch Dr Wayne Dyers movie 'The Shift‘. We were both smuggled and enjoying the inspiration. Soon into the film Wayne began telling the story of a Russian guy who, on his deathbed, was reflecting back on his life and questioned if maybe he had got his whole life wrong. This story had an impact on Wayne, so he wrote a note to himself which said 'Wayne, don‘t die with your music still inside of you‘. I took a deep breath as these words echoed; they pulled on my heart and instantly my eyes filled with tears, I paused, wondering what may be going on through my sister's mind. I turned to look at her and she sat with her head in her hands.


Dr Wayne Dyer didn‘t mean 'music‘ as literal of course, he was referring to not dying with his dreams, passions and purpose, still inside of him. However for my sister, it was literal.


Ten years previous, Hollie had been asked to sing at a private event for His Royal Highness Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales. She performed for him acoustically and with a band. Then after he had left, one of his organizers came up to Hollie and said that Prince Charles had said 'The young lady Hollie Barrie has a fantastic talent and somebody needs to discover her‘ and since that day, his words have rung in Hollie‘s ears, and everyday since she has dreamed and longed to be 'discovered‘ and have her songs heard at an international level. After ten years of chasing this dream it still hadn‘t yet been fulfilled as Hollie had hoped. Once we had finished watching the DVD Hollie and I chatted about our journey and our frustrations and I promised my little sister that I would help her all that I could. I‘ve always loved a success story, how someone with nothing more than a dream and determination has created all of their desires and I wanted this for my sister as much as she did. Of course I had no idea how I was going to help, as we had already been pursuing this dream for some years but in my heart I believed that any dream is possible.


The very next day after watching The Shift DVD and promising my sister that I will help her, I set to work by reading up on success and I came across a  document which introduced the idea of creating your dreams and your ideal life by acting from inspiration and working with the Universal Laws. I‘d never heard of this concept before, up until this point the advice for getting what you want had always been 'do more than anyone else‘, 'work harder than everyone also‘, 'look after yourself first, get there before they do‘. And yet this document was suggesting that you create your ideal life from inspiration, energy, beliefs, thoughts and feelings.


I delved into this further, studying at a certified level on subjects such as self- esteem and the Universal Laws. Self esteem deals with everything, from our grades at school to happiness, personal relationships, and our annual income. Our self image, self love, self value and self worth create our self esteem and they will each contribute to creating our dreams or not, because they determine our level of confidence, personal power and self belief. Understanding the Universal Laws is understanding to work with life‘s magic to turn your wishes into reality. It‘s having an awareness that everything is energy, it‘s getting clear on your true purpose and it‘s living and acting from inspiration rather than motivation.


Everything I learned I shared with my sister, each day doing something to increase her self esteem and take inspired action. It wasn‘t an overnight transition, it takes time to switch from acting out of inspiration instead of motivation but a little encouragement and support each day has been key to staying focused and listening to the heart‘s desire.


After a few months Hollie was closer to living her dream than she had been in the previous ten years. She was approached by as successful manager who wanted to represent her, they then signed contracts with one of the entertainment agent who represents some of the biggest artists around the world and she began to perform more regularly. As her confidence grew and her music was being heard, producers were agreeing to work with her for free as they wanted to be part of the vision. She began to blossom as she spent more time in the studio creating songs with other musicians.


From a young age my parents drilled into my sister and I the importance of enjoying life and following your dreams. Sometimes I would go to the recording studio with Hollie and it was fabulous to see her excited and enjoying herself and it would make me come alive also. Not because I have any ambition to become a singer myself (I certainly wasn‘t blessed with any talent in that area) but because  there is something very empowering and contagious about being in the presence of someone who spends their time doing what they love and fulfilling their purpose.


It has been so wonderful to see Hollie‘s dream unfold. As she became better at listening at her heart‘s desire, her vision began to change as to how she wanted to fulfill her purpose as a singer. When you work from inspiration you enter into a new level of creativity. Hollie‘s writing skills evolved and songs started to flow out of her, she was constructing and producing songs with ease and soon her first album was complete, and she became contracted to write songs for other artists, TV and films.


That‘s the thing with creating your life and dreams out of inspiration, your dreams come to be bigger and more beautiful than you can ever imagine.


If you‘re ready to see your dreams unfold, whether that be to fulfill your purpose, start a business, create financial freedom, travel the world or just be happy, Victoria Phelps would recommend that you first become mindful of your thoughts because what you think, you become. For every happy and successful person, you will always find a mind abundant with empowering thoughts. What you think will determine your destiny, so make sure that your thoughts support the dream you dream.


Life is meant to be abundant, and you know, my friend, you‘ve been blessed with a great number of gifts, your insights, good taste and 'savoir-faire‘. Friends who adore you, elements that support you, and spiritual laws that serve you. Yet, in my book at least, what really takes the cake, is that you get to be you. The Universe had to pull a few strings. If you had only seen the audition line, you‘d know exactly what I‘m talking about.


If you understood the extraordinary gifts every challenge makes possible, you‘d celebrate them as omens of new beginnings, just stop looking exclusively for results and embrace the journey and the results will arrive much faster, they‘re bound to.


There are no finish lines in life, yet perpetually seeking them serves only to remind you of what‘s missing, reinforcing the imagined lack.


Don‘t you ever give up, don‘t ever settle for less, during those illusional tough times, the only danger you can ever face is to give up or settle for less. The day has arrived when you‘ll look back in total awe and be amazed at the distance covered, the perils faced, and the heights attained.


Of course it‘s hard at first. You‘re going where you‘ve never gone, remember? Everything, absolutely everything you‘ve ever wanted lies within reach, you‘re already a legend. Miracles are just hanging around, waiting for you to call, write or show up.


Your thoughts are profound. When you move, the Universe moves. When you reach, the Universe reaches. When you stretch, the Universe stretches, but always, you must go first and I‘ll follow because the power is in you and I can‘t move on your behalf.


Your gifts are innumerable. You were born prequalified to rock the world. Your angels are prouder than you could ever know. Your choices are endless. Your power is indescribable, you‘re a giant.


Bear in mind: not yesterday or today foretells tomorrow, for they never have. Only you can do that. Not fate, God, love, karma, contracts, destiny, stars, tea leaves, or moons rising can make a dream come true... that‘s what you‘re meant to do, do you have any idea how many souls in the unseen wish they could be in your shoes? To them, it‘s like everyday is your birthday.


Below is a creed written specially for you, besides the fact that it‘s true it‘s also meant to remind you of who you truly are. Read it every morning and every night before you go to bed, internalize it and make it a part of you. Affirm it and believe it and let it sink into your subconscious mind:


Everything I touch turns to gold


My power is infinite


I'm  huge  in  the  unseen I'm  a  bundle  of  success


Abundance is my birthright


I'm  a  promise  that  has  come  true


All things work in my favor


Love surrounds me


Opportunities are all around me


I'  enthusiastic


I'm  prepared  to  listen  and  learn  from  the  infinite


I only have one life- I will live it to the full.




Congratulations:  You  are  now  officially  the  person  you  once  dreamed  you'd

become, yet the dream continues...


“Bright, brilliant ideas all start exactly the same way-with a tiny glimmer of thought that is natured, crafted and in most cases loved-until it becomes an unstoppable plan”