Homeless by Gods Design by James OKeefe - HTML preview

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Chapter 3

“When You Leave, I Will Tell You Where You Are Going!”

Jim Shares… Our story Begins…

Over thirty years ago Janie and I determined to live our lives in obedience to a loving, heavenly Father. In the book of Job in the Bible there is a verse that says, “If I wash myself with snow water and make myself ever so clean; yet shall you plunge me in the ditch and my own clothes shall abhor me.”1God is not as interested in our outward appearances as He is with our inward character. So, when yahushua (Jesus) said, “Take up your cross ‘daily’ and follow me,”2He was really saying, let me introduce you to my different ditches that I have designed for your personal training. It’s like a boot-camp obstacle course, but it’s the LORD’s boot-camp!

About 16 years after beginning our walk of faith, God set the stage for us to leave the comforts of home and venture out across America. Nothing would be served in rehearsing any of the circumstances that led to our decision to leave the coast. Even as we look back today, we realize that Divine Providence had an active hand in our decisions then as well as today. We have come to realize that sometimes storms arise, forcing changes within our prearranged plans, thus allowing YAHUAH to move us to another place in order to acomplish His greater purpose in our lives. We as humans avoid change and situations that introduce us to risk. Therefore, we are quick to seek and find a comfort zone in order to re-establish a familiar pattern of existence instead of being willing to live on the razor’s edge of life, walking with and trusting God by faith day by day.

After months of preparation and an earlier failed attempt to leave the security of our home, our nest was again being stirred, and we knew that the time had finally arrived. One morning as I was awakening, I heard the words, “When you leave, I will tell you where you are going.” This was certainly a new step and level of faith, but never-the-less one we were committed to make. Through many confirming signs and wonders God had already put His seal on our mission. At that time we did not understand any of the reasons God had for uprooting our family, therefore we had to rely on the scripture that says, “Lean not to your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.”3