Homeless by Gods Design by James OKeefe - HTML preview

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Chapter 24

The Olive Branch Church

It was our fourth Sunday in Lawson, Kansas, and our second week at the Waller’s home as drove up to the beautiful new Olive Branch Church. Our family of seven, dressed in our Sunday best, entered the busy church lobby. The membership was 300 to 400, the lobby packed, and the service ready to begin. We first met one of the elders as he was greeting people at the door. His friendliness greatly enriched us. Carl was his name. We spoke briefly with him and then entered the service. The worship was rich and powerful; it made us feel right at home. Then it happened! “Janie, do you hear it?” “Hear what?” she said: “That song! That is the same song our friend gave us before leaving the coast. Freely, Freely You Have Received, Freely, Freely Give.1 Janie, could this be where we are to go to church? Is this the place? Do you think they sing that song regularly?” My mind was racing with all of the possibilities. The people were friendly and seemed to love the LORD. Our inquisitive spirits started to revive. We still had thousands of questions, but this seemed to be a powerful confirmation and a tremendous advance. We spoke with various members as we were leaving. We were truly excited! “Is this the place?” I kept asking myself.

Sunday evening we decided to go back. Again, we were royally blessed. We discovered during the evening service that instead of following a set format, the church waited on the LORD to see the direction the Holy Spirit would lead. There was a time of worship where various members in the congregation would start songs they desired to sing and then the rest of the members would join in. At the front of the church was a microphone, which was open to anyone that wanted to share a word or a song. At this time I felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to go up front and share a brief testimony concerning the happenings of our trip up to that point. So I stepped out by faith and went forward to the microphone. I shared about leaving Biloxi on a missionary journey and about how the LORD brought us to Lawson, Kansas. I commented on the morning service and on their selection of the song, Freely, Freely you have Received, Freely, Freely Give,1 and how that song was given to me prior to leaving the Gulf Coast. I shared how the other word I had been given, about going 1000 miles away from home, was fulfilled because Lawson was 960 miles from Biloxi. I expressed how my wife and I were blessed by the friendliness of the members and how we hoped that this was where the LORD was truly leading us to attend church.

Two things happened after I shared at the microphone. First, a gentleman named Mr. Cromwell offered his home to my family to help us while we were in transition. Giving full consideration to where we were staying, this was a mighty miracle! Second, a lady approached me and was quick to inform me that she had felt led over and over again during the evening service to sing, Freely, Freely You Have Received, Freely, Freely Give,1 but did not step out in faith. I asked her if this was a common song for the church, and she said it had been quite awhile since they had sung it, that it was not one of their regular selections. So again, God was confirming His leadership and direction. Glory to His Name, something was finally starting to make sense!