Homeless by Gods Design by James OKeefe - HTML preview

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Chapter 21

Pray & Not Faint

“And He spoke a parable to them (to this end), that men ought always to pray and not to faint.”1

Before leaving the Coast, I had already been introduced to staying up through the night and praying in order to rightly discern the will and direction of the LORD. As with Glenn, we were with the Wallers for two weeks to the day. Almost every other night the Holy Spirit would beckon me to stay up and pray through the night. The pressure was great, because we knew that we were not wanted there; our hands were tied, and we did not know what to do. We do not fault the Wallers or Glenn in any way. We realized that the problems had come because no one had discussed the details of the arrangements with us or among themselves prior to this move. The Wallers were helping us as an accommodation to Glenn on a short notice basis. I think it was an uncomfortable arrangement for everyone. We were anxious to see what the LORD had next; always looking for the piece of the puzzle that would make sense with this excursion.

Married men, please pay attention to what I am about to say! No matter how tense the times get or how hopeless they appear, please settle it in your heart of hearts right now that the Holy Spirit will often direct you through things your wife suggests, even seemingly crazy things. The absolute last thing I wanted to do was to put out a newsletter to family and friends to let them know where we were and what was going on. I felt like a complete failure, yet one week after being at the Wallers, my wife suggested that I should mail a newsletter. There I was, Computer 101. I bowed my neck, prepared a newsletter, and sent it out. I was overwhelmed at those who answered and returned an offering. In the newsletter I did not mention our financial need, but only informed them (family and friends) of where we were and that we were committed to following the LORD in all of His directions.

Shortly after we mailed the newsletter, a number of checks started arriving from some family members and friends in response. The awesome thing about the response was that it came from those we did not expect to hear from. God was directing and people were responding and all in the nick of time. To God be the Glory, and many thanks to family and friends for their faithfulness. So husband, listen to your wife’s advice and be certain to consider that her suggestions may come from the LORD. Our Heavenly Father seeks after a humble and contrite spirit that He may convey His will, purpose, and plan. He will not allow us to choose the means by which He communicates.

Sometimes I would have the direction, other times my wife, and then sometimes God would use another person saying something that would ultimately help me to know the way the LORD was leading us. Always keep your spiritual ears and eyes open, tuned to receiving directions in unanticipated ways. The LORD seems to love directing our lives in ways that contradict natural deductible solutions.