Homeless by Gods Design by James OKeefe - HTML preview

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Chapter 22

Humbling Situations

During our stay at the Waller’s home, a number of important things happened that enabled the LORD to direct us in His plan. On the first Sunday there we attended a local church that was looking for a new pastor. We met with one of the men on the search committee and were invited to church and lunch on the grounds. After attending the church, we felt quite certain that there was no seriousness about this gentleman. We had never been introduced to search committees before, but we soon realized that this church had a lot of “politics”. The church had an empty house, and we asked if we could possibly stay there until a pastor was chosen. Of course there was no possible way, so we went back to prayer and to the Waller’s.

Here I’ll note that there was one beautiful occurrence while staying with the Wallers. A gentleman named Cliff that I had met after arriving in Lawson came by and gave me $50. At the time I had only a few dollars left to my name. My heart was so touched, and I was deeply appreciative for the kindness that he showed me. I had never been in this type of situation before and having to be on the receiving end opened up a total new realm of understanding within my heart. It allowed me to learn how people feel while on the receiving end by having experienced a real position of need myself. There is a great lesson in charity here. When a person feels led of God to give someone some money, food or help, regardless of the size of the gift, he should not fail to give it. We never know when our obedience equates to “life” to those who receive it. When Cliff gave me $50.00, it was as if I had won the lottery! I was so thankful and appreciative. Also, although Janie and I had always been givers, opening our home and wallets to people in need, we found it hard to personally receive from others. We now believe it was needful for us to have this experience so that we could open up new streams of compassion and understanding as true ministers for Yahushua (Jesus).

When someone is in need, we as ministers should never make anyone feel inferior or below us simply because we have something that they do not. We should be quick to wash the feet of the saints, or should I say, minister freely to the needs of the saints, because our reward comes from the LORD, and not from our feelings of doing good for someone in need. But for the grace of God, as we saw firsthand, the tables can be reversed in a moment. We have learned through this experience to always consider how we give help, and give it in a way that will not cause any form of embarrassment. A human soul is precious, even to such a degree that our LORD died on a tree at the hands of tormentors in order to purchase that soul for all eternity. He was humiliated, whipped, and scorned for each of us, and we should always maintain an attitude of humility. Scripture says, “Man in his best state is altogether vanity (nothing).”1Let none of us despise and count for nothing the poor among us. “Blessed [is] he that considers the poor: the LORD will deliver him in time of trouble.”2